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Mods in Stock

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Info mods: KAC, KER (TWR and dV readout), Waypoint Manager (Show waypoint in flight)

"modding" mods: Module Manager, Kopernicus, Contract Configurator

mods that could be added as difficulty options (like commnets of 1.2): KCT, an LS mod (USI one I guess? I didn't actually tried that...)

Edited by pwhk
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Many people are saying mods that add great functionality, but also add a lot of complexity to the game. As much as I love KER, it's definitely not friendly if you have no idea what any of it means.


If it only had ONE readout with a couple super useful informations like AP/PE, vertical speed, and maybe altitude(terrain).


But my list would be the mods that are more un-intrusive than anything, but add good functionality.

  • Better Burn Time. This mod requires zero configuration but gives a lot of functionality. Even has an impact time + burn time for when you're landing on other bodies. 
  • Trajectories. This mod really helps when you want your spacecraft to actually land at KSC. Also unintrusive, intuitive, and requires no configuration
  • A somewhat simpler version of precise node, available in the right click menu of any maneuver node. The fact that you literally cannot be precise with editing maneuver nodes in the stock game is absurd. You're literally doing rocket science, and can't decide if a node used 90 or 91 dV without playing with sliders for an eternity? And there's no way to see how much of your maneuver vector is prograde/normal/radial. That's silly.
  • I'm sure there's more but I'm at work and those are the only ones I could think of 
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  • 2 weeks later...

What should be stock and what should not? So far they have a simple stock remote tech and will any other mods be implemented? Image that Ksp will continue and that no more staff leaves(which is entirely unrealistic). what mods would you implement? 

Edited by Alpha 360
"Kouston, we have several problems, but that doesn't matter so we want to continue on with the mission."
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A more precise node creator should definitely be stock, as well as life support. The life support can be optional, as is CommNet currently.

I would rather see something like KER be stock instead of Mechjeb. I think dV/TWR readouts should be in the stock game for sure, but an autopilot that does everything for you right from the beginning should NOT be stock in my opinion.

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Chatterer, because it makes the game come so much more alive.

And DMagic's EVA Struts. They're simple, they align well with stock without being OP, and they allow for large space stations without going spaghetti going all over the place while feeling "legit" at the same time. There's a lot I want to be stock but I never expect it to be. This one though really could, and should.

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Forget mechjeb, it is for those lazy people. Life support is a pain and fun at the same time. I would support a life support that yu could turn on and off at will though, maybe. If there is greenhouses and recyclers, then I would accept it.

Edited by Alpha 360
"Kouston, we have several problems, but that doesn't matter so we want to continue on with the mission."
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I would like to see what the official version of Life support would look like, but as I would not expect it to be on by default in normal mode, I do not expect to actually see it added to the game.

KER has a number of things that I find to be very important for proper flight planning.  I think it would be reasonable to require multiple facilities at level 3 to unlock it(level 3 R&D+tracking+current assembly building, on top of the requirements for maneuver nodes. (start and end acceleration for each stage along with d-v calculation for that stage.  Make it acceleration instead of TWR so it is body independent  Something like: "Stage 1 Start: 10.2m/s/s(8.3m/s/s @1atm) End: 15.6m/s/s(9.2m/s/s @1atm) Total: 2000m/s(1500m/s @1atm) in 18s"

Make it a little tab down in the corner like the engineer report currently is so that new players will not need to bother with it if they do not know what it is/does.

KAC is also important, I think.  There is a good start with the 'next maneuver' times in the vessel listing in the tracking center, but at the very least I would like to be able to tell the tracking center to send me a notification a specific number of minutes before a given maneuver(this only requires adding the method of requesting the alarm, and the text of the notification as UI elements(and a notification like 'X minutes until planned maneuver node for vessel Y' would be plenty).  Perhaps add a 4th button to the change orbit/delete node UI of the maneuver node, this one being either a blank circle or an alarm clock.  (I think the time before the node alarm value would probably need to be in a setting, and default to 1 minute, unless they wanted to add more than the minimal UI to handle this functionality)


Edited by Terwin
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3 hours ago, Long Finger said:

Take Command and something like Precise Node, since they both solve existing gameplay problems.

