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Alien Space Programs - Dev Thread

Whirligig Girl

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  On 5/13/2016 at 5:25 AM, Fireheart318 said:

I'm at

deactivateAltitude = 180000





What do I put there EXACTLY? Is it just something I can copy/paste? Also what about the space center? Where's that go? Can I choose where it goes? Where do you put the code for that? Sorry for coming back over and over but I THINK I've ACTUALLY gotten it down now



Copy/paste the PQSMods of Minmus. The Space Center will automatically appear unless you removed PQSCity (Which you shouldn't do).

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  On 5/13/2016 at 12:08 PM, Fireheart318 said:

Okay, just one more thing (hopefully). When I load up the game, everything stays the same but the white MM text underneath the first line says there's 1 error with GameData/MinmusSpaceProgram/Homeworld.cfg.

What's happening?

Whoops forgot to show the code: http://pastebin.com/XahKxxaL


You need to close the square bracket at the end of the first line

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  On 3/25/2016 at 3:14 AM, SCE-2-AUX said:



This is a great mod! Can I make a request?

Could you do the same thing you've done for Duna/Laythe/Eve, but on the Mun next? Seems like it'd be a great challenge.


I'm actually working on a Minmus Space Program version, once I get the hand of this (probably in  a few billion years), I might make a Mun Space Program

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  On 5/10/2016 at 10:03 PM, GregroxMun said:

I can't explain everything, because to be honest I don't want you outright stealing my work :P. But I will tell you the basics. First, it is important to know that Kopernicus configs are all Module Manager configs, so you have to use Module Manager syntax.

First, I clone Kerbin.

		name = Bin
		//name can be anything you want, but I use Bin for my mods.
			name = Kerbin
			isHomeWorld = False
			//Very important, otherwise the game breaks because it thinks there's two operational KSCs.
			description = A planet with blue oceans and land and blah blah blah
			//description can be anything you want.

Then I put Mun and Minmus in orbit around Bin instead of Kerbin.

			@referenceBody = Bin
			@referenceBody = Bin

For a Minmus Space Program, we'll be deleting Minmus anyway, so you don't actually have to move Minmus.

Next, we make the config which turns Kerbin into Minmus.

To get almost usable Kopernicus configs, go here: https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/tree/master/GameData/Sigma/Dimensions/Configs/Bodies/KittopiaExports
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Those configs are both out of date and require modification to actually work in-game.

	//Deletes the stock Minmus, we don't need it anymore.
	//Now we don't have to worry about proper editing syntax for Kerbin/Minmus, we can pretend we're making it from scratch.
	//This is optional, you could just use the @ and % functions in Module Manager to edit/replace from the System.cfg template.
		name = Kerbin
		//Yes, it *has* to be Kerbin. Otherwise the game doesn't know what to do with the KSC.
		cbNameLater = Minmus
		//This is where we give it the in-game name. This will make the planet's in-game name Minmus, but not it's in-code name.
			name = Kerbin
			//Even though we're making Kerbin look like Minmus, we still need less unless we were editing the Kerbin planet.
			removePQSMods = //add all of the names of the PQSMods that Kerbin has which controls height and color of the planet, separated by commas.
			//removePQSMods = VertexHeightMap,LandControl
			removeOcean = True
			removeAtmosphere = True
			//Removes Kerbin's ocean and atmosphere.
			isHomeWorld = True
			//Just in case.
			//Add all the properties of Minmus here. Radius, GeeASL, Mass, etc.
			//Note that if you're using the Kittopia Exports from the GitHub link, you need to replace the commas in timewarpAltitudeLimits with spaces.
		//Deletes the Atmosphere properly.
		//Deletes the Ocean properly.
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 6
			//This is a level of detail thing.
				//Add Minmus' PQSMods.
				//If you were doing this for a planet with a heightmap, then you'd have to export the heightmap using KittopiaTech
				//And set that as the Heightmap using the PQSMod "VertexHeightMap"
				//Luckily for Minmus, Minmus has relatively few PQSMods.

So that should be a nice guide to making your own Alien Space Program mod.


I will not release your work as part of this mod, though if I like it enough I might link to it in the OP. I also ask that if you do release an Alien Space Program type mod, that you do not use the Alien Space Program name, but rather choose something else. And of course, that you credit me for the method used.


Are you sure it's not @Body[Kerbin] instead of !Body[Kerbin]?

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No matter what I do, it just won't load Kerbin! Also, the Mun's gone! I can't find Homeworld even though the logs say its there!

Kerbmin.cfg: http://pastebin.com/ik2PW6GL

MoveMun.cfg: http://pastebin.com/PBGDbvfz

Homeworld Log: http://pastebin.com/wmpeHvdn

Kerbin Log: http://pastebin.com/ai0tixcz

Kopernicus Log: http://pastebin.com/XBxCGCKJ

(all logs are from ksp/logs/kopernicus/____.log

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So I went and modified the LSP configs and now the game won't load. Well, I mean it WILL load, it's stuck in limbo. Black screen with the planets moving around the sun. I think this is a good sign. Did this ever happen to you? What did you do!? You have no idea how excited I am right now! Sorry for not going away but I think this is it!

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Is there a patch for Remotetech to work with this, cause mission control is still on (Ker)Bin? Its all thats stopping me from doing a new game with this.

Edit: Changing the body ID number in RemoteTech_Settings.cfg doesnt do it. Does this mod give the new base planets different body id numbers? Also the latitude and longitude of the new KSC's would also be welcome.

Edited by Rocky-3
Added more information
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  • 2 weeks later...

Trying to make a Laythe Space Program for Alternis Kerbol and I am running into a problem.

Kerbin gets "turned" into Laythe from AK, but it has Kerbin parameters and the Kerbin orbit.

Also, there is no Kerbin clone and Laythe is still there.

first config: http://pastebin.com/1nbjpe8D

second one: http://pastebin.com/hCTq2MFq

pics: http://imgur.com/a/RhWUW

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm, would anyone be interested in a version of Duna Space Program, where Duna has an O2 containing atmosphere, oceans, and some greenery?

I've already done this to Duna before:


and this:


and since then I figured out a way to add green to low elevations, as I did for mars:


I could do the same thing to duna, to make it look more like a dying but still barely habitable world.

As I have it now now the greenish blue sea to red soil transition is kind of jarring


but some greenery around the edges could fix that right up.

And then a space center on Duna would seem more plausible

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  On 5/26/2016 at 4:50 PM, OndrikB said:

Trying to make a Laythe Space Program for Alternis Kerbol and I am running into a problem.

Kerbin gets "turned" into Laythe from AK, but it has Kerbin parameters and the Kerbin orbit.

Also, there is no Kerbin clone and Laythe is still there.

first config: http://pastebin.com/1nbjpe8D

second one: http://pastebin.com/hCTq2MFq

pics: http://imgur.com/a/RhWUW


When you clone a stock body, you're actually cloning the original stock planet, not a planet modified by another mod.

Also note that there is a pretty gamebreaking bug in KSPv1.1.3 which only occurs when a mod reparents Kerbin. Alternis Kerbol, Laythe Space Program, Galactic Neighborhood, and New Horizons are all affected by this.

Duna and Eve Space Programs should work fine.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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