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Master Tech Weapons


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Master Tech Weapons





Master Tech Weapons is a weapons expansion pack for BD Armory. It is now finalized and will not be added to, but will be maintained for functionality


Requires BD Armory and Module Manager
Also requires North Kerbin Dynamics for nuclear blast effects only, you dont need it for anything else

Edited by TMasterson5
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On January 7, 2016 at 6:08 PM, Atatra said:

hi, i just wanted to let you know that NKD already re-implemented the MIRV with better models and textures...not sure if this helps you in any way, but wanted to make sure you knew.

Oh...awkward. When I checked a few days it still wasn't working..... Buuuut this mod will include more than just the MIRV, that is just the first part so its  all good. But I do appreciate the heads up. Thank you kind stranger!

On January 7, 2016 at 7:01 PM, Danisaiah said:

I got a bomb Idea you might like! :P It was a quickly created. :D


On January 7, 2016 at 7:15 PM, Danisaiah said:

That could be something I am interested in! Nice find.





Also thanks to a friend on facebook reminding me(for about the millionth time) I will be doing a GAU-19 for this mod!


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14 minutes ago, WolfAngriff said:

Hello. Won't you post a picture ? A cute yummy mushroom ? :wink:

Mostly because I didn't take any and posted this all up in the hour of free time I had today lol Pictures will be posted at some time. But basically it looks like a nosecone with black paint and yellow and red at the tip. Its nothing super beautiful right now but I will improve it just like I did with Master Tech Aerospace over time, and that has come an incredibly long way.

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18 hours ago, TMasterson5 said:

Also thanks to a friend on facebook reminding me(for about the millionth time) I will be doing a GSH-19 for this mod!


*whisper* GAU-19/A

*cackles, runs away!*

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6 hours ago, stickman939 said:

A Nuclear MIRV woulda been amazing for one of my recent "cinematics" LOL xD 

Tis already a part of the mod download. 

1 hour ago, XOC2008 said:

*whisper* GAU-19/A

*cackles, runs away!*

Lol soon my friend. Soon

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11 hours ago, Apurva Kawthalkar said:

 hello guys 

I downloaded this mod and tried it but there are no actual nuclear explosion effects as one would except.

Are explosions coming in future ?

Explosions should have already existed but I made a capitalization error that I didnt notice until you said this. They are fixed now. Thanks for the heads up!

Effects now added and pictures also added in the title page. Thank you all for your support. Also missiles are incoming this week.

On 1/7/2016 at 8:41 PM, WolfAngriff said:

Hello. Won't you post a picture ? A cute yummy mushroom ? :wink:

On 1/7/2016 at 10:01 PM, WolfAngriff said:

So let's wait and hope. Thanx for the quick answer.


Pictures now added. OP usually delivers!

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10 hours ago, Apurva Kawthalkar said:

hi sorry but nuclear explosions are still not working even after the update 

Please help

Ummmm Im honestly not sure then. They are working for me. What kind of effect are you getting when the MIRV impacts the ground?


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3 minutes ago, TMasterson5 said:

So I assume they work for you? This is good to hear



Yes it works, except the fact that you may need to check any particle texture missing in the release.

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3 hours ago, Acea said:


Yes it works, except the fact that you may need to check any particle texture missing in the release.

Will do thanks. Also I did not know that youre the NAS guy. You do some great work man! Keep it up.


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2 hours ago, Apurva Kawthalkar said:

I have BD armoury installed still no nuclear explosions 

I am having same effect one gets when any other part collides hard with ground


2 hours ago, Apurva Kawthalkar said:

What is GSH - 19 by the way ? 

I really don't know what to tell you then. It is working for other people.....


And I meant GAU-19. Oops.....

On January 8, 2016 at 3:27 PM, XOC2008 said:

*whisper* GAU-19/A

*cackles, runs away!*

This comment makes so much more sense now....

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  • 2 weeks later...

V.3 is up. Now including all the utility parts from MTA such as the hardpoints and pods. Also included is a Hawkeye style radar and an AWACS style radar, and guided and un guided bombs in 250, 500, and 1000 pounds. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

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