Meh, precise node it a bit much. Really all the stock game needs is a way to incrementally adjust node position (that isn't drag and drop). Node values can easily be adjusted with a mouse wheel.


Although sometimes it seems I can just click and hold and he node will move forward along the orbit, slowly. No way to adjust the other direction that I've found.

Edited by Muskrat
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I feel like this question comes up once a month or so :D   I was just teaching someone how to play KSP last night. Together we built a rocket to carry Jeb to the moon, successfully land him, do a quick EVA and then aerobrake back on Kerbin. The most oft-repeated comment during the 2.5 hour intro session went something like this "this feature isn't included in the base game, but there's a mod that fixes it"

Here's a quick rundown on the key items that were missing (just the barebones needs, nothing really fancy or that just makes the game look better)

  • DeltaV readout
  • TWR calculations
  • AP/PE height and time to node shown in normal view
  • Altitude above terrain - seriously, WTH with showing "altitude above sea level" as the only option. How often is that number actually critical to know?
  • Precise Maneuver editing - I started by just using the Node and it's handle's. When I saw him getting frustrated with trying to pull the handles accurately I showed him how to use PM and its keyboard controls.
Edited by tjt
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9 minutes ago, tjt said:

Altitude above terrain - seriously, WTH with showing "altitude above sea level" as the only option. How often is that number actually critical to know?

This definitely needs to be in the stock game. I mean, I guess it kind of technically is if you're using a command pod, as you can go to IVA & see the info on a gauge inside. No idea why this couldnt be a readout on the main screen also. Sometimes the decisions of the devs are kind of baffling. :)

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10 minutes ago, regex said:

What should be stock? Basically the entirety of RO/RSS.

Poor regex, don't worry. I am sure some one will make a game called 'Human Space Program' some time before the next century.:sticktongue:


I think the only thing that is a must have is delta-v readout or at least a delta-v total for a vessel. If the game has delta-v in the maneuver nodes, it must be in the rest of the game as well!

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25 minutes ago, regex said:

What should be stock? Basically the entirety of RO/RSS.

Nooooo then it wouldnt be Kerbal! :(

13 minutes ago, worir4 said:

I think the only thing that is a must have is delta-v readout or at least a delta-v total for a vessel. If the game has delta-v in the maneuver nodes, it must be in the rest of the game as well!

I know right? That was always weird to me. How you gonna tell me that I need to burn 200 m/s but not tell me anywhere how much m/s I have left? Makes no sense I tell you!

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1 hour ago, Muskrat said:

Although sometimes it seems I can just click and hold and he node will move forward along the orbit, slowly. No way to adjust the other direction that I've found.

This is because your view is focused on a vessel that is slowly orbiting the body in question, so even if you don't move the mouse your POV is slowly moving, thus dragging the nav-point with it.

I will use this some times if I have a particularly fiddly bit I want to do, I just drag it slightly before the point I want and let the orbit drag my nav point to where I want it


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29 minutes ago, worir4 said:

Poor regex, don't worry. I am sure some one will make a game called 'Human Space Program' some time before the next century.:sticktongue:

Someone already has, it's called RO/RSS, a mod suite for KSP. :P

I truly love these "What mods should be in stock?" threads, though. Excellent trolling bait for bored forum-goers.

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3 hours ago, Alpha 360 said:

Forget mechjeb, it is for those lazy people.

Or, you know, for people who like to get screenshots without a UI and not crash their rockets. Or for people who like to design vehicles mainly for aesthetics and don't want to have to do the calculations required to make them efficient as well. Although I agree that its autopilot functionality doesn't suit the stock game.

As for what I'd like to see implemented in stock, the mod that I absolutely cannot play the game without* is Kerbal Alarm Clock.

*Actually, there are a large number of mods that I don't enjoy the game as much without having installed, but most of them aren't utilities that I feel should be added to stock.

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