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Wheels "lose" colliders

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okay so i'm really frustrated right now. I want to pull my hair out. I was working on some wheels for about 8 hours and everything was going fine. Then, (and this has happened before) for some stupid reason, when I launch the craft the wheels become un-clickable/un-selectable. They still collide with things though! a revert to the editor doesn't do anything, still non-clickable. i should mention that i am using interstellar mesh switch, but it's even more frustrating that it still worked even with that, then out of the blue it stops working, for no reason whatsoever. what am I doing that's causing this?

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Here's an image of unity hierarchy. It uses the TR-2L wheel imported into Blender, then I modify it, keeping the proper hierarchy. You may notice that there's no bustedwheel. I do have the busted model, but InterstellarMeshSwