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With squad working on the UI, I thought this would be the best time to talk about feedback on the user interface.

There are a lot of threads with these small suggestions, and because they don't really get that much discussion (you either agree or do not agree; details are already worked out), they silently disappear into the depths of the forums.

So that is were this thread mainly is for, an extra button, an extra line of information, etc. But don't hesitate to give other feedback on the UI as well, or discussing the UI suggestions of others:wink:.



The suggestions put forward (and discussed) in this thread:


Table of contents:


-suggestion               -feedback       -Discussion

The links under "Posts" link to the first posts in which the subject is discussed. Only if the post-chain for that subject is broken by another subject, and then at some point resumed, it will have a second link, or a third etc. 

PRE links are links belonging to a discussion that were posted before a suggestion, but still belong to the discussion of that subject. (for example: someone coming up with an solution for an earlier posted problem)

EX links are links to posts outside this thread.

R links are links to posts that mentioning changes due to update releases. 

Î--- text in blue with implemented subjects, text in yellow for partially implemented subjects.

App menu:

  • Engineers report App
  • Engineers Report

    -Layering: when two UI elements overlap, layering determines what UI element is shown in front of the other.





    adjust layering so the stageless staging icons fall behind the Engineers report window

























































  • Resource App
  • Resource App
    Subject Description Posts
    Craft editor Add the resource app to the craft editor 1
    Craft editor add a slider for each recourse to the in the craft editor so you can quickly empty/fill all tanks to compare dry and wet masses PRE,1
  • New
    Subject Description Posts
    Action groups app For reconfiguring action groups, espacially handy after docking PRE,1


  • Messages App
    Subject Description Posts
  • Contracts App
    Subject Description Posts
  • Currencies App
    Subject Description Posts
  • KSPedia App

    KSPedia is a new app in 1.1 that gives players all kinds of information about the game.


  • other

Building Specific Subjects:

-A Building (Specific) scene (let me know if you know a better name) could be the insides of the tracking station, the Astronaut complex or the Administration building, but the Flight Screen, Map View, the KSC screen and the Main menu screen are listed here.

  • Administration building
  • Administration Building


    Astronaut complex

  • Astronaut Complex


    Craft editor

  • Craft Editor

    -The craft editor is all buildings where you build and edit crafts, the VAB and SPH

    -Layering: when two UI elements overlap, layering determines what UI element is shown in front of the other.

    -You know the C(enter)oL(ift), CoM(ass) and CoT(hrust). CoS(tuff) is the term used in this thread as general term for them.


    Subject Description Posts
    Staging diagram layering putting the staging diagram behind the new/load/open/launch/exit bar in the craft editor. R
    Staging diagram layering adjust layering so the stageless staging icons fall behind the Engineers report window 1
    Craft list (Open craft file) add a drag and drop folder system for organizing crafts, lifters and payloads PRE 1,2
    Dry and wet CoS(tuff) add a dry and wet CoS 1
    Resources slider add a resources slider (with thickboxes) so you can empty/fill all tanks with one resource, to check dry and wet masses  PRE,1,2
    Tank groups Add tank groups like the GPO speed pump mod does 1
    Kerbonaut roster Show the portion of the tourist contract containing the destinations when you mouse-over said tourist. Also do this to the crew portrait in the Flight Screen. 1


    Flight screen

  • Flight Screen

    -The flight screen is one of the three (besides map view and IVA-view) views that you use when you fly your missions.

    -Top UI cluster is the UI cluster containing the abort button, and the altimter and alot more

    -Navball markers are the vector markers on you navball that show you the orientations of various things.

    Subject Description Posts
    Top UI cluster Add additional layer of predefined action groups, namely antenna's, radiator panels and solar panels (design in post) 1
    Top UI cluster Click on altimeter below 10000 metres -> Altimeter changes to radar altimeter 1
    Navball cluster Make SAS and RCS lights click-able buttons 1,R
    Navball cluster Left clicking on thrust bar sets the thrust at that level 1
    Navball cluster enable thrust above 100% or delete that part (and ideas for function of +100% thrust) 1
    general Enable the movement of UI elements (implemented for right-click-context menu's) 1,R
    Navball markers Sharper navball markers (Sharp up to 150% UI Scale) 1,R
    Navball markers Semi-transparant navball markers 1
    Part glow Disable the green part glow when in F2 mode (No UI mode) 1,R
    navball when clicking and dragging on the navball the navball will move so you can see the normally invisible parts of the navball, right-click to reset 1
    add display A movement indicator for each of the three 3D axis EXT,1,2,3
    Crew portrait Show the tourist contract piece with the destinations while mousing-over said tourist. Also do it to the Kerbonaut roster in the Craft Editor. 1
    ESC menu Add a button: Go to tracking station 1
    fuel transfer UI Add the fuel transfer UI to docking ports and claws, allowing fuel transfer to/from ALL tanks behind it. 1
    1.1 crew portrait move the (show more/less kerbal portraits) buttons in between the portraits and the screen edge (now moving every click) 1,R


