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Since we don't have landing gear for 0.625m parts..


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I wanted to make a tiny jet with the new 0.625m diameter jet...

No tiny tiny command pod... an external command seat was the only option (i kind of want to rotate it so that the kerbal is more "prone)

I tried all the landing gear... nothing looked nice... all too big and too much drag... so I had no choice but to make it a seaplane... which is fine because laythe it mostly sea, and of course I want a tiny plane because small and light payloads are what you want when you are sending payloads to laythe.

It's radially attached to the main payload... if only I could get it to radially attach the other way so it won't have that ventral pylon still attached to it. I guess I'll use quick save and try to knock it off with a very low pass over a dune.

Any ideas on how to make a nice amphibious .625m jet?

Also... deploying these is complicated. I have a pair of them, and I release one while the main payload is descending under chutes, and fly it to land at the water (mandatory: land the surface hab and rover-boats within 20km of shore... its not hard to be close to water on laythe though)... the other one though... if I don't land the first one fast, its tricky to launch. The jet has a >1:1 TWR, even in laythe's thin atmosphere, but if I decouple after I have the jet spool up, the engine flames out on decouple, and as I switch to it the engine thrust is low and increasing, as if it hadn't already spooled up... I got around this by using the re-root tool to make a part of the 0.625m plane the root... then control is maintained, as is engine thrust upon decouple... but then I need to make sure to launch the non-root part jet when descending under canopy, so the other can decouple and climb straight up...

This would all be soo much easier if there were a viable method for having mini-jets launch and land from solid ground...

Anyway, they are still fun.


I used HE to test them on laythe too... going to use them in career... but soo much stuff to do before the Jool window even opens, and then of course even more to do before they reach laythe (or maybe by that point, I'll have finished with the stuff in the inner solar system, and I'll be on nothing but Jool moon visits, and an Eeloo trip... Dres, moho, Duna-Ike, and soon Eve already have had a visit from kerbals, or a kerbal on the way)

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