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Part not showing up in VAB?

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This has probably been answered tons of times but I can't find the solution, so, how come my part isn't showing up in the VAB?

Here's the part in Unity. (I know, the fairing is in the wrong position, I did that so you can see the engine. The nozzle on the bottom is named ThrustTransform and the base of the engine is called private, the name of the engine.)


Here's the code:

name = liquidEnginePrivate
module = Part
author = SmashingKirby148
mesh = model.mu
scale = 1.0
node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
fx_exhaustFlame_blue_small = 0.0, -21.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -21.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -21.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
sound_vent_medium = engage
sound_rocket_hard = running
sound_vent_soft = disengage
sound_explosion_low = flameout
TechRequired = advRocketry
entryCost = 2000
cost = 500
category = Engine
subcategory = 0
title = LV-500 "Private" Liquid Fuel Engine
manufacturer = Frozen Technologies
description = The 500 model is an engine where in the case of someone needing more thrust for their crafts, but the LVT-30/45 is too powerful and the LV-909 is too weak, this engine is the perfect middle!
attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
mass = 0.75
// heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default
skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
emissiveConstant = 0.8 // engine nozzles are good at radiating.
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 7
maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600
bulkheadProfiles = size1
name = ModuleEngines
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 100
heatProduction = 120
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.21
EngineType = LiquidFuel
name = LiquidFuel
ratio = 0.9
DrawGauge = True
name = Oxidizer
ratio = 1.1
key = 0 345
key = 1 85
key = 3 0.001
name = ModuleGimbal
gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform
gimbalRange = 2
name = ModuleJettison
jettisonName = fairing
bottomNodeName = bottom
isFairing = True
jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
jettisonForce = 5
jettisonDirection = 0 0 1
name = ModuleTestSubject
environments = 15
useStaging = True
useEvent = False
name = ModuleSurfaceFX
thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
fxMax = 0.3
maxDistance = 30
falloff = 1.7
thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
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Did you name the part "model" in Unity? If you reference "model.mu" in the .cfg file and your part was named something else in Unity, the game won't know what to load. In the partTools section where you select "Model Name", "File URL" and "Texture Format", what did you put in the "Model Name" slot? The name you put there is the name you need to reference in "mesh = ....." section in the .cfg file.

Also, if you named your engine nozzle "thrustTransform", make sure the nozzles orientation is -z. If not, the thrust will go straight up. Most people use a separate GameObject/Empty as a thrustTransform.
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[quote name='fairy']Did you name the part "model" in Unity? If you reference "model.mu" in the .cfg file and your part was named something else in Unity, the game won't know what to load. In the partTools section where you select "Model Name", "File URL" and "Texture Format", what did you put in the "Model Name" slot? The name you put there is the name you need to reference in "mesh = ....." section in the .cfg file.

Also, if you named your engine nozzle "thrustTransform", make sure the nozzles orientation is -z. If not, the thrust will go straight up. Most people use a separate GameObject/Empty as a thrustTransform.[/QUOTE]

The exported model is called "model" and it is a .mu file. In the config it's model.mu. Does it need the mu bit at the end?

As for the nozzle, I think it's grand. If the blue arrow is pointing down, that's where people told me the thrust will go. And for RCS, you need to have the green arrow pointing in the right direction. The reason why the nozzle is named that is because it allows the nozzle to gimbal.
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[quote name='SmashingKirby148']The exported model is called "model" and it is a .mu file. In the config it's model.mu. Does it need the mu bit at the end?

As for the nozzle, I think it's grand. If the blue arrow is pointing down, that's where people told me the thrust will go. And for RCS, you need to have the green arrow pointing in the right direction. The reason why the nozzle is named that is because it allows the nozzle to gimbal.[/QUOTE]

The Squad way of writing configs is to add the .mu at the end. You can reference the models in a couple of different ways, some requiring the .mu extention and some doesn't. The way you did it looks fine to me. I can't see anything wrong with the config at first glance. As long as you reference the part by the name you gave it in Unity it should load. And by "the name you gave it in Unity", I mean "Model Name", not the name of the model in the hierarchy.

