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Mission Required. Large off Kerbin mission?


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Looking for an interesting place to launch a large multi part mission using just stock KSP.  This mission would involve landing multiple craft and/or setting up a fairly sizable surface base, on the surface of a planet, moon, or both.  I have already done a Jool 5 mission, landing on and refueling from each moon in the Jool system.  I'm looking for a more centralized mission where I focus on just 1 or 2 worlds.  I already have at least 1 space-tug/low-g lander type craft I can use to get anywhere in the Kerbal system and plan on launching multiple different craft, each with their own multi part payloads.  But to where???


Eve might still be outside my abilities to land anything sizable/functional on.  And having already done the full Jool system, I don't plan on revisiting that system for a while yet.  And the sun has nowhere to land on...  Suggestions would be appreciated.  Even suggestions for what type of infrastructure to try and set up would be good.

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I'm in the middle of setting up a full colony system on Duna. Right now, I am planning a 6 node SatNet in orbit, with 3 in equatorial DSO, and 3 around Duna's moon, and a half dozen surface colonies with gliders, rovers, and hoppers for each, as well as a fully functional orbital station. It's quite involved, and rather enjoyable. I highly recommend you doing something similar.

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Don't discount Eve. She is a harsh mistress, but she gives so much back in terms of achievement satisfaction!

A nice mission is to land a craft with a science rover and a crewman. Plus another craft (or even the same one for bonus kudos) for return to orbit.

The rover then visits 4 or 5 biomes, collecting juicy science goodness at each. There is at least one spot on Eve with 5 biomes within a few km of each other.

Return all the science and your crewman to orbit, where you left your Kerbin-return-capable mothership.  

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A Laythe mining base providing fuel for drone piloted passenger planes that in turn provide pleasure flights over the ocean for ultra rich kerbals.

A large Moho solar power plant

A mining station on Minmus to provide fuel for the above.

A series of fuel depots providing fuel for an interplanetary shuttle system meaning a kerbal who gets into orbit can go to any body in the system refuelling on the way and back to kerbin orbit again to get back into the return pod.

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Duna: I'll be doing that one in career mode soon enough.  so I'll hold off until then.

Eve: still not sure on my landing skill for large craft.  especially with her sheer power.  Visited her before but only with a single use lander/return vehicle.  And barely made it at that.

Moho:  Might have to do a mission there soon.  Haven't been there yet.  Probably the only place I have not visited.  Making the large solar power station sounds interesting enough.

Dres: revisiting that planet might be the ticket I'm looking for.  Not to close, not to far.  Besides, I just made a refueling stop last time on my Jool mission.  So the full mission would be useful.

Large interplanetary shuttle with refueling stations: Well, I have the tug, which has modules for nearly any situation.  And it can refuel its self by landing on most of the worlds in KSP.  Has the range to do a Jool direct run without refueling.  And if it needs more range, I can simply add more fuel modules.  So that will, once again, be my main workhorse for this mission. 


The mission: Landing

My main tug will be one of the landers and will act as the primary refueling station on Dres.  I'll only have to modify it a little to add docking support while landed.  I'll design and land several base modules that will be brought along with the main tug.  Will most likely need at least a second tug to bring in enough modules.  I'll also have a smaller lander/tug for doing the dresteroid prospecting.  Need to find the right one, or more, if I'm going to try a capture.

The mission: Satellites

I've got a 6 pack module and a large scanner sat with 11,000 delta-v.  The large satellite can make the flight on it's own actually.  I'll throw the smaller sats into odd orbits to cover the majority of Dres with the scanner sat going into a polar orbit for max resource scanning.

The mission: Orbit

I'll bring a separate craft with enough parts to make an orbiting crew and communications station.  This will be the fallback point should any of the surface bases fail for any reason.

The mission: Roving

What's a surface base without rovers?  Several?  Ones that can refuel and perform science?  I'll bring those along.

The mission: Dresteroids

Hmmm...  Landing on a few, should bring a grappling craft to do some tugging on them.  Maybe bring one to low orbit.  If I can design the craft right, might even try landing a dresteroid near my surface base.  Something I've never done before...


I think that should cover it then.  Thanks for the replies everyone. :)

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This just means you're ready to move from kiddie KSP to FAR+Real Solar System+Deadly Reentry+TAC Lifesupport. Start a game in sandbox with those installed, even the most rudimentary mission takes ridiculous power to make happen. If you don't want RSS, try k64x (the 6.4x scale mod) or the 4x scale mod. 4x scale makes dV to LKO about 6km/s, which is a nice balance between realistic and moderately easy.


Launching an interplanetary probe or rover in RSS is no joke.

Edited by Halo_003
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