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[1.3.1] Pood's OPM-VO (Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul) [v0.3.5] [2017-09-23]


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12 hours ago, OneSaltyPringle said:

I had a few issues using the volumetric configs over your cloud configs (example: the new volumetric EVE cannot mix 2d and 3d layers). Also had to rewrite the  the scatterer configs as well for the particleFields on Tekto and Thatmo to work (for acid-rain on tekto and small passing blizzards on thatmo). So I've combined our mods together by using your poodsSarnus/Urlum/Neidon.dds textures for the planetMap and the Volumetric Color mapping (also using your sarnusRing and urlumRing textures). Is it okay for me to post these textures integrated with my configs?

Here is a video of me testing the flowing bands of all the gas-giants (also showing Tekto and Thatmo): 

(sorry for the lag this was recorded on my terrible laptop


In your configs, could you just refer to the texture path within the OPM-VO folder? Then there would not be a case of additional, large textures being loaded taking up resources. Also seemed like the textures were horizontally flipped as the some of the cloud patterns appeared as if they were leading with the trails rather than the front edges (might have been an issue with my original textures or may be a DDS flip issue). 

For reference, the atmosphere on Thatmo is INCREDIBLY thin, even in my original implementation the atmospherics were too pronounced. There would definitely not be clouds, maybe just a small haze on the horizon, similar to what we saw with the Pluto New Horizons images.

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5 hours ago, Poodmund said:

In your configs, could you just refer to the texture path within the OPM-VO folder? Then there would not be a case of additional, large textures being loaded taking up resources. Also seemed like the textures were horizontally flipped as the some of the cloud patterns appeared as if they were leading with the trails rather than the front edges (might have been an issue with my original textures or may be a DDS flip issue). 

For reference, the atmosphere on Thatmo is INCREDIBLY thin, even in my original implementation the atmospherics were too pronounced. There would definitely not be clouds, maybe just a small haze on the horizon, similar to what we saw with the Pluto New Horizons images.

If I reference your path, all the auroras/2d clouds that you added show up as black layers (new eve doesn't work with 2d layers) because EVE will try to load both our cloud.cfg configs. Also the scatterer configs included in this visual overhaul don't work with the latest preview build of scatterer.  Which is why I needed to rewrite them. So if I load both our mods there is a ton of conflicting EVE and scatterer configs. Technically if I load your mod with it, there would be more unused resources (like the auroras and cloud textures).

I can remove the Thatmo clouds. (i may have gotten a little carried away :cool:)

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You can remove config nodes as they are patched, you'd do this by having your own compatibility patch called like 'PoodsOPMVOremoval.cfg' that would remove all OPM-VO EVE cloud layers and Scatterer configs:

	!OBJECT:HAS[#body[Sarnus]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#body[Tekto]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#body[Urlum]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#body[Neidon]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#body[Thatmo]] {}

		!Item:HAS[#celestialBodyName[Sarnus]] {}
		!Item:HAS[#celestialBodyName[Tekto]] {}
		!Item:HAS[#celestialBodyName[Urlum]] {}
		!Item:HAS[#celestialBodyName[Neidon]] {}
		!Item:HAS[#celestialBodyName[Thatmo]] {}

!Scatterer_atmosphere:HAS[@Atmo[Sarnus]]:AFTER[PoodsOPMVO] {}
!Scatterer_atmosphere:HAS[@Atmo[Tekto]]:AFTER[PoodsOPMVO] {}
!Scatterer_ocean:HAS[@Ocean[Tekto]]:AFTER[PoodsOPMVO] {}
!Scatterer_atmosphere:HAS[@Atmo[Urlum]]:AFTER[PoodsOPMVO] {}
!Scatterer_atmosphere:HAS[@Atmo[Neidon]]:AFTER[PoodsOPMVO] {}
!Scatterer_atmosphere:HAS[@Atmo[Thatmo]]:AFTER[PoodsOPMVO] {}

	!OBJECT:HAS[#name[PoodsOPMVO/Textures/cloud]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#name[PoodsOPMVO/Textures/gas]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#name[PoodsOPMVO/Textures/sarnusStorm]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#name[PoodsOPMVO/Textures/aurora]] {}

Then you instantiate all your patches after that. If you include this patch above in your mod, users should be able to install OPM-VO, then your mod alongside, without needing to have any additional textures and you can refer to the texture paths in OPM-VO.

This way you get around any licensing issues with OPM-VO and you also retain the file structure integrity of the original mod which promotes compatibility and extensibility.

Edited by Poodmund
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On 11/3/2023 at 5:06 AM, OneSaltyPringle said:

I also created a parallax surface scatters config too.  You can view that mod HERE

Great job! That's what were all were waiting for a long time. Kelp floating in a sea of liquid ethane at cryogenic temperature and mushrooms growing at -180C look weird though :D

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3 hours ago, Poodmund said:

You can remove config nodes as they are patched, you'd do this by having your own compatibility patch called like 'PoodsOPMVOremoval.cfg' that would remove all OPM-VO EVE cloud layers and Scatterer configs:

	!OBJECT:HAS[#body[Sarnus]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#body[Tekto]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#body[Urlum]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#body[Neidon]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#body[Thatmo]] {}

		!Item:HAS[#celestialBodyName[Sarnus]] {}
		!Item:HAS[#celestialBodyName[Tekto]] {}
		!Item:HAS[#celestialBodyName[Urlum]] {}
		!Item:HAS[#celestialBodyName[Neidon]] {}
		!Item:HAS[#celestialBodyName[Thatmo]] {}

!Scatterer_atmosphere:HAS[@Atmo[Sarnus]]:AFTER[PoodsOPMVO] {}
!Scatterer_atmosphere:HAS[@Atmo[Tekto]]:AFTER[PoodsOPMVO] {}
!Scatterer_ocean:HAS[@Ocean[Tekto]]:AFTER[PoodsOPMVO] {}
!Scatterer_atmosphere:HAS[@Atmo[Urlum]]:AFTER[PoodsOPMVO] {}
!Scatterer_atmosphere:HAS[@Atmo[Neidon]]:AFTER[PoodsOPMVO] {}
!Scatterer_atmosphere:HAS[@Atmo[Thatmo]]:AFTER[PoodsOPMVO] {}

	!OBJECT:HAS[#name[PoodsOPMVO/Textures/cloud]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#name[PoodsOPMVO/Textures/gas]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#name[PoodsOPMVO/Textures/sarnusStorm]] {}
	!OBJECT:HAS[#name[PoodsOPMVO/Textures/aurora]] {}

Then you instantiate all your patches after that. If you include this patch above in your mod, users should be able to install OPM-VO, then your mod alongside, without needing to have any additional textures and you can refer to the texture paths in OPM-VO.

This way you get around any licensing issues with OPM-VO and you also retain the file structure integrity of the original mod which promotes compatibility and extensibility.

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write this up! This will fix all of the conflicts perfectly, I'll get working now. I'm still learning all of the neat config tricks, and this will help me with all of my future projects!

I'll have the Volumetric Clouds posted to SpaceDock by the end of the day!

(EDIT: DONE - SpaceDock Link: https://spacedock.info/mod/3498/Outer Planets Mod - Volumetric Clouds) Enjoy! :sticktongue:


3 hours ago, Manul said:

Great job! That's what were all were waiting for a long time. Kelp floating in a sea of liquid ethane at cryogenic temperature and mushrooms growing at -180C look weird though :D

 I'll be releasing an update to my OPM_Parallax sometime tomorrow replacing some underwater scatterers with rocks + plus a redone Plock. Feel free to send me a message if you think any other surface scatterers seem out-of-place!

Edited by OneSaltyPringle
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2 hours ago, OneSaltyPringle said:

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write this up! This will fix all of the conflicts perfectly, I'll get working now. I'm still learning all of the neat config tricks, and this will help me with all of my future projects!

I'll have the Volumetric Clouds posted to SpaceDock by the end of the day!


 I'll be releasing an update to my OPM_Parallax sometime tomorrow replacing some underwater scatterers with rocks + plus a redone Plock. Feel free to send me a message if you think any other surface scatterers seem out-of-place!


I have been waiting for something like this for a long time, ever since Parallax 2.0 came out!

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8 hours ago, OneSaltyPringle said:

If I reference your path, all the auroras/2d clouds that you added show up as black layers (new eve doesn't work with 2d layers) because EVE will try to load both our cloud.cfg configs. Also the scatterer configs included in this visual overhaul don't work with the latest preview build of scatterer.  Which is why I needed to rewrite them. So if I load both our mods there is a ton of conflicting EVE and scatterer configs. Technically if I load your mod with it, there would be more unused resources (like the auroras and cloud textures).

I can remove the Thatmo clouds. (i may have gotten a little carried away :cool:)

For some reason, when I run the mod OPMVO, it says to me that it is outdated which makes the flowmaps and textures not appear. It is just the stock textures. 

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25 minutes ago, Cytauri said:

For some reason, when I run the mod OPMVO, it says to me that it is outdated which makes the flowmaps and textures not appear. It is just the stock textures. 

It's just a Mini-AVC alert message because the version info in Pood's OPMVO hasn't been updated. Just ignore the message and continue loading, the clouds aren't showing because my mod depends on the textures inside that folder. 

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2 hours ago, OneSaltyPringle said:

It's just a Mini-AVC alert message because the version info in Pood's OPMVO hasn't been updated. Just ignore the message and continue loading, the clouds aren't showing because my mod depends on the textures inside that folder. 

I tried it again and it still does not work. Does it only work with the newest release of the Volumetric Cloud mod? I'm using release 2 but I think there is a 3rd one.

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13 hours ago, OneSaltyPringle said:

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write this up! This will fix all of the conflicts perfectly, I'll get working now. I'm still learning all of the neat config tricks, and this will help me with all of my future projects!

No worries... thank you! :D

The Module Manager Wiki is great: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki

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@OneSaltyPringle, I've just seen that you have released your volumetric EVE mod using OPM-VO, congrats! I have just a few things that I want to suggest:

  • The mod bundles modified versions of the OPM-VO giant planet textures that are licensed under an All Rights Reserved license (as specified in OPM-VO) and as such violates the OPM-VO license. I would like to grant you express permission to include these modified textures within your mod under the following conditions:
    • In your installation instructions, advise people to install the mod ZeroMiniAVC to counteract the fact that MiniAVC is bundled in the latest release of OPM-VO.
    • State in your mod page on SpaceDock that I have granted you express permission to include these customised textures that are ordinarily licensed as All Rights Reserved.
    • Include a license in your mod distribution package. This is a good place to start if you want to have a quick overview of your choices: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/41210-license-selection-guide/.
    • Be willing to list the mod on CKAN if/when EVE Volumetrics mod gets made publicly available.
  • I encourage you to post your own thread in this development or releases sub-forum with as many screenshots and videos as possible. :D

Looks real neat!


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23 hours ago, Poodmund said:

@OneSaltyPringle, I've just seen that you have released your volumetric EVE mod using OPM-VO, congrats! I have just a few things that I want to suggest:

  • The mod bundles modified versions of the OPM-VO giant planet textures that are licensed under an All Rights Reserved license (as specified in OPM-VO) and as such violates the OPM-VO license. I would like to grant you express permission to include these modified textures within your mod under the following conditions:
    • In your installation instructions, advise people to install the mod ZeroMiniAVC to counteract the fact that MiniAVC is bundled in the latest release of OPM-VO.
    • State in your mod page on SpaceDock that I have granted you express permission to include these customised textures that are ordinarily licensed as All Rights Reserved.
    • Include a license in your mod distribution package. This is a good place to start if you want to have a quick overview of your choices: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/41210-license-selection-guide/.
    • Be willing to list the mod on CKAN if/when EVE Volumetrics mod gets made publicly available.
  • I encourage you to post your own thread in this development or releases sub-forum with as many screenshots and videos as possible. :D

Looks real neat!


Thank you for the information, my apologies. I've posted it under the  CC BY-SA 4.0 license, also a LICENSE file included in the SpaceDock download.

Let me know if I need to make any changes to my License, I'm not a lawyer. :confused:

Thanks, Jake

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7 hours ago, OneSaltyPringle said:

Thank you for the information, my apologies. I've posted it under the  CC BY-SA 4.0 license, also a LICENSE file included in the SpaceDock download.

Let me know if I need to make any changes to my License, I'm not a lawyer. :confused:

Thanks, Jake

I noticed the OPM Parallax mod is gone, what happened?

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17 hours ago, Cytauri said:

I noticed the OPM Parallax mod is gone, what happened?

Re-released it without the colored crystals. I was using modified textures from Parallax, so I removed the mod too hastily :/ (without realizing I can just remove files straight from spacedock). So I created a brand new page, now I'll be submitting it to CKAN. New Link: HERE

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7 hours ago, OneSaltyPringle said:

Re-released it without the colored crystals. I was using modified textures from Parallax, so I removed the mod too hastily :/ (without realizing I can just remove files straight from spacedock). So I created a brand new page, now I'll be submitting it to CKAN. New Link: HERE

Nice! Keep up the stellar work!

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@OneSaltyPringle I tested the mod and it is great so far! I did find some issues and thought of a suggestion I could share with you. The first issue I found was that on Tekto, the surface is almost pitch black at daytime and bright green at nighttime. I'm not sure if this was intended or a bug. Second issue was that some of the clouds on Urlum were just floating above the regular cloud layer and that they were static or non-moving. It looked cool, but I just wanted to let you know. Finally, my one suggestion is that I wish that sometimes on Tekto, the clouds would clear up a tiny bit so you can see Sarnus and the other moons. I'm not sure if that is possible, but it is just a thought. Thank you for creating this incredible mod and giving the community something we have wanted for a while now. Amazing work! (I can't say it enough...sorry...) :cool:

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On 11/10/2023 at 9:29 PM, Cytauri said:

@OneSaltyPringle I tested the mod and it is great so far! I did find some issues and thought of a suggestion I could share with you. The first issue I found was that on Tekto, the surface is almost pitch black at daytime and bright green at nighttime. I'm not sure if this was intended or a bug. Second issue was that some of the clouds on Urlum were just floating above the regular cloud layer and that they were static or non-moving. It looked cool, but I just wanted to let you know. Finally, my one suggestion is that I wish that sometimes on Tekto, the clouds would clear up a tiny bit so you can see Sarnus and the other moons. I'm not sure if that is possible, but it is just a thought. Thank you for creating this incredible mod and giving the community something we have wanted for a while now. Amazing work! (I can't say it enough...sorry...) :cool:

How's this? I thinned Tekto's Scatterer configs a little also reduced Thatmo's Scatterer configs as well. (I think it turned out amazing :o)


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On 11/12/2023 at 6:05 PM, OneSaltyPringle said:

How's this? I thinned Tekto's Scatterer configs a little also reduced Thatmo's Scatterer configs as well. (I think it turned out amazing :o)


That looks incredible! I really do like that you can see Sarnus and that the clouds are a pinkish color! I do think that Thatmo's scatterer config is fine the way it is but I am excited to see what you changed. Great job!

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