Maybe export it again, or do the Unity stuff again (create GameObject, add the model, apply texture, etc) and hit "write" again. I've had it happen once or twice where I do what needs to be done and hit "Write" but the part won't load. So I just went back and did the whole thing again and it showed up. The PartTools can be a bit wonky at times.
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[quote name='fairy']The Squad way of writing configs is to add the .mu at the end. You can reference the models in a couple of different ways, some requiring the .mu extention and some doesn't. The way you did it looks fine to me. I can't see anything wrong with the config at first glance. As long as you reference the part by the name you gave it in Unity it should load. And by "the name you gave it in Unity", I mean "Model Name", not the name of the model in the hierarchy.

Maybe export it again, or do the Unity stuff again (create GameObject, add the model, apply texture, etc) and hit "write" again. I've had it happen once or twice where I do what needs to be done and hit "Write" but the part won't load. So I just went back and did the whole thing again and it showed up. The PartTools can be a bit wonky at times.[/QUOTE]

Ok, I'll try that again.
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Since the export isn't corrupted, I'm [I]guessing[/I] at this point that you might have two materials assigned to one object. It works fine in Unity and has no problem exporting that way but it won't load in KSP.

What's the output.log say?
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[quote name='Randazzo']Since the export isn't corrupted, I'm [I]guessing[/I] at this point that you might have two materials assigned to one object. It works fine in Unity and has no problem exporting that way but it won't load in KSP.

What's the output.log say?[/QUOTE]

What's that and where is it?
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[quote name='Randazzo']under .../KSP_Data in your main install directory.

Also, what shader are you using?[/QUOTE]

Well, the output log says a lot of things. ALOT. [SIZE=5]ALOT.[/SIZE]

As for the shaders:


"private" doesn't actually have one of those glowing animations on it, I just chose that shader because I needed the light grey metal bars to be shiny and the rest to not be shiny.
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Your collider looks very complicated.

If you want it to be shiny, you need a specular shader (reflects light) not an emissive shader (emits light). You can map a specular shader so only certain parts are shiny - or, more easily, you could separate the shiny pipes in Blender into another object and have that use a different material using the same texture map.

Out of curiosity, what happens if you set everything to just a normal diffuse map?

Look in the output.log for anything referencing 'liquidEnginePrivate'. Ctrl-F.
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[quote name='CobaltWolf']Your collider looks very complicated.

If you want it to be shiny, you need a specular shader (reflects light) not an emissive shader (emits light). You can map a specular shader so only certain parts are shiny - or, more easily, you could separate the shiny pipes in Blender into another object and have that use a different material using the same texture map.

Out of curiosity, what happens if you set everything to just a normal diffuse map?

Look in the output.log for anything referencing 'liquidEnginePrivate'. Ctrl-F.[/QUOTE]

Ok, I'll try all of that.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

I could only find two lines that have to do with my engine and they are

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'FrozenTechnologies/Parts/Engines/liquidEngineLV-500/liquidEngineLV-500/liquidEnginePrivate'


Config(PART) FrozenTechnologies/Parts/Engines/liquidEngineLV-500/liquidEngineLV-500/liquidEnginePrivate
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[quote name='NecroBones']Just to clarify: The "mesh = " line can be completely botched, and the part will still work as long as there's only one ".mu" file in the folder. That line gets ignored and the last .mu (alphabetically) in the folder is used.[/QUOTE]

Ok, I'll try that then.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Still didn't help. :/
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[quote name='SmashingKirby148']Ok, I'll try all of that.

[COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

I could only find two lines that have to do with my engine and they are

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'FrozenTechnologies/Parts/Engines/liquidEngineLV-500/liquidEngineLV-500/liquidEnginePrivate'


Config(PART) FrozenTechnologies/Parts/Engines/liquidEngineLV-500/liquidEngineLV-500/liquidEnginePrivate[/QUOTE]

There's no errors after either of those lines? If not, I'm at a loss. Everything should be loading correctly.
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Do you have modulemanager installed? If so, try moving ModuleManager.TechTree out of your gamedata directory (to somewhere you can find it) and relaunching the game.

Beyond that I could only suggest uploading a unity package somewhere to look at.
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