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Did you believe in Nibiru planet and Anunaki?


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[quote name='fredinno']One word. WHY? Why put something that is not scientific at all, here?[/QUOTE]

Wait, you don't believe in ancient aliens ?
Technically, it's tagged as Sci-Fi theory, so maybe it qualifies...
(This video is so serious that there's even a typo in the title :D history channel, where there's never anything about history but only aliens... Does this channel actually get any audience ?)

EDIT : i LOVE the way they show some 90's DNA animation with electric arcs and clay tables and all this stuff with the guys interwiewed faking to be serious ! (Poll : do you think they're lying or serious ?) Edited by Hcube
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[quote name='GluttonyReaper']Honestly, at first I thought it was joke, but then found out that there's 8 [I]seasons[/I] of this stuff, with the same guys and everything. :P[/QUOTE]
It works for the same reason reality TV works; it's really cheap to make. A few 'experts' with no real qualifications, no need for real research or fact checking, and plenty of stock footage.
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[quote name='Hcube'][quote name='fredinno']One word. WHY? Why put something that is not scientific at all, here?[/QUOTE]Wait, you don't believe in ancient aliens ?
Technically, it's tagged as Sci-Fi theory, so maybe it qualifies...

Sci-Fi = Science Fiction
Nibiru and every so called science related to it is pure fiction. So yes, Hcube is correct. It is by definition Sc-Fi.

But I can't disagree with fredinno either. Hoaxes and conspiracies like this have no place here.
I expect this to be locked in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ...
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[quote name='Kryten']It works for the same reason reality TV works; it's really cheap to make. A few 'experts' with no real qualifications, no need for real research or fact checking, and plenty of stock footage.[/QUOTE]

They're actually not even "experts", they're labeled as " Authors". They at least have the honesty of not calling themselves experts ! they just wrote a book and claimed the rubbish that's inside is true :)
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It's not just aliens... there was a show on reciently (I think discovery channel) claiming to have evidence of a living Megoladon.
And it was very believable, until you saw the little "Disclaimer" at the end saying it was all fiction...

I was livid, and after that I refuse to watch any more junk science shows!
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[quote name='Just Jim']It's not just aliens... there was a show on reciently (I think discovery channel) claiming to have evidence of a living Megoladon.
And it was very believable, until you saw the little "Disclaimer" at the end saying it was all fiction...

I was livid, and after that I refuse to watch any more junk science shows![/QUOTE]

I believe you're thinking about this Discovery Channel mockumentary: [url]http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/shark-week/videos/megalodon-monster-shark/[/url]
It falls in the same category as the Mermaid crap.
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[quote name='Tex_NL']I believe you're thinking about this Discovery Channel mockumentary: [URL]http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/shark-week/videos/megalodon-monster-shark/[/URL]
It falls in the same category as the Mermaid crap.[/QUOTE]

That's the one.... After that I question anything Discovery airs.
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[quote name='lajoswinkler']Of course not. It's ridiculous and part of a large anti-reason movement that has spread its wings when Internet went massive some ten years ago.[/QUOTE] I know right? It's 2015 and we still have the Flat Earth people.

As a matter of fact, one of my homeroom classmates thinks that space and science don't exist.

[SIZE=1]THIS, people, is why we haven't gone to Mars. We also have idiots who fear the word "nuclear" and who protest not to use RTGs on probes and whatnot...[/SIZE]
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I first came across the Niberu theory via [URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zecharia_Sitchin"]Zecharia Sitchin[/URL]'s books. At the time he was apparently one of seven people on the planet who were able to read Sumerian cuneiform. None of the other seven shared Sitchin's interpretations of the Sumerian texts.

It's an entertaining theory, but almost certainly not correct.

[quote name='Hcube'](Poll : do you think they're lying or serious ?)[/QUOTE]

Oh they're serious alright. Serious about making money.
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[quote name='_Augustus_']
As a matter of fact, one of my homeroom classmates thinks that space and science don't exist.[/QUOTE]

Just an off topic question: how can a person believe science does not exist? Like, they don't believe in scientists, or are they like considering the whole of science and all of its branches as make-believe, or they just don't trust in the scientific method in general?

