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Probe Retrieval

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I just can\'t believe how much this thing fights being rescued. I think I\'m just going to send a small ship with a little grabber and a laser. I might as well destroy the whole ship on purpose rather than by accident.

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Just as was about to suggest a design, people got to building these : ) I\'ll post anyways: google (images) for WAM-V Wave Adaptive Modular Vessel. Isn\'t she a beauty? One of the intended purposes is recovery vessel, too.


I think I\'ve seen something like this tried.

It\'s very doable in KSP - pontoons and Damned Robotics struts to suspend the main cockpit, with some sort of crane/claw structure (Damned Robotics) slung underneath. The only real departure would be propulsion - I believe props work better out of the water?

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I think I\'ve seen something like this tried.

It\'s very doable in KSP - pontoons and Damned Robotics struts to suspend the main cockpit, with some sort of crane/claw structure (Damned Robotics) slung underneath. The only real departure would be propulsion - I believe props work better out of the water?

Spent a few hours today trying it out, with Robotics for structure and empty fuselages for pontoons. Found out that at that size, Robotics don\'t hold together all that well when not in water. Main trouble is, of course, getting the darn thing from the hangar to the ocean : ) Wanted to do in in style, with steering and all. Guess I\'ll have to settle for the landing gear under the pontoons...

Think I\'m going to post a mod request for more generic wheel parts, like a single wheel with attachment, steerable and non-steerable, left and right. Then this Lego-like setup can really pick up pace : )

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actually it\'s mine.. and yes, I tried it.. the claw is apparently VERY buoyant.. bounced off the water surface and broke the craft.

how fast did you get to the probe? all my Heli attempts have been disappointing. to say the least.

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Spent a couple of hours trying this challenge yesterday... All I can say is it\'s damn hard! I had enough trouble just getting there...

My best attempt so far involved a rocket skycrane that I launched to about 50km, then used Mechjeb to land at target before taking control back as I approached the water. Ran out of fuel about 1km away from the target after Mechjeb overshot the target.

Might go back to trying seaplanes again next time I get a chance. I think I\'ll set up a test ground near KSC first though so I can figure out how best to capture the probe.

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I think I\'ll set up a test ground near KSC first though so I can figure out how best to capture the probe.

that\'s what i ended up doing. kept wasting 15 minutes to get out to the probe just to trash it, or have the thing flip my boat. so i built a duplicate and set it down just outside of the base.

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