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Oh my....

I'm a big Whovian, and I can tell you it would take a long, long time to answer this.

Short answer:

How does it work?  OK, this gets a little weird.... the Tardis is a bioship, grown over centuries on Galafrey.  They draw power from several sources, but the primary one is a decaying black hole, which they showed in a recent episode.  I can't remember off the top of my head if they ever said what kind of engine it has... or if could even be called an engine.  It moves thru time and space, but nothing like a conventional rocket.

The Tardis is also said to be dimensionally transcendental, which is why the inside is bigger than the outside.  In a nutshell, the inside and outside are in different dimensions, so size is irrelevant. I don't think they've ever said, or if anyone really knows, just how many rooms it has.  Being alive it can and does change from time to time.

She has also shown herself to be self-aware and intelligent on some level in many episodes, and sometimes does stuff without the Dr's telling her.  BTW, it's also a her.  And on a couple episodes it's communicated with people, either directly or indirectly.

And the control room, or console room, changes from doctor to doctor, sometimes pretty radically. It's said the Tardis is adapting itself... I think that would be the proper word... to the new Doctor.  I have to admit, I'm absolutely LOVING the newest look.  The Tardis is also apparently who provides the Dr with his sonic screwdriver, which would explain why they change in appearance.

One thing about Dr. Who's Tardis... it's old and it's broken.  And stolen...lol.  It has something called a chameleon circuit, which is supposed to camouflage it to whatever surroundings it's in.  But the circuit is broken and stuck, which is why it looks like a 1960's police box now.  I remember they asked the Matt Smith Doctor once why he never fixed it, and he simply said, "I like it this way" or something like that.

So can it exist?  In an infinite universe, yes, anything can exist.  And I seriously hope I hear it squealing and screaming someday, and can convince him to get me off this rock and take me somewhere fun!!!

BTW... according to River Song, the squealing, screaming sound you hear when it fires up isn't the engines, it's the Doctor locking up the brakes.... lol


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45 minutes ago, TopHeavy11 said:

Well...that is a very in depth know how of Doctor Who, maybe too much. As for the advice, thx.:) But, you know, Doctor Who is a fictional show...lol.

hehehe.  Believe it or not, I barely scratched the surface.  I'm 53, and I stared watching during the 3rd doctor in the 70's.  That show has been on nearly as long as all the Star Treks put together. And outlasted them all. There is an insane amount of Dr. Who trivia... and people way more insane about it than me.. lol.

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I was never a Doctor Who fan although I watched it on and off over the last few years.  However, now that the gorgeous Jenna Coleman has left the series I will probably give up on it.  The scripts seem to have degenerated into incomprehensible gobbledygook.


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12 minutes ago, benzman said:

I was never a Doctor Who fan although I watched it on and off over the last few years.  However, now that the gorgeous Jenna Coleman has left the series I will probably give up on it.  The scripts seem to have degenerated into incomprehensible gobbledygook.


I actually didn't much like her.  She's a fine actress, and cute as a button.  But she just didn't feel like a real companion.  Not like Amy or Donna, or my favorite, Mary Jane Smith.  She may have been a little too perfect. 

I am keeping my fingers crossed the next companion is Petronella Osgood.  She is a perfect companion, and the Doctor has already asked her twice to come along with him.  But every indication and clue points right to her, which usually means it will be someone else.

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Here's how you stick a big object inside a smaller one:


The Cliff Notes version: one box is bigger than the other. But if the smaller one is much closer to you, it appears larger--in TWO dimensions, because the bigger one is far away in a THIRD dimension. Now step it up a dimension--the inside of the TARDIS is larger in THREE dimensions, but if it's very far away in a FOURTH dimension, it appears smaller in the first three, and voila! It fits in a phone booth.

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14 hours ago, WedgeAntilles said:

Here's how you stick a big object inside a smaller one:


The Cliff Notes version: one box is bigger than the other. But if the smaller one is much closer to you, it appears larger--in TWO dimensions, because the bigger one is far away in a THIRD dimension. Now step it up a dimension--the inside of the TARDIS is larger in THREE dimensions, but if it's very far away in a FOURTH dimension, it appears smaller in the first three, and voila! It fits in a phone booth.

I literally understood none of that...

BTW, It (TARDIS) DOESN'T use a wormhole :0.0:. It actually uses a Tippler Cylinder. You may riot...now.:D

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On 12/14/2015, 6:01:05, TopHeavy11 said:

I literally understood none of that...

BTW, It (TARDIS) DOESN'T use a wormhole :0.0:. It actually uses a Tippler Cylinder. You may riot...now.:D

Did you watch the video? The Doctor was holding up a big box and a small box, right in front of the camera. You could SEE that the larger box was able to fit inside the smaller box. :)

And no, the TARDIS doesn't use a wormhole. Or a Tippler Cylinder. The proper function of a TARDIS depends on two rare and extremely dangerous elements: applied phlebotinum and handwavium. Either of these elements by itself can destroy planets, stars, even entire story arcs. Combined, they wield unfathomable power!


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