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How to make Kopernicus Planets (Updated to 1.0.5)

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Hello , in this thread i will make a tut to show how to make Kopernicus planets in the easiest way possible .


First lets start out with the basic beginning a Star. Here is a config i use for my system Atario (Note: i have the debug option in the code , add that to export .bin files)


     name = Atario
	 flightGlobalsIndex = 492
	 exportBin = true
	 cacheFile = AtarioSystem/Cache/cach.bin
	   name = Sun
	   description = A Distaint star from kerbol, The kerbals found this star after they spilled coffee on the lenzs and saw a small spot on the teliscope 
	   but then reliesed that it was not a stain and as they pointed their scope at the spot , they found a new star and named it Atario!
	   radius = 200000000
	   mass   = 1.9000000000000
	   @mass *= 0.5
	   spereOfInfluence = 250e5
	   sunlightColor = RGBA(255, 232, 205, 255)
	   scaledSunlightColor = RGBA( 255, 232, 205, 255)
	   IVASunColor = RGBA( 255, 232, 205, 255)
	   sunLensFlareColor = RGBA( 255, 232, 205, 255)
	                       sunAU = 13.58e9
						   @sunAU *= 0.6
						   key = -0.001802375 -0.001802375
						   key = 5.084181 3          -0.001802375 -0.001802375
                           key = 38.56295 1.65        0.0001713 0.0001713
						   emitColor0 = RGBA(255, 210, 165, 255)
                           emitColor1 = RGBA(192, 144, 96, 255)
                           sunspotColor = RGBA(128, 104, 80, 255)
                           rimColor = RGBA(192, 144, 96, 255)
			               rimPower = 0
			               rimBlend = 3
                          rotation = 3
                          speed = 9
                          updateInterval = 5
                          scaleLimitX = 5
                          scaleLimitY = 5
                          scaleSpeed = 0.8

                         texture = Kopernicus/Textures/biomeDefault
                         inverseFade = 2.553731
			      referenceBody = Sun
				  color = 1,0.3,0.62,1
				  inclination = 0.200000000
				  eccentricity = 0.23
				  semiMajorAxis = 1.234
				  longitudeOfAscendingNode = 32
				  argumentOfPeriapsis = 349
				  meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2
				  epoch = 2124
		          key = 206000000000 0.024
        	      key = 68773560320 0.024
		          key = 13599840256 0.6
        	      key = 0 10 0 0	

Now , lets look at making a planet config : 

this is one from my old mod from last year (That i stopped development because i lost my account info).

        name = Earth
        flightGlobalsIndex = 182
            name = Duna
            description = Earth, a blue jewl in space small but mighty , it has oceans filled with life , the lands are covered in a diverse number of species , there is also this species called Humans they are the domonent species on this round blue dot .
            radius = 2145000        
            mass = 2.12e+23
            geeASL = 0.314
			rotationPeriod = 42500
				flyingLowDataValue = 14
				flyingHighDataValue = 13.5
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 13
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 12.5
				recoveryValue = 13
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold =  1500000
            referenceBody = Sol
            color = 0.415686,0.352941,0.803922,1
            inclination = 0
            eccentricity = 0.0127566996362601
            semiMajorAxis = 6459475388.98006
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 259
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2.27167344093323
            epoch = 0
                texture = Sol/Textures/Earth_map
				normals = Sol/Textures/Earth_normal
        name = Moon
        flightGlobalsIndex = 182
            name = Eeloo
            description = Moon, this round ball of grey dirt and shiny rocks is one of the only Celestial bodies that these humans have been to without robots .
            radius = 625800        
            mass = 2.12e+23
            geeASL = 0.314
			rotationPeriod = 42500
				flyingLowDataValue = 14
				flyingHighDataValue = 13.5
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 13
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 12.5
				recoveryValue = 13
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold =  1500000
            referenceBody = Earth
            color = 0.415686,0.352941,0.803922,1
            inclination = 10.6326560974121
            eccentricity = 0.0127566996362601
            semiMajorAxis = 40702368.2715686
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 243.589370727539
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2.27167344093323
            epoch = 0
                texture = Sol/Textures/Moon_map
				normals = Sol/Textures/Moon_normal

Notice how there is a second body for the moons , Do what i did and put moons in the same config as its parent planet , it will keep the mod folder cleaner and the code neater.


The Textures must be named seperatly for each body , i recommend doing this (name)/(name)_map.png

same with the normal's , note only use .png as the game cant recognize anything else for this mod as far as i know .


