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[1.9.x] Final Frontier (0.9.1 or higher) Custom Ribbons Packs Add-on (24.01.2018): RANKS and MILITARY RANKS FOR KERBALS


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As Nereid updated "Final Frontier" with release 0.9.1, it is possible to add custom ribbons to tose already bundled in the mod itself.

As a big fan of Nereid's mod, and already having some ribbons I made for myself, now it is possible to share them in a manner tha ANYONE could eventually use them.


THOSE PACKAGES COULD ENTER IN CONFLICTS WITH OTHER USER-CREATED CUSTOM RIBBON PACKAGES: ASK HERE FOR SUPPORT FOR MY ONES, BUT I DON'T GUARANTEE ANYTHING ABOUT!!! (Basically I'm not a modder, just a graphic entusiast, and I had to follow Nereid's rules about how to implement them: if anyone is using my very same ribbon ID's definitions, they could collide :P I'm not telling you to NOT use other custom packages than mine, but... :blush:)

I release different packages, with different ispiration about them:



v.1.2.0 - 13-01-2016

(Custom BASE ID: 1000)

The first package is heavily ispired by Star Trek's Starfleet from "The Next Generation" onward:
the three kerbal specializations came already in that sort of classification, so it was an easy way to add some sort of ranks to your kerbonauts.

Ranks from "Kadet" to "Kommander" are common for the three branches (Operation/pilot, Engineering, Scientific), then higher commanding ranks (from "Kaptain" to "Fleet Admiral") are only "red" (But nobody will stop you to let a scientist or engineer kerbal become a "Kaptain" or an "Admiral"... :P)

UPDATE v1.1.0:

Added to the pack the enlisted rank for all the three branches.

Upgraded all the ribbons with the KerbFleet emblem (basically a gold rocket took from KSP logo :P)

Changed the "Kadet" ribbons from "grey pin" to "grey stripe"

Changed the "Kaptain" ribbon to better reflect similar rank visual I made for "Military Rank"


DropBox: KerbFleet Custom Ribbons 1.2.0
(update 13-01-2016)



Not doing so and you will probably have duplicated (and maybe conflicting) ribbons!!!

2- Open the .zip file, copy-paste "GameData" folder with your KSP "GameData" Folder.

1.0.0 - Initial release

1.0.1 - Changed the Directories tree to better use the already Advanced Texture Manager .cfg bundled with Final Frontier, to avoid scaling of the ribbons (Thanks to Nereid pointing the thing :P)- DELETE THE OLDER VERSION BEFORE UPDATING!!!

1.1.0 - Added Enlisted ranks.
- Changed "Kadet" ribbon from "grey pin" to "grey stripe"
- Changed "Kaptain" ribbon to better reflect the similar Navy and Koast Guard from "Military Pack"
- Added "Kerbfleet" emblem to all the ribbons

1.1.1 - Minor tweaks to "prestige" values

1.2.0 - Changes in ID values to better manage the pack and correct some typos.
ATTENTION!!!! You should revoke and/or assign back the right ribbons, as IDs are different from previous releases.




v.1.0.2 - 13-01-2016

(Custom BASE ID: 2000)

The main ideas I had back in the time, when I had the idea to buil a full series of ribbons for the major army forces ranks.

Visually ispired by USA ones, mixed here and there with name also ispired by British ones (I liked the parallel of a "Kerba Air Force" as KAF with the "Royal Air Force" RAF), turned in with a Kerbal-ish style of names (expect a lot of "K" instead of "C" :P) and any ideas coming from my crazy mind.


Do not feel upset if ranks' names are "twisted or different" from real life, not reflecting it: I'm not wanna offend anyone (and, sure thing, not maybe any "veteran" that could fell angry by it :wink: ).

I didn't make this pack to reflect EXACTLY real life, but to play it in a kerbalish style. I added things here and there, changed things here and there. If any of my ideas are not fitting yours, you can always change names and definition in the added .cfg file in the pack, or directly inside the game from Final Frontier Menus (in the latter case, REMEMBER TO CHANGE SCENE TO MAKE FINAL FRONTIER CATCH THE CHANGES)


- Kerbal Ground Force (Ground operations)

- Kerbal Air Force (Air operations)

- Kerbal Navy (Sea operations)

- Kerbal Koast Guard (Search and Rescue operations)

- Kerbal Special Marine Korp (Any special operation where "stronger" kerbal are needed to pave the way for the other ones :P:wink: )




DOWNLOAD: DropBox: Military Ranks Custom Ribbons 1.0.2 (update 13-01-2016)


DELETE ANY OLDER VERSION OF THIS PACK BEFORE INSTALLING!!! Not doing so and you will eventually have duplicated (and maybe conflicting) ribbons!!! YOU ARE WARNED!!!

Open the .zip file, copy-paste "GameData" folder with your KSP "GameData" Folder. DO NOT CHANGE DIRECTORIES TREE, AS IT WILL BE USED WITH .CFG FILE INSIDE "FINAL FRONTIER" MAIN PACK MOD!!!

1.0.0 - Initial Release with already updated Directories tree after Nereid advice.

1.0.1 - Minor tweaks to "prestige" values

1.0.2 - Little correction to some missing "prestige" values







Edited by Araym
16-02-2020 Still working after 4 years :P
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As a huge Star Trek nerd I like it.  Not so sure about how the Captain rank looks tho.  It seems you went away from the four stripe idea.  I will try it today after work.  Thank you for another mod to bog down my computer.  :)


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10 hours ago, jgold1701 said:

As a huge Star Trek nerd I like it.  Not so sure about how the Captain rank looks tho.  It seems you went away from the four stripe idea.  I will try it today after work.  Thank you for another mod to bog down my computer.  :)


Yeah: A Star Trek Captain has 4 gold pins... so here (for parallel) should be a "4 stripes"...

... but it is "ispired by", not exactly the same: the "pin" is the mark that make "a Kommander" (from ANY specialization) become a "Kaptain", the first rank on the "High ranking officers" in charge of a whole ship... (actually I was bored of playing only with stripes, so I tried something different :P)

Also, different from Star Trek, are the Kommander ranks themselves: there are not any "Commander", in StarFleet, beside the "red ones". In KerbFleet, they felt to give equally possibility to a Scientist or an Engineer to be an higher rank, before eventually be appointed to be a Kaptain of a Ship (Bill or Bob wanna be "Kaptain" too... not fair to let it be only Jeb or Val :cool:)

Edited by Araym
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In meantime, to let guess WHAT I was really looking for, some albums about my WIP package upcoming (they will be released all together, as a single pack, to have a full suite of ribbons :P):

Kerbal Ground Force (K.G.N.): (Even if military ispired, I do not feel to call it an "Army"... even if there are a lot of military mods or militarized replica, I feel Kerbals are past any wartime era... and also to avoid confusion to another "group" I'm preparing)


Kerbal Navy (K.N.)


... but those are only 2/5 of the work I'm doing:

there will be also the K.A.F. (Kerbal Air Force), the K.K.G. (Kerbal Koast Guard) and the K.S.M.K (Kerbal Special Marine Korp)

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13 hours ago, blu3wolf said:

And already we either need nereid to redo the code system for ribbons, or an extensive system for allocating IDs to specific mod packs so they dont conflict.

I am hoping the former happens soon, but for now the latter would seem necessary.


I dont think so.

  • All conflicts can easily resolved by the player. There are similar problems in Minecraft and they got it to work, too.
  • if the Ribbonpack creators take care about it, they can avoid such conflicts to 99%. Just don't use the default range.

Maybe I will add some more convenient method for changing the base ids in the future. At the moment any update of a ribbon pack will overwrite all changes by the user.

But I wanted to add this feature as soon as possible. 

Edited by Nereid
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- Updated/changed the "KerbFleet pack" to version 1.0.1: I advice to delete the older version and install the new one (it should do not change, in game, already assigned ribbons). It's a technical change to better act with some Advanced Texture Manager's .cfg files already inside Final Frontier.

-ADDED the NEW "Military Forces pack"!!!

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6 hours ago, blu3wolf said:

Any chance you could make it so the ribbon code takes a prefix? Like for instance instead of 1010 as a code, crp_1010 or something along those lines?

Not without changing the code. All user defined custom ribbons are just plain custom ribbons. Their code follows the syntax "X:<ID>" and <ID> must be a number at the moment.

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Added to the pack the enlisted rank for all the three branches.

Upgraded all the ribbons with the KerbFleet emblem (basically a gold rocket took from KSP logo :P)

Changed the "Kaptain" ribbon to better reflect similar rank visual I made for "Military Rank"

Changed the "Kadet" ribbons from grey pin to grey stripe (it was very dull, and almost a placeholder)

Edited by Araym
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9 hours ago, UnCroissant said:

You made a typo in the .cfg file of your KerbFleet Pack. The Scientist Kadet and the Scientist Ensign both have the 14, therefor the Ensign will not be shown ingame.

Also the DL-link for the military pack leads me to the Kerbfleet pack.


Corrected the wrongs ID (Thanks to @UnCroissant :) ) in KerbFleet pack

ATTENTION! You should revoke/assign back some ribbons, as they changed as ID number.

Also corrected some typos in "Military Rank" too, and provided a new link.

Edited by Araym
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  • 6 months later...
2 hours ago, mattssheep4 said:

So are the ranks dependent on skill levels, like in the regular Final Frontier mod, or can you promote/demote kerbals as you see fit?

pretty sure the way these ribbons (and similar packs work) is you assign them as you want. It's mainly for roleplaying purposes.

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 2 years later...
On 2/12/2020 at 2:28 AM, mattssheep4 said:

Just gonna bump this with a note that it's still working with KSP 1.8.1 and the most recent Final Frontier version :)

Love it, thanks @Araym for making it!

Just returning back to KSP after A LOOOOONG pause (basically since... uhm... KSP 1.5???? I'm just by NOW, in this very moment, starting to set-up a new 1.9 version to see "what is new...) and I'm very happy to see that a little add-on I made mostly for myself, A LONG AGO, is liked by someone else...
... even after THIS amount of time. :D


Thank for your kind words, Matt :D

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