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4 minutes ago, KerbonautInTraining said:

Since we're talking about amazing images, this one was taken by Apollo 11 in its parking orbit. Am I the only one who is surprised by the quality of a 1969 handheld film camera?


I'm not surprised at all. Those were high quality color films in Hasselblad cameras. You can't get any better that that for classical photography.

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The Apollo Earthrise is much better imo. That one looks too processed to the point where I dare say... it looks fake. I know it's not, but... It sure does look it.

Eh....More I look at it the better I like it.

Edited by Motokid600
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1 hour ago, Scotius said:

Very Michael Bay-esque :D And Hasselblads issued to Apollo crews were top of the line stuff then.

They probably still are, for classical photography.


2 minutes ago, Motokid600 said:

The Apollo photo is much better imo. That one looks too processed and dare I say... Fake. I know it's not, but... It sure does look it.

It's because the color is obtained by another system. Check the north Africa coast and you'll see the color data spills - that's because it was obtained by lower resolution camera and then "glued" together. Just like we saw with LORRI and RALPH systems on New Horizons.

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I'm totally not an expert in photography or optics but I don't think space cameras have a "zoom" feature (as far as I'm aware the Mars 2020 rover's Mastcam-Z will be the first with such a feature, or at least the first on the surface of Mars).

Because the high res data in this image was taken with LRO's Narrow Anglew Camera, I'm assuming it's the small FOV of the camera herself that causes the Earth to appear so big. But I might be wrong.

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