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Robug Labs Inc. Kerbal Branch

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After an overhaul of staff from Roblox to Kerbal Space Program we started working IMMEDIATELY and have been working on various Spacecraft such as the Neptoon Class and Murs Class Launchers.



Phoenix Aerospace(Vice CEO)

tiger336(Head Engineer)

Atimed(Head Designer)

Octo Shock(Engineer)


Murs Class

Murs I

A Simple Four booster rocket capable of mun orbit but is used for Kerbin orbits.

Murs II

Murs III


Joopiter Class:

Joopiter I

Classified ATM


Training Aircraft

Unnamed Training Aircraft

This Training Aircraft is the first WORKING Aircraft of Robug Labs Kerbal division. The craft is all stock and Easy to fly but it is slightly backheavy so it may ocassionally stall if you count on SAS to much.



Trainer Equiptment:





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Kerbin Orbit

Murs I Test

The first EVAH Robug labs orbital launch AND EVA. The mission was planned, Rocket built by, And flown by Pheonix Aerospace. Here are the pics of the EVA


Mun Orbit

Mun Landing


;)) Something tells me this is going into the Robug labs history book. The lucky kerbonaut was Bill Kerman

The first OFFICIAL Robug labs Munar landing (Not saying there was any classified Mun mission before this

Minmus Orbit

Minmus Landing

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Planned Missions


Munar Landing Operation (MLO) is the test missions to the Mun using the Murs III rocket. MLO A is scheduled to launch July 25 at 10:00 PM, Its target is the mysterious crater Munar Maximus (The largest crater on the Mun)

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Hey Guys, im going on vacation for 2 weeks..

And I wanted to share what iv been up to this 1.5 days since i got 0.16..

Here it is:

Deuterium Pod-Tipe M

Bigger brother of my old Beryllium lander..

Lightweight and Agile, Multi purpose vessel..

One Maned, 3 stage rocket.. 9 engines, and 4800 l of fuel..

Tipe M is designed for Double landing (1st on Minimus, then on Mun and back to Kerbal)

While the middle tank is made modular, you can replace it with a full sized tank, and you can add additional RCS tank if necessarily...

- Once i get back i\'l record my attempt to double land and on the way back..

Please Pm me with thoughts about the craft..

See ya soon..


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Thanks to Pheonix :D and his planning and skill He redesigned the Murs I for 0.16 and His kerbonaut is the first To do a Kerbin EVA in Robug labs. After wetting his suit Twice due to jeb being control of the flight we recieved the first EVA pics of Robug Labs.


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Tonight is the unvailing of the Murs I, II, and III. The Murs III Is being unvailed as the FIRST ROBUB LABS MUNAR EVA Carying the Jack Jack Medium Lander (Named after my cat that died about a month and a half ago) And we will be doing a Munar EVA.

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