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Were we about something. hmmmm..

I limited my topics to science or science speculation germane to space exploration. This included

Propulsion systems.
Astronomy and astrotechnolgies
Atmospheric science (though I have generally avoided threading topics that are largely earth specific)
Planetary science and physics
Relativistic physics
Quantum mechanics
Materials chemistry (either with regard to space age technologies or planetary chemistry)
Xenobiology and early evolution of life on earth.

A subset of post have to do with game development and computer science (only because the mods pushed the topics here)

But people have posted on science I noted but did not thread
Human illnesses (such as type II diabetes)
Various bugs (more or less not connected to mars life)
Mathematics (such as how to estimate an elliptical orbit by solving the coordinate/time issue for a two-body problem assuming 2 point mass sources)
Social behavior (Laws of mass action as it applies to sociology)
Politics of science investiment
Airplane crashes (was a rudder section from a hijacked 777, which apparently one moderator (Sal_vager) did not like my opinion of what happened with AF447 and censored me)



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