    KSC screen

  • KSC Screen
    Subject Description Posts
    1.1 building buttons add the buttons for Mission Control in sandbox, but upon clicking, tell the player the facility is closed. 1,R
        ^-- on that note add buttons for the Administration Building and the R&D Center as well. R


    Main menu's

  • Main Menu

    main menu's, in this case, mean the main menu and all the menu's inside, all menu's inside save's are excluded.

    Subject Description posts
    new save Change "player name:" to something "world name:" or something along those lines. (Now says "save name") 1,R


    Map view

  • Map View
    Subject Description Posts
    Inactive Vessels Add toggleability for showing of icons of inactive vessels, mousing over orbits will show them. 1


    Mission control

  • Mission Control


    R&D facilty

  • R&D facility
    Subject Description Posts
    Part info menu's Add ability to use scroll wheel for the "more info" bar to scroll down, as is already possible in the craft editor 1
    Part info menu's Add the right-click-on-part-icon-to-lock-info-menu functionality from the craft editor to the part menu's in the R&D facility. Currently the mouse cannot operate the scroll bar(s). PRE,1


    Tracking station

  • Tracking Station


    Subject Description Posts
    Craft List a folder system for organising flights 1,2
    Sorting missions and crafts   1,2



  • other


Subject Description Posts
Style Other UI themes 1
Action groups and docking something to configure the action groups in flight, as docking messes things up 1,2
Sorting missions and crafts in the tracking station, and in the Craft Editor 1,2,3,4
UI scale-ability and movement   1,2,3



General and Miscellaneous:

  • Style
    Subject Description Posts
    Style Other UI themes 1
  • misc
    Subject Description Posts
    Informational panels on second screen Possibility to drag informational panels on a second screen. 1,
    Building scenes in pop-up window ability to load building scenes into a pop-up window so you can drag them onto a second screen PRE,1
    More sophisticated  craft/assembly management add craft/assembly management that can differ between launch-stages, payloads and multiple launches of the same craft. 1
    Key binding Tooltips Add a mouse-over tooltip to the appropriate UI element whenever a key binding is present. 1
    Hotkey list Because hotkeys are currently poor-documented, add a list with all key bindings (settings (main menu)) 1,R
  • general
    Subject Description Posts
    UI scale-ability and movement   1,2,3



  • new topic


Subject Description Posts
IVA UI and Tech tree IVA UI becomes more advanced/modern/helpful as you go up in the tech tree 1,2


Manoeuvre nodes and Patched Conics:

  • Patched conics-related
  • Patched Conics

    -patched conics-related subjects are any subject related to the plotting of orbits.

    -Orbit markers are the little labels that show up alongside your orbit, like Pe(riapsis), Ap(oapsis), ASC(ending node), DESC(ending node), CL(osest approach) etc. 


    Subject Description Posts
    Orbit markers extending the ability to lock the display of AP/PE nodes to all nodes. 1


    Manouvre nodes

  • Manouvre Nodes



    Subject Description Posts
    Scroll functionality remove the ability to use the scroll wheel to change the vectors, enabling you to scroll zoom while editing. 1
    Vector visibility looking edge-on at a manoeuvre node will hide the (from your perspective) closest and farthest markers, to facilitate moving the manoeuvre node. 1,2
    Better node tuning Instead of the measure mentioned directly above, have the player pull up a window, independent of the camera orientation, to manipulate a node (design in post) 1,PRE    
    phase angles show the phase angles of targeted bodies outside of the current SOI 1



  • Other


Staging diagram / Action Groups / Right-Click Menu's:

  • Action groups
  • Action Groups
    Subject Description posts
    Regular Action Group add one for solar panels 1,2
    Custom action groups Add action group CustomNumPad1 to CustomNumPad 10 action groups 1
    Regular Action groups Add one for antenna's, especially considering the telemetry update 1
    Regular action groups Add one for radiator panels 1
    Action groups and docking Have something to configure the action groups in flight, as docking messes things up 1,2


    Context Menu's

  • Right-Click Menu's

    -Context Menu's include the Right-Click Menu's that belong to parts, but also menu's like the fuel transfer windows are classified (in this thread anyway) as Context Menu's 


    Subject Description Posts
    Fuels transfer UI Add the fuel transfer UI to docking ports and claws, allowing fuel transfer to/from ALL tanks behind it. 1
    Informational panels on second screen Possibility to drag informational panels on a second screen 1


    Staging diagram

  • Staging Diagram

    -layering: when two UI elements overlap, layering determines what UI element is shown in front of the other.


    Subject Description Posts
    Stage actions Allow adding all parts to/from staging diagram  
    Layering putting the staging diagram behind the new/load/open/launch/exit bar in the craft editor. R
    Stageless icons/ layering adjust layering so the stageless staging icons fall behind the Engineers report window 1



  • Other



Change log of discussed subjects for:



1: This log does not contain all UI changes, but only those that are relevant to the subjects discussed in this thread. 

2: This log was documented by @*Aqua* . Big thanks to him for the effort of documenting everything.

3: This log might be subject to change, as 1.1 is still in development.

4: Career and science mode are not checked for changes yet.


Building Specific Subjects:

Craft editor


Staging diagram layering - putting the staging diagram behind the new/load/open/launch/exit bar in the craft editor.
-> It works like this now.

Flight Screen


Navball cluster - Make SAS and RCS lights click-able buttons
-> They are now click-able buttons.
general - Enable the movement of UI elements
-> Part context menus are now movable and stay where you put them. Other UI elements are still fixed in their places.
Navball markers - Sharper navball markers
-> They stay sharp even at 150% UI scale.
Part glow - Disable the green part glow when in F2 mode (No UI mode)
-> Parts don't light up in F2 mode anymore.
1.1 crew portrait - move the (show more/less kerbal portraits) buttons in between the portraits and the screen edge
-> Add/remove portrait slot buttons pop up if you move the mouse over the portraits. I could switch between 0 to 4 visible portraits. I don't know if 4 is a hard max or depends on screen resolution. A 5th portrait would overlap the nav ball on my screen [1920x1200].

KSC Screen


1.1 building buttons - add the buttons for Mission Control in sandbox, but upon clicking, tell the player the facility is closed.
    ^-- on that note - add buttons for the Administration Building and the R&D Center as well.
-> All buildings now have buttons in the lower right corner of the KSC screen. The buttons for the Admin. and R&D buildings are still missing. When clicking on them in sandbox mode you are told that they are closed.

Main Menu's


new save - Change "player name:" to something "world name:" or something along those lines.
-> It says "Save name" now.

General and Miscellaneous



Hotkey list - Because hotkeys are currently poor-documented, add a list with all key bindings
-> Already there in the settings menu that you can reach through the main menu.


8 hours ago, *Aqua* said:

KSP 1.1 pre-release addresses some of the issues mentioned in the OP:

[copied into log]

I didn't check the suggestions about tourists and stuff that only works in campaign mode (for example R&D) and stopped in the middle (I ran out of free time). Maybe someone can continue this list so the op can be updated.



Edited by nikokespprfan
Maintenance +Add change log [1.1-pre-release] by *Aqua*
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20 hours ago, pandaman said:

An old one, often mentioned, but repeating it here...

A 'folder' system for organising flights in the tracking station.  And the same thing for organising ships in the editors.

I don't think I understand you, is this the "list of upcoming manouvre nodes" suggestion from the forums the other day?

mandatory links to the threads: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/123438-add-quotmaneuversquot-tab-to-tracking-station/


Edited by nikokespprfan
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39 minutes ago, nikokespprfan said:

I don't think I understand you, is this the "list of upcoming manouvre nodes" suggestion from the forums the other day?

mandatory links to the threads: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/123438-add-quotmaneuversquot-tab-to-tracking-station/


No, this is a way to help organise your flights in progress...

As an example, say you have 20 satellites orbiting Kerbin, some as part of resource scanning,  some placed for contracts and others for 'other stuff', not to mention all those orbiting around other planets.

 Currently you can choose to show or hide vessels based only on their 'type' icon, so finding your few Kerbin survey satellites, that may not all be together in the list can be a bit fiddly.  This way you could place those in a named folder and show or hide the vessels in the folder independently of their icon, just like organising your photo album on your computer. 

Edited by pandaman
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In the map view, to hide the markers prograde/normal/radial if their screen coordinates fall inside the maneuver node radius. In this way they do not interfere. It gets very frustrating to move the wrong marker instead of the node, especially for complex maneuvers.

For example, in a polar view, the normal/antinormal will be hidden, which are very unlikely useful with that view. The player can always change the view accordingly to show the markers needed.

I think this should be easy to implement. 


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The folders idea is really good. I play using KIS and KAS, so if I have to get off midway through building something on EVA, the areas around the base look like a huge grey blob in the tracking station. Plus, if I try to build a base complex, with multiple parts that aren't connected, I get the same problem.

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On December 21, 2015 at 1:17 PM, Mastermemorex said:

In the map view, to hide the markers prograde/normal/radial if their screen coordinates fall inside the maneuver node radius. In this way they do not interfere. It gets very frustrating to move the wrong marker instead of the node, especially for complex maneuvers.

For example, in a polar view, the normal/antinormal will be hidden, which are very unlikely useful with that view. The player can always change the view accordingly to show the markers needed.

I think this should be easy to implement. 


I love it. While we're at it,

- Let's stop making the scroll wheel mess up my maneuver when I'm trying to zoom out. No one has ever intentionally moused over the widget and used the scroll wheel to change the maneuver.

- You know how you can click on the AP/PE node and 'lock' it so that it displays whether you continue to mouseover it or not? Do that for all nodes, so that I don't have to continually mouse back and forth between the maneuver node and the ascending node or closest approach.

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28 minutes ago, StarManta said:

I love it. While we're at it,

- Let's stop making the scroll wheel mess up my maneuver when I'm trying to zoom out. No one has ever intentionally moused over the widget and used the scroll wheel to change the maneuver.

I actually do sometimes, it's a bit more precise than pulling the marker. But i agree that's it's a bit annoying when you finally found the right RDV burn and mess it up when you zoom out.

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  • 1 month later...
On 7-2-2016 at 4:21 PM, CaptainTurbomuffin said:

In the flight-UI, have a button for toggling all solar panels. We already have some auto-action groups for gears, lights, brakes, abort, RCS, and a solar panel one is highly necessary. I know this has been suggested many times, but it will be again and again until it's added.

I would suggest adding radiator panels to it too!

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The UI looks grey, old and kinda dull. I would love to actually have some light-grey/white/black themed UI. The closest thing I can think of would be the Aperture Science Center (from Portal) indoor colour scheme. Except cleaner. Basically this black and white contrast with some bright coloured accents (buttons? Staging icons?). That's all I want.

Edited by Veeltch
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There's an issue with the layering in the VAB when you detach stages the removed stage icons sit in front of the engineers report information.screenshot453_zpsoy6jsvnn.jpg

It makes it harder to make adjustments to upper stages since you have to completely remove the lower stages to see the vehicle stats.

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21 hours ago, Reactordrone said:

There's an issue with the layering in the VAB when you detach stages the removed stage icons sit in front of the engineers report information.screenshot453_zpsoy6jsvnn.jpg

It makes it harder to make adjustments to upper stages since you have to completely remove the lower stages to see the vehicle stats.

That is an annoying one for sure. I've experienced layering issues with the staging diagram and the exit button.

Edited by nikokespprfan
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Once I had an excellent suggestion about making the tech level of pods matter: The more advanced command modules are, the more advanced, user-friendly, detailed, and helpful your in-flight UI should be. For example: Mk.1 pod: only very basic instruments such as altitude and speed. The in-flight UI has some rusty steampunk-like texture with clock-like displays, not digital ones.  Mk.4 cockpit with dozens of advanced, digital stuffs, modes such as RADAR altitude, displays like DV, Suicide-burn, Apoapsis height, docking port alignment, and an advanced texture. Here's the link to that suggestion, where I also write about IVA.

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I would suggest:
Add support for the number pad to control an additional 10 Action Groups, for a total of 20 custom Action Groups.

Since practically ALL modern keyboards with a number pad report the number keys of the number pad as unique keys, separate from the row of numbers above the alphas (even if they return the same character), would it be possible to create an additional 10 Action groups that are activated by the number pad's numerical keys? I know I could DEFINITELY put 20 action groups to use as opposed to the currently limited 10 + the "predefined" action groups.

Speaking of the predefined action groups, I concur that we should also have Antennas, Solar Panels, and Radiators as additional button accessible action groups on the Altimeter (also, each should have a unique key to activate) I would suggest as follows:

[A]| 000000m | /   \|L|S|
   \ ------- ||<-o  |G|R|

Where A, L, G, and B refer to the existing Abort, Lights, Gear, and Brakes, respectively, but the new S, R, and A would refer to Solar, Radiators, and Antennas. I suggest Antennas, since with the later plans for a coms upgrade to the game, that might be more important. We can always repurpose those features, much like we have done in the past... Abort, Lights, Gear, and Brakes are 4 more action groups when you're in a pinch! :D

There also needs to be a way to assign Action groups in transit. I can't tell you how much of a pain it can be to dock craft together, and have it screw up Action Groups, or you be uncertain what the actual assignment of action groups on such a merged vessel would be.

I think that more advanced designs need finer control, and right clicking parts on a moving vessel can be difficult. SSTO craft, tugs, science vessels/probes, anything using Infernal Robotics... 10 action groups is simply not enough.

One more suggestion, also related to that UI cluster...
I would also suggest being able to click on the altimeter when below 10000 radar meters, to be able to switch the altimeter to show the radar altimeter. If the numbers could be made with a different color, to differentiate it (black on yellow, maybe yellow/red stripes on the last 1000 meters?), that would be great. Exceeding the radar altimeter range would auto toggle back to ASL Altimeter.

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Regarding action groups: I'd be extremely happy for the ability to redefine action groups after launch. I can't count the number of times I've docked two ships, only to discover that '5' on one ships does X while '5' on the other ship does Y, or more commonly, discovered that an action group is missing one crucial action needed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All suggestions should be indexed now, sorry for the delay.


As for the action groups/docking discussion, KSP need to have some way to change the action groups in flight, or something to tell the player how the actions groups are reordened when docking. I would suggest an app to do that, as it is the cleanest way to have UI windows.

On 18-2-2016 at 11:06 PM, *Aqua* said:

If I understand correctly, the altitude change meter would be a speed meter for each of the three dimensions?


On 19-2-2016 at 1:41 AM, Spartwo said:

I've already made a thread for this but.

Have you got a link?

Edited by nikokespprfan
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On Monday December 21, 2015 at 0:17 PM, Mastermemorex said:

In the map view, to hide the markers prograde/normal/radial if their screen coordinates fall inside the maneuver node radius. In this way they do not interfere. It gets very frustrating to move the wrong marker instead of the node, especially for complex maneuvers.

For example, in a polar view, the normal/antinormal will be hidden, which are very unlikely useful with that view. The player can always change the view accordingly to show the markers needed.

I think this should be easy to implement.


In some situations this would definitely be helpful. Unfortunately, there are situations that it could make almost impossible to deal with (If you're trying to fine tune a flyby, you need to have view focus on the flyby target so you can see what the orientation of your periapsis is. This fixes the orientation that you're viewing the node from, and sometimes you end up having to manipulate a node handle that would be hidden in your scheme). Something better might be to allow the player to pull up an overlay window that would allow a user to manipulate a node with a 2-D layout that didn't depend on camera orientation, the layout being something like this:

     +Nor           >>> (Node time + 1 orbit per click)
      |             >>  (Node time course adjust, maybe ~30% of orbit per second held)
      |             > 	(Node time fine ajust, maybe ~3% of orbit per second held)
      |             <
      |             <<
     -Nor           <<<


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On ‎27‎.‎02‎.‎2016 at 2:46 PM, nikokespprfan said:

If I understand correctly, the altitude change meter would be a speed meter for each of the three dimensions?

No, I'd like to have a separate indicator for movement along each of the 3D axis. If it is suitable to combine all indicators into one display it would be fine for me, too.

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As this seems to be the place where UI issues are put, I would like there to be a way to scroll up and down the part information in the R&D building, currently if you move to the slider the info box vanishes. also a better way to do the same in the VAB. Currently if there is info in two places with a scroll bar you can only scroll the outer one (that shows Isp)

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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