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Explain to me like I'm three how to use Blender.

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So, I just installed Blender and Python, and I\'m looking to make a decent part. The thing is, I have little to no knowledge on how to actually make something with it. I\'ve looked at the stickied tutorial, but I still don\'t understand it very well. Therefore, I\'d appreciate it if someone could explain to me like I\'m a toddler how to UV unwrap, what the different tools do, how to export it into an actual part in the game, and most importantly how to make the shape not just a boring cube sitting in the middle of the screen.

Oh, and if it matters (It shouldn\'t, as far as I know), I\'m on a Mac.

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Well Jeb_Kerman, if you were 3 I\'d say 'Oh my god what have I let myself in for' while you bash the mouse against the desktop for the 20th time.

Thankfully you aren\'t 3, so I\'ll point you towards Blenders own beginners tutorials here as that\'s a lot easier than trying to explain it all here, I\'d start you off with 'Getting started with Blender'

Be aware that Blender has a very different control system to every other modeller out there, It\'s easy enough when you get used to it though.

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Unfortunately, Blender is pretty out there versus most applications that people are used to, not something one can really EILIT. Shift-D to copy and paste, right click where you want to paste? Watt? There are approximately 600 bajillion keyboard shortcuts, and little explanation of where the tools you need are reached with mouse clicking instead. I highly recommend this dude\'s first dozen or so tutorials; spend the few hours or so following along, it will get you up and running:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a great video that talks about making a cylinder, then adjusting it\'s size (make sure scale is set to 1.0), and finally shaping it (in this case, tapering it). This is my ultimate reference video:

And then this is a really great video for doing UV wrapping (texturing/skinning) 3D models in blender.

Finally, C7\'s PartTool video shows you how to take what you make there and get it in to KSP. God help you with getting your nodes aligned correctly, what a crap system ??? ;P

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