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[1.11.x-1.12.x] Mk1 Cargo Bay Updated (v1.4, 02021 Sep 06)


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Mk 1 Cargo Bay Updated

A small set of inline open-ended cargo bays, up-to-date for Kerbal Space Program 1.x.


There are two parts, in the size 0 (0.625 m) and 1 (1.25 m) form factors.

As used in planes

As used in rockets

Download and install

From there, just unzip the "Mk1CargoBay" folder into your GameData directory. Be sure to delete the old Mk1CargoBay if it's still around -- otherwise, the old PNG texture might stick around and cause trouble.

Known and anticipated issues

None at this time. Please let me know if you find any!

Version history and changelog

  • 2015 12 12 (1.1): "Initial" release. Fixes include:
    • DDS texture
    • Fixed scaling to avoid stock MODEL/rescaleFactor bug
    • Drag cubes
    • ModuleCargoBay for shielding contents
    • Size 0 (0.625m) bay added
  • 02016 10 29 (1.2): Tag-team
    • Tags added.
    • Updated to use new "Payload" category -- so this and later releases are no longer compatible with KSP 1.0.x or 1.1.x.
    • .version file added.
  • 02017 06 10 (1.3): Export Licensing
    • Updated to support KSP 1.3's localization system.
  • 02021 09 06 (1.4): We CAN Build It!
    • Updated to support KSP 1.11's Construction system.


End of the road, thanks for letting these parts into your builds! I hope they've been useful for making smaller rockets just a little bit cleaner. :)


Thanks to Talisar for the models (caretaker releases by taniwha over here and on GitHub), Roxette for the initial release, jlcarneiro for suggesting the Mk0 bay, and Master39 for the revised texture (I went back to the original interior rather than the gold/orange stuff, but the outside color looks much better).


(This release of) Mk 1 Cargo Bay is copyright 2015 Kerbas_ad_astra. Part configuration files, Module Manager patches, models, and textures are released under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license (or any later version).

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
Updated for KSP 1.11/12!
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These block the inline hatches on the MK1 Crew Cabin and cockpits. I was hopeful, but now disappointed. I still don't have a way to EVA from the crew cabin, unless I place the M1 fuselage (which does not block the hatches) between this and the cabin.


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Checking it on my end, the bay itself does not block the cabin hatch (bear in mind that the cabin's hatch is on the "front" end -- the back hatch is cosmetic).  However, one bay doesn't seem to have enough clearance (even though it can certainly fit an entire Kerbal) -- having a cabin plus a bay will allow EVA, but putting another cabin (or anything else, I suppose) on the other end of the cargo bay will block the hatch:


Two bays leaves enough room to satisfy the hatch blockage check, both in the VAB and in flight:


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Ah. Hm, well that's... better, I guess. Though it leaves me wondering just how long the space needs to be.


The other hatches on these parts aren't completely useless, though. It's true that the normal access is through the front of the cabin and the sides of the cockpits, the rear hatch of the cabin and the front and rear hatches of the MK1 Inline Cockpit (but not the other MK1 cockpit or all the other size parts as far as I can tell) can be used manually to have a Kerbal enter or exit.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 2/14/2016 at 3:09 AM, Kerbas_ad_astra said:

The folders are set up exactly as they need to be.  There's a "Mk1CargoBay" folder, which should go in GameData (as it is in the zip).

EDIT: To be sure, did you get "Mk1CargoBay_v1.1.zip" from the releases page?


Nevermind, I found them. They're in structural, I was looking in utility. Ya know, where every other cargo bay in the game is, :rolleyes:. Sorry to raise a false alarm ;.;

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

I need some help with mod cargo bays, including this one.  I have a problem with open ended cargo bays having weak or non-rigid attachments to other parts (not including squad's stock mk3 cargo bay).  Squad's mk3 cargo bay is open ended, but does not have this problem.  The problem manifests in three visible ways:

1) when sandwiched between an engine below and a heavy load above, when the engine is lit you can see the engine move into the part as if it were pushing into a spring.  The total movement length is maybe 5% of the length of the engine.  This is not the case with stock parts- the engine is part of the rigid rocket structure and does not move even when at full thrust.

