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Premature cutting of parachutes causes ship destruction on splash down

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When I splash down a tall structure and it's momentarily stable in the water, the parachutes disappear. Then it destabilises and smashes down on the water causing destruction of much of the equipment. If the parachutes remained in place, maybe they'd stop this from happening?

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For what I know, parachutes cut as soon as the velocity is 0m/s PLUS a certain "stabilization time".

To work around the issue you describe, try to splash down at an angle : the parachutes shouldn't cut until you are flat (i.e. horizontal) in the water.
You may need some SAS power to angle, since you will need to counter-act against gravity. Or another would be to place the 'chutes in a non-symetrical way, so the ship get in the water already at an angle.

Note that a screenshot of your ship might help people to suggest solution.

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