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[Writing] Minmus and the History


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Chapter One: Preperations

When Minmus was discovered by the'Kerman Space Telescope' the Kerbals were excited after recent achievements on the Mun they were happy for a challenge. Few stepped up for the challenge though, There were low budgets, Few workers, And small Mission Control crews. The Kerbals decided on a Probe 9/10 The only rejection was Jebadiah Kerman, He quoted this after asked questions 'I believe we should be first near Minmus for one reason... UNTESTED SPACECRAFT AND POSSIBLE EXPLOSIONS' Mission Control were all thinking 'Oh dear Kerbus tell me he isn\'t piloting our FIRST landing'. The head designer was Lernher von Grün the most experienced engineer of his time and father of Kerbal Space Science. Lernher von Grün Turned to his friend NovaSilisko as he was called by most everyone. Silisko fitted out the probe, The Hyperion Space Telescope As Lernher von Grün and his small team of workers worked on the Murs II rocket for taking the Probe to Minmus. It took only three weeks to get ready for launch, Then two weeks of waiting for smooth weather once the day came everyone was nervous due to the Murs II never being tested at such orbits. Everyone was excited, the mission control was nervous more than anxious 'Lets hope the Murs II Makes it' Bill Kerman Said as the clock counted down: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1........

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Can I just say that Minmus would have been discovered way before the first mission to the Mun due to (mainly) the fact it can be seen from the surface of Kerbin and primitive telescopes would easily see it.

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Can I just say that Minmus would have been discovered way before the first mission to the Mun due to (mainly) the fact it can be seen from the surface of Kerbin and primitive telescopes would easily see it.

Thats not what game history says ;)
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