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What does the number mean for "DefaultShutoffTemp"

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So I've finally got over my aversion to using the small ISRU (i thought it would make ISRU too easy, I wanted the large one to be even heavier as it was), and designed a 2 kerbal lander <10 tons to go finish off all the science for the Mun that I had not got earlier (tech tree is completed, just doing this or the sake of completion), the "Science Cleaner" vessel (shouldd go to Minmus and do the same afterwards).

1x 3 star engineer is onboard to make ISRU go faster, 1x scientist on board to reset the experiments, 2 mk1 cabins to store duplicate samples/experimments.

Everything seemed good, 2 small drills, 3 small deployable radiators, 1 radial ore tank, 1 small ISRU. Everything is temperature stable when its running, but if I switch to something else, timewarp, and come back, the ore tank is full, but almost no fuel was made -> it gives me a message about the core temperature being to high and a shutdown.

If fills up its small ore tank in less than 2 hours. To make this thing work, I have to come back to this ting every 2 hours, and start the ISRU... which when drawing from a full ore tank (vs the ore that is produced at the rate its made from the drills), consumes moe power than the craft can provide, so I need to shut the drills down, timewarp until the tank is empty, an repeat...

75 units or ore in the tank converts to roughly 7 units of LF... it will take forever to get this thing to the next biome...

Its realy a pain in the ____ .... so I'm going to .cfg file mod. Ideally I'd just prevent the core temp shut down.

in the .cfg file, it says:

        DefaultShutoffTemp = .8

What is that 0.8 value? which way should I change this to allow it to get hotter (even though I don't know why it shuts down at all, it seems to be a calculation error from the calcultions done for when I switch to it to make it the active vessel - again it is temperature stable wen its the active vessel).

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	@MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter],* // IIRC, that hits every module of that type...
		@GeneratesHeat = false

Might want to fiddle with the thermal efficiency and stuff a little as well, but the getting rid of overheats is faster with ^^ than messing with overheat temps and heating rate

Edited by Crzyrndm
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17 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

I suggest you send a PM to RoverDude, who wrote the code.  He can tell you everything there is to know about the Ore system

Or even better, just mention @RoverDude like this, which will cause him to get notified and he'll see this thread and hopefully reply here.  Then everybody gets the benefit of the answer.  :)

(One of the nice things about KSP is that the devs actually read the forums and respond directly to questions there-- I see lots of posts from folks like RoverDude and NathanKell, they're very responsive.)

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