I mean I have seen some people who are a bit nutty, but even them believes in their own brand of science/method of explaining the world.
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[quote name='Hcube']Wait, you don't believe in ancient aliens ?
Technically, it's tagged as Sci-Fi theory, so maybe it qualifies...
(This video is so serious that there's even a typo in the title :D history channel, where there's never anything about history but only aliens... Does this channel actually get any audience ?)

EDIT : i LOVE the way they show some 90's DNA animation with electric arcs and clay tables and all this stuff with the guys interwiewed faking to be serious ! (Poll : do you think they're lying or serious ?)[/QUOTE]

Yes, it has an audience-and they are the same people who watch InfoWars.
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[quote name='RainDreamer']Just an off topic question: how can a person believe science does not exist? Like, they don't believe in scientists, or are they like considering the whole of science and all of its branches as make-believe, or they just don't trust in the scientific method in general?

I mean I have seen some people who are a bit nutty, but even them believes in their own brand of science/method of explaining the world.[/QUOTE]

I always wonder how these people think everyday's objets and tech, like GPS, TV, cells phones or even toasters work. Magic ?
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[quote name='_Augustus_']I know right? It's 2015 and we still have the Flat Earth people.

As a matter of fact, one of my homeroom classmates thinks that space and science don't exist.

[SIZE=1]THIS, people, is why we haven't gone to Mars. We also have idiots who fear the word "nuclear" and who protest not to use RTGs on probes and whatnot...[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

No, funding and lack of will is why we haven't been to Mars. A better statement is that that's why Climate Change is so big of a deal now...

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='RainDreamer']Just an off topic question: how can a person believe science does not exist? Like, they don't believe in scientists, or are they like considering the whole of science and all of its branches as make-believe, or they just don't trust in the scientific method in general?

I mean I have seen some people who are a bit nutty, but even them believes in their own brand of science/method of explaining the world.[/QUOTE]
I've seen many of these people before- they mainly have HUGE logic hiles that cause them to believe whatever is convenient for them to believe, even if it is rediculous.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='Hcube']I always wonder how these people think everyday's objets and tech, like GPS, TV, cells phones or even toasters work. Magic ?[/QUOTE]

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[quote name='fredinno']...
[quote name='Hcube']I always wonder how these people think everyday's objets and tech, like GPS, TV, cells phones or even toasters work. Magic ?[/QUOTE]


And how do 'they' make it happen? Magic? :P
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Remember, no one can follow everything happening in science and engineering across the world anymore. Most people just concentrate on couple of fields interesting to them - be it spaceflight, computers, 3d printing or medicine. From the point of view of Joe Average, some gamechanging breakthroughts just seem to pop out of nowhere. One blinks, and suddenly there are flatscreen plasma TV everywhere, or touchscreen cellphones. 3d printers are big thing now. Tomorrow...who knows what will change our world again :) For some people it's apparently easier to believe such technologies were gifted to us by Aliens, not by hundreds of scientists and engineers slogging along in labs across the world.
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[quote name='Scotius']Remember, no one can follow everything happening in science and engineering across the world anymore. Most people just concentrate on couple of fields interesting to them - be it spaceflight, computers, 3d printing or medicine. From the point of view of Joe Average, some gamechanging breakthroughts just seem to pop out of nowhere. One blinks, and suddenly there are flatscreen plasma TV everywhere, or touchscreen cellphones. 3d printers are big thing now. Tomorrow...who knows what will change our world again :) For some people it's apparently easier to believe such technologies were gifted to us by Aliens, not by hundreds of scientists and engineers slogging along in labs across the world.[/QUOTE]

It seems especially sudden, as development of a technology is generally scattered, rather than serial.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='pxi']I first came across the Niberu theory via [URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zecharia_Sitchin"]Zecharia Sitchin[/URL]'s books. At the time he was apparently one of seven people on the planet who were able to read Sumerian cuneiform. None of the other seven shared Sitchin's interpretations of the Sumerian texts.

It's an entertaining theory, but almost certainly not correct.

Oh they're serious alright. Serious about making money.[/QUOTE]
Trust me, most are serious, even if they are the people being ripped off, rather than the ones making money- it's like a cult.
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