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KSP Is Moving Into The Future

Watson Newton

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Hi, KSP Is an amazing game as you know all for sure, But, I think Its past was better Than now. I Mean, When you look back on youtube Videos of people that played KSP in the past, It was a lot better. Lets take ThorLP as an example, i wondered how he got data From EVAs or The MysteryGoo, I tried transferring the data By right clicking Kerbels While EVAing But it did not work, But I think, Yes, It might have caused game crashes and yes, It was difficult to manurer ( Near impossible ) to manuver a Rocket, But, Its got That hardcore felling to it. 


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Hi, KSP Is an amazing game as you know all for sure, But, I think Its past was better Than now. I Mean, When you look back on youtube Videos of people that played KSP in the past, It was a lot better. Lets take ThorLP as an example, i wondered how he got data From EVAs or The MysteryGoo, I tried transferring the data By right clicking Kerbels While EVAing But it did not work, But I think, Yes, It might have caused game crashes and yes, It was difficult to manurer ( Near impossible ) to manuver a Rocket, But, Its got That hardcore felling to it. 


If I am In anyway wrong Please Tell Me , I've got a mac OS X with a retina 27 inch screen, And I've been playing this game for 3 days, I Know I'm a noob

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What do you like about the older versions specifically?

By the way, if you want to transmit data from Mystery Goo, do so from the craft itself, not from an EVA'd Kerbal. Right click on the Mystery Goo and run the experiment (or review data if you've already run it) and you'll have the option to transmit right there.

Alternatively, EVA a Kerbal, get very close to the Mystery Goo part, right click on it, and select "Get Data" then return to your capsule. You'll get full science for returning the capsule, instead of only partial credit for transmitting.

As for maneuvering, if anything it's harder in 1.0+ compared to before because aerodynamic modelling was added.

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Well, the first thing I want to say is that you use of capitals is bugging the hell out of me.

Now, if you want a more 'hardcore' feel, put the game in hard mode. If anything, much of the game has actually gotten harder than it was in the past, with new aero, reentry heating, and the advent of a career mode with money. While yes, the game is able to be easy-ish if you want it to be, you know have many more options than you did before to make it as hardcore as possible :cool:

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Welcome to the forum! Make sure to make a thread over in Introductions so we can get to know you ;)

I concur with @nosirrbro; problems with the usability of the game itself don't make it harder in any kind of good way - just frustrating. I like KSP much better now that it has actual physical constraints to overcome. And also please work on your English. If it isn't your first language I appreciate your efforts, so keep up the good work, but note that capitals only go at the beginning of sentences or on proper names. ;)

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If you want to transfer data--for example, from a science part to a command pod--you move the kerbalnaut close to the science part, then right-click the science part and select "take data," then move the kerbalnaut close the the command pod, right-click the pod, and select "store experiments."

You don't need to right-click the kerbalnaut herself unless you want her to collect a surface sample or write an EVA report.


Any other "not as good as it used to be" issues?

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I have almost all older versions of KSP stashed on hard drive. Couple of days ago i fired up an old save in 0.19 - by Jool, was that a horrible experience :D Back then we needed both SAS and ASAS to control our ships. Which i've completely forgot about. Every launch was a harrowing excercise of frantic oversteering - not to mention rockets behaving like wet noodles due to much weaker joints. So no, old versions are not better than current one.

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On 27 December 2015 at 0:35 AM, Xavven said:

What do you like about the older versions specifically?

By the way, if you want to transmit data from Mystery Goo, do so from the craft itself, not from an EVA'd Kerbal. Right click on the Mystery Goo and run the experiment (or review data if you've already run it) and you'll have the option to transmit right there.

Alternatively, EVA a Kerbal, get very close to the Mystery Goo part, right click on it, and select "Get Data" then return to your capsule. You'll get full science for returning the capsule, instead of only partial credit for transmitting.

As for maneuvering, if anything it's harder in 1.0+ compared to before because aerodynamic modelling was added.

Hey Thanks, I Was using a Mac OS X Magic Wireless thingy, Mouse there we go! and i did not have a right click or a scroll thing


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On 27 December 2015 at 4:39 AM, parameciumkid said:

Welcome to the forum! Make sure to make a thread over in Introductions so we can get to know you ;)

I concur with @nosirrbro; problems with the usability of the game itself don't make it harder in any kind of good way - just frustrating. I like KSP much better now that it has actual physical constraints to overcome. And also please work on your English. If it isn't your first language I appreciate your efforts, so keep up the good work, but note that capitals only go at the beginning of sentences or on proper names. ;)

English is my second language, and as I speak i have to go to google translator every 5 seconds, SO ANNOYING:angry: 

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The data thing and the transmitting, 

On 27 December 2015 at 9:10 AM, AbacusWizard said:

If you want to transfer data--for example, from a science part to a command pod--you move the kerbalnaut close to the science part, then right-click the science part and select "take data," then move the kerbalnaut close the the command pod, right-click the pod, and select "store experiments."

You don't need to right-click the kerbalnaut herself unless you want her to collect a surface sample or write an EVA report.


Any other "not as good as it used to be" issues?

The Game keeps telling me I need a comms thing, I don't know what that is

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