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13 hours ago, KasperVld said:


  • [No Fix] Because thread and post IDs were reset, old links will not work.

Um WOW I am going to guess a lot of people will be leaving the forum and probably the game entirely because of this.  To me this would seem to be a incredibly big deal. I mean so big that many people will probably rage quit for life.  Nearly every KSP player uses mods most more than a dozen of them, to have to comb for hours through the forum to find their favorite mods I am going to say that will be a no go for a lot of people.  What about people's links to tutorial they use often.  I can imagine several other thing I am not mentioning here, and I am sure there are dozens of other problems that will result from this that I can't imagin.  I am sure the old forum sucked to maintain but what does it matter to have a shiny new forum if you don't have users to use it.  

Edited by mcirish3
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So I just looked in a showcase thread, and of course because all the images in there are linked via BBcode nothing displays. There's threads around which are *years* old and several thousand pages long, are you seriously telling us to go and edit every post?

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11 hours ago, KasperVld said:

I meant to add this to the first post: the posts are currently being indexed for the search engine, so search results aren't reliable at this point. I expect this'll take 3-4 more hours.


Subscribed threads can be found by choosing activity in the main menu and then selecting the "my activity streams" dropdown :)

Followed your instructions all my subscribed threads are now gone I cannot find any of them is this due to the post numbers being changed therefore they wouldnt link properly 

I appreciate all the hard work you have invested Kasper and its early days but I am over the 502 errors is there any eta on when they will be resolved also jumping on the bandwagon with not a fan of this style of forum any chance we can have the the old Vbulletin ones back till the bugs are worked out of this one 

Edited by Virtualgenius
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Ah, and not only are image links gone, any post quoting another post is also a complete mess. At this point it might have been a better idea to lock posting on the old forum, migrate the user database and start from scratch - note, unless you deleted the old forum database you can still do this - because this is worse than starting over. At least the last forum hiccup only cost 6 months of posts, not the entire forum.

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Well, I hate to say it but this is pretty disappointing. I'm hoping some of the current issues (slow load times, 502 errors, etc.) are just teething troubles that will be sorted in a few days, but the broken links and trashed BB-code are a lot more serious, and I have to say I severely dislike the look of the new forum compared to the old one (although I do appreciate that it's wider than the screenshots we saw before). I hope we'll at least have some improved functionality, especially in the area of subscriptions and notifications, I never could get those working how I wanted them on the old forum.

It's not the end of the world, I'll get used to the new look and the lack of BB code isn't going to chase me away from playing KSP or from using the forum, but it is still a disappointment.



PS. Why is the BB-code in my signature (and everyone else's, as far as I can tell) still working? What's different about those than all the posts with broken %7Boption%7D tags?

Edited by Hotaru
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I'm looking for the feature to hide avatar and signatures, I found none :

- There is no way to hide the right column

- Why interlines are SO large. Posts become artificially long.

- You can only see very few post on a screen now, you have to scoll a lot. On my "discret" window at work I could read 10 or 12 post names before , now, I get only 2...)

I don't understand why the forum had to be changed. It was much better before. :(


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At least we got imgur albums back now if someone can do something about this color selection it's straining my eyes...

Also this should have been wheeled back into the vab if you couldn't keep the old links working do you have any idea of the reach of the damage you have just wrought?

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It'd be significantly better if it actually worked most of the time, HTTP/1.1 502 is pretty boring to look at. Speaking of look, the longer I look at it (when it actually loads), the more I want to gouge out my eyes.

It's either the colour or the contrast, IDK exactly but it's extremely unpleasant.

Edited by steve_v
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7 minutes ago, steve_v said:

It'd be significantly better if it actually worked most of the time, HTTP/1.1 502 is pretty boring to look at. Speaking of look, the longer I look at it (when it actually loads), the more I want to gouge out my eyes.

It's either the colour or the contrast, IDK exactly but it's extremely unpleasant.

yeah I cannot place what it is, but it is very uncomfortable to look at.

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7 minutes ago, steve_v said:

It'd be significantly better if it actually worked most of the time, HTTP/1.1 502 is pretty boring to look at. Speaking of look, the longer I look at it (when it actually loads), the more I want to gouge out my eyes.

It's either the colour or the contrast, IDK exactly but it's extremely unpleasant.

yeah I cannot place what it is, but it is very uncomfortable to look at.

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14 minutes ago, r4pt0r said:

yeah I cannot place what it is, but it is very uncomfortable to look at.

Yup - that's what i think too. be it on mobile or PC, there's a bit something off or lacking when i look at those new forums compared to the old ones. 


Maybe because the overall theme seems even more generic/bland than the old one ?



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15 minutes ago, r4pt0r said:

any time I 502, I just refresh and click resend data till it works, my apologies. 

Good to know I'm not the only one. The double posting will continue until forum performance improves ;)


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15 minutes ago, r4pt0r said:

any time I 502, I just refresh and click resend data till it works, my apologies. 

Good to know I'm not the only one. The double posting will continue until forum performance improves ;)


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