2) the connections to other parts appear flexible like a spring, instead of rigid like stock parts.  I will try to include a screenshot- please ignore the explosion and focus on the angle between the long engine below and the fuel tank above-- this is very hard (maybe impossible) to duplicate with stock parts, including the Squad mk3 cargo bay.  What you're looking at in this screenshot is TalisarParts mk2 resized version of the cargo bay here I think, but I still have the problem with the original mk1 nonresized cargo bay from this page.

3) The wierd spring-like non rigid connection seems to be associated with far more occurrences of the kraken, where my rockets will spontaneously vibrate themselves apart under no force.  I've also watched rockets with cargo bays land and then from nearly a standstill start to accelerate in precession until they fall apart, again under no forces.


I also have the problem with the mark2 cargo bay in the Axial Aerospace pack




Has anybody else experienced this?  Any tips on solving it if so?





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Thin, lightweight parts are not very strong -- this is a "feature" of the stock game.  The setup you've posted, with three thin and light parts (those are from Talisar's cargo bay mod as maintained by taniwha, correct?) between two big heavy parts, is basically a recipe for disaster.  Your main "stack" should have as few parts in it as possible (i.e. use taller fuel tanks rather than lots of short tanks, when possible), and generally decrease in mass as you go up the rocket.  If you have a mod with a radial control panel (Modular Rocket Systems adds one), you might stick one at the halfway point on your rocket to control from there -- otherwise, your engines and your command pod may end up pointing in very different directions, which can lead to trouble for the SAS.

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Thanks Kerbas.  You're right, and I can fix the problem with either struts, better design, or kerbal joint reinforcement.  However the part I don't understand is why some cargo bays are as stiff as diamond while others as stiff as taffy?  Editing the cfg file doesn't seem to improve the stiffness.  Is it inherent to the part or the collision mesh or something?

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Unfortunately, I have no idea.  In versions past, I had heard that it was related to part mass, but I've also heard that recent versions don't do that anymore.  There are torque and force limits that can be set in the file config, but those determine when joints break, not how flexible they are.  I know @NecroBones struggled with this in previous versions of SpaceY (whose engine thrusts and fuel tank masses were quite outside anything that KSP's joints were meant to handle), so I wonder if he's got any input (hence the summoning).

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  On 3/1/2016 at 12:10 AM, Kerbas_ad_astra said:

Unfortunately, I have no idea.  In versions past, I had heard that it was related to part mass, but I've also heard that recent versions don't do that anymore.  There are torque and force limits that can be set in the file config, but those determine when joints break, not how flexible they are.  I know @NecroBones struggled with this in previous versions of SpaceY (whose engine thrusts and fuel tank masses were quite outside anything that KSP's joints were meant to handle), so I wonder if he's got any input (hence the summoning).



I have been summoned! :)


Yes, as far as I can tell, stiffness is still a function of mass, but I'm not sure if it's just one part's mass, or a combination of the mass of both parts, or what. I don't think the node-size that's part of the attachment node factors into it, but I could be wrong. It's also possible that distance between the nodes, or bounding box size for the part gets factored in, but I'm not sure about that either. I ended up cranking up the breaking strengths to ridiculous numbers on most of the SpaceY parts, but I've really been wanting a stiffness-multiplier or something. With fuel tanks it's usually good enough, but the current system really falls short when you're using thin and lightweight parts, such as stack decouplers, docking ports, non-fueled size adapters, stackable probe cores, etc. Cargo bays have some added complexity since they can contain other things, and some of them just seem really flimsy. Unless we're given more control over the joint stiffness for parts that need the extra help, really all we can do is point people to KJR.


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It can be mildly horrifying how many folks stick almost exclusively to CKAN these days - ease of use coming at the price of variety, and all that.

(That said, the auto-updating is truly brilliant, so I can't blame them too much.)

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