Kopernicus link : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103277-105-kopernicus-beta-06-december-28/&page=1



~TheBlackDwarf (My Old Account)



Edited by Alonime
Added Kopernicus link
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  On 1/7/2016 at 12:51 AM, Alonime said:

Hello , in this thread i will make a tut to show how to make Kopernicus planets in the easiest way possible .


First lets start out with the basic beginning a Star. Here is a config i use for my system Atario (Note: i have the debug option in the code , add that to export .bin files)


     name = Atario
	 flightGlobalsIndex = 492
	 exportBin = true
	 cacheFile = AtarioSystem/Cache/cach.bin
	   name = Sun
	   description = A Distaint star from kerbol, The kerbals found this star after they spilled coffee on the lenzs and saw a small spot on the teliscope 
	   but then reliesed that it was not a stain and as they pointed their scope at the spot , they found a new star and named it Atario!
	   radius = 200000000
	   mass   = 1.9000000000000
	   @mass *= 0.5
	   spereOfInfluence = 250e5
	   sunlightColor = RGBA(255, 232, 205, 255)
	   scaledSunlightColor = RGBA( 255, 232, 205, 255)
	   IVASunColor = RGBA( 255, 232, 205, 255)
	   sunLensFlareColor = RGBA( 255, 232, 205, 255)
	                       sunAU = 13.58e9
						   @sunAU *= 0.6
						   key = -0.001802375 -0.001802375
						   key = 5.084181 3          -0.001802375 -0.001802375
                           key = 38.56295 1.65        0.0001713 0.0001713
						   emitColor0 = RGBA(255, 210, 165, 255)
                           emitColor1 = RGBA(192, 144, 96, 255)
                           sunspotColor = RGBA(128, 104, 80, 255)
                           rimColor = RGBA(192, 144, 96, 255)
			               rimPower = 0
			               rimBlend = 3
                          rotation = 3
                          speed = 9
                          updateInterval = 5
                          scaleLimitX = 5
                          scaleLimitY = 5
                          scaleSpeed = 0.8

                         texture = Kopernicus/Textures/biomeDefault
                         inverseFade = 2.553731
			      referenceBody = Sun
				  color = 1,0.3,0.62,1
				  inclination = 0.200000000
				  eccentricity = 0.23
				  semiMajorAxis = 1.234
				  longitudeOfAscendingNode = 32
				  argumentOfPeriapsis = 349
				  meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2
				  epoch = 2124
		          key = 206000000000 0.024
        	      key = 68773560320 0.024
		          key = 13599840256 0.6
        	      key = 0 10 0 0	

Now , lets look at making a planet config : 

this is one from my old mod from last year (That i stopped development because i lost my account info).

        name = Earth
        flightGlobalsIndex = 182
            name = Duna
            description = Earth, a blue jewl in space small but mighty , it has oceans filled with life , the lands are covered in a diverse number of species , there is also this species called Humans they are the domonent species on this round blue dot .
            radius = 2145000        
            mass = 2.12e+23
            geeASL = 0.314
			rotationPeriod = 42500
				flyingLowDataValue = 14
				flyingHighDataValue = 13.5
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 13
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 12.5
				recoveryValue = 13
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold =  1500000
            referenceBody = Sol
            color = 0.415686,0.352941,0.803922,1
            inclination = 0
            eccentricity = 0.0127566996362601
            semiMajorAxis = 6459475388.98006
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 259
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2.27167344093323
            epoch = 0
                texture = Sol/Textures/Earth_map
				normals = Sol/Textures/Earth_normal
        name = Moon
        flightGlobalsIndex = 182
            name = Eeloo
            description = Moon, this round ball of grey dirt and shiny rocks is one of the only Celestial bodies that these humans have been to without robots .
            radius = 625800        
            mass = 2.12e+23
            geeASL = 0.314
			rotationPeriod = 42500
				flyingLowDataValue = 14
				flyingHighDataValue = 13.5
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 13
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 12.5
				recoveryValue = 13
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000
				spaceAltitudeThreshold =  1500000
            referenceBody = Earth
            color = 0.415686,0.352941,0.803922,1
            inclination = 10.6326560974121
            eccentricity = 0.0127566996362601
            semiMajorAxis = 40702368.2715686
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 243.589370727539
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2.27167344093323
            epoch = 0
                texture = Sol/Textures/Moon_map
				normals = Sol/Textures/Moon_normal

Notice how there is a second body for the moons , Do what i did and put moons in the same config as its parent planet , it will keep the mod folder cleaner and the code neater.


The Textures must be named seperatly for each body , i recommend doing this (name)/(name)_map.png

same with the normal's , note only use .png as the game cant recognize anything else for this mod as far as i know .


Kopernicus link : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103277-105-kopernicus-beta-06-december-28/&page=1



~TheBlackDwarf (My Old Account)



Ok so seeing as how you decided to create this i feel as though i should warn anyone that reads this thread DO NOT to follow your instructions. I read the first few sentences and stopped because it was already wrong. Lets get down to the details;

flightGlobalsIndex numbers have been obsolete for MANY versions now, there is no need to specify them on your cfg at all as kopernicus will create them at run time.

exportBin is an obsolete function in kopernicus 0.6, and has been replaced by other values. Please dont spread misinformation.

There is no need to add in mathmatical equations into the cfg (@mass *= whatever) If you dont feel like typing out the full numbers of the mass you can always simply write it as "1.45E+22" (for example). Hell you don't even NEED to specify a mass if you set your GravParamiter correctly.

specifying a sphereOfInfluence is very cheap and shouldnt be done UNLESS you have issues where the SOI iis under the planets surface. If you want your SOI to be bigger then you should increase it's GeeASL/Mass or the distance to it's parent.

SolarLightColor is an obsolete node and is no longer has been replaced, please dont spread misinformation (again)

again with the MM maths (@sunAU8= ), you should just type in the value you want, theres absolutely no reason for it in a basic cfg, unless you are editing a different cfg, and especially not in a beginners guide cfg.

i wont mention the formatting in the brightnessCurve & Materials section, so lets go on further.....

you should probably note that changing the rimPower and rimBlend will drastically change the appearance of the star, and make it appear not stock-alike at all.

theres probably mroe but i don't feel like looking at that anymore...


now onto cfg 2!

you're basically creating clones of stock planets with different scaledspace textures. There is no alteration to the PQS node at all so there is abosolutely no reason why this is even a viable example to be fair.




only use .png as the game cant recognize anything else for this mod as far as i know .


erm.......what? Ever since 1.0 kopernicus has natively supported .dds files. Even the official kopernicus examples are all in .dds so I literally have no idea why you wouldnt at least check this out before posting that (please dont spread misinformation, again, again).


I know you probably mean well posting this, however considering how many errors there are in this im surprised your cfgs even load at all. Why you didn't link to the kopernicus examples github page where there are working cfgs (some may need updating though) for a LOT of different things for new people to learn from and decided to write your own is beyond me, espacially when the errors in here would stop some cfgs even loading. Please, PLEASE think again and either take this down or remove the cfgs & misinformation and fix it into something people can actually learn from. This may come off as harsh, but I particularly hate it when people spread misinformation to new people. Having a tutorial like this and coming up with nothing but error upon error will drive people away, instead of bringing people into the community and creating new and interesting ideas.


Edited by KillAshley
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  On 1/7/2016 at 6:54 PM, KillAshley said:

Ok so seeing as how you decided to create this i feel as though i should warn anyone that reads this thread DO NOT to follow your instructions. I read the first few sentences and stopped because it was already wrong. Lets get down to the details;

flightGlobalsIndex numbers have been obsolete for MANY versions now, there is no need to specify them on your cfg at all as kopernicus will create them at run time.

exportBin is an obsolete function in kopernicus 0.6, and has been replaced by other values. Please dont spread misinformation.

There is no need to add in mathmatical equations into the cfg (@mass *= whatever) If you dont feel like typing out the full numbers of the mass you can always simply write it as "1.45E+22" (for example). Hell you don't even NEED to specify a mass if you set your GravParamiter correctly.

specifying a sphereOfInfluence is very cheap and shouldnt be done UNLESS you have issues where the SOI iis under the planets surface. If you want your SOI to be bigger then you should increase it's GeeASL/Mass or the distance to it's parent.

SolarLightColor is an obsolete node and is no longer has been replaced, please dont spread misinformation (again)

again with the MM maths (@sunAU8= ), you should just type in the value you want, theres absolutely no reason for it in a basic cfg, unless you are editing a different cfg, and especially not in a beginners guide cfg.

i wont mention the formatting in the brightnessCurve & Materials section, so lets go on further.....

you should probably note that changing the rimPower and rimBlend will drastically change the appearance of the star, and make it appear not stock-alike at all.

theres probably mroe but i don't feel like looking at that anymore...


now onto cfg 2!

you're basically creating clones of stock planets with different scaledspace textures. There is no alteration to the PQS node at all so there is abosolutely no reason why this is even a viable example to be fair.



erm.......what? Ever since 1.0 kopernicus has natively supported .dds files. Even the official kopernicus examples are all in .dds so I literally have no idea why you wouldnt at least check this out before posting that (please dont spread misinformation, again, again).


I know you probably mean well posting this, however considering how many errors there are in this im surprised your cfgs even load at all. Why you didn't link to the kopernicus examples github page where there are working cfgs (some may need updating though) for a LOT of different things for new people to learn from and decided to write your own is beyond me, espacially when the errors in here would stop some cfgs even loading. Please, PLEASE think again and either take this down or remove the cfgs & misinformation and fix it into something people can actually learn from. This may come off as harsh, but I particularly hate it when people spread misinformation to new people. Having a tutorial like this and coming up with nothing but error upon error will drive people away, instead of bringing people into the community and creating new and interesting ideas.



Here is a (I think Fixed) .cfg , the reason my code is like that is because it worked for me for the old kopernicus , with the new kopernicus i am having a problem where i get close to the planet and the templates textures show up , not the texture i got from space engine.


// Biern planet by Alonime aka.TheBlackDwarf aka.LittleDwarf
// License CC (creative commons)
// Date Started: 1/8/16
     name = Biern
     flightGlobalsIndex = 20
     cacheFile = Biern/Cache/Biern.bin
       name = Duna
       removePQSMods = PQSMod_vertexHeightMap

       removeOcean = true
         referenceBody            = Sun
         semiMajorAxis            = 862592023.765219
         eccentricity             = 0
         inclination              = 0
         meanAnomalyAtEpoch       = 0
         longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
         argumentOfPeriapsis      = 0
         color                    = 0.2,1.2,1.0,1.3
            isHomeWorld     = false
            radius          = 560000
            geeASL          = 2.2
            ocean           = false
            description     = none

            //Sol's (Amount of Solar Days)
            rotationPeriod         = 55754
            rotates                = true
            initialRotation        = 30
            tidallyLocked          = false
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 75000 80000 90000 100000 150000 250000 500000

            //Biom Maps and Height Maps
            biomMap  = Biern/Maps/Biern_BiomMap.png


               name  = Biern Planet Surface
               value = 1.0
               color = 1,0,0,1

                 landedDataValue         = 5
                 splashedDataValue       = 0
                 flyingLowDataValue      = 4
                 flyingHighDataValue     = 7
                 inSpaceLowDataValue     = 10
                 inSpaceHighDataValue    = 15
                 recoveryValue           = 150
                 flyingAltitudeThreshold = 50000
                 spaceAltitudeThreshold  = 200000
        type       = Atmospheric
        fadeStart  = 50000
        fadeEnd    = 54000
          texture = Biern/Maps/Biern_map.png
          normals = Biern/Maps/Biern_normal.png

          shininess = 0
          specular  = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0

          // Atmosphere Rim Settings
          rimPower = 6
          rimBlend = 0.4

          // Atmosphere color rim texture
          //   0.0 =
          //   0.6 =
          //   0.8 = 
          //   1.0 =
           //ambientColor =
           //lightColor   =
             enabled      = true
             oxygen       = false
             altitude     = 150000

             adiabaticIndex      = 1.2
             atmosphereMolarMass = 0.01

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				key = 61640.1574962271 0.0175379372209277 -2.42351734275734E-06 -2.42346819507531E-06
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				key = 79642.852372585 4.61305046206733E-06 -7.36536253350415E-10 -7.36517428568403E-10
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             // Temperature
                key = 0 288.15 -0.0065 -0.0065
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				key = 20062.98 216.65 -0.0064 0
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				key = 80000 272.0002 0.0009458016 0.0009458016
                key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 10000 0.5 -0.0001026449 -0.0001026449
				key = 11019.03 0 0 0
				key = 20062.98 0 0 0
				key = 47349.3 0.2 0 0
				key = 71800.16 0.2 0 0
				key = 91289.6 0 0 0
				key = 130000 0.4 0 0
                  innerRadius  = 432729
                  outerRadius  = 458028
                  waveLength   = 0.6853932, 0.4719101, 0.3651685, 1.0
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 12
			minDetailDistance = 8
			           map = Biern/Maps/Biern_Height.dds
			           offset = -1200
					   deformity = 8400
					   scaleDeformityByRadius = true
					   order = 10
					   enabled = true


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