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Why does my rover get stuck in the runway when testing?

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17 minutes ago, ouyin2000 said:

Thanks for the .craft file, but could you post a screenshot as well?  Makes it much friendlier to folks in the forum-- diagnosing problems often just take a glance, and it doesn't require downloading a file, installing it in the game folder, starting up the game, etc.

Most problems are simple and quick to diagnose with a screenshot-- the .craft is useful mainly for especially subtle or difficult design problems that are hard to get from a picture.

For example, when I read your post, the first thing that popped into my head was "are your wheels right-side up?", which would be immediately obvious from a screenshot, but I can't do anything with a .craft file 'coz I'm not at my KSP computer.  ;)

It's worth knowing that wheels aren't really round.  That is, the collider object under the hood has a patch on the bottom of the wheel which is the thing that interacts with terrain.  If you attach the wheel in the wrong orientation (e.g. rotated 90 degrees), then the collider is facing the wrong way and you can run into problems.  It's very off-putting because in real life it shouldn't matter which way the wheels are mounted, as long as the wheel axis is parallel to the ground.  But in KSP, it matters.

(I gather that wheel colliders are one of the major improvements in Unity 5 for the upcoming 1.1 release, so I wouldn't be surprised if this gets fixed in 1.1.  But that's just a completely unsubstantiated speculation on my part, I have no idea if 1.1 will actually fix that particular problem.)

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Sorry! Completely slipped my mind about the screenshot.





As you can see in the last one, even if I extend the landing gear, they also clip into the ground.

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1 hour ago, ouyin2000 said:

Here's the craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/979dh9tfhan7dhy/Bace%20Science%20Rover.craft?dl=0


Every time I launch it to the runway for testing, the wheels fall through the ground and it sit on the lowest structure. And the wheels just spin in one place. Is it too heavy? Are the wheels buggy?

Yes, the wheels are buggy.  Check out @Claw's Stock Bug Fix Modules which will probably help you here.

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1 hour ago, ouyin2000 said:

Yup, you got the wheels on sideways.  Try rotating them so that they're right-side up, then they'll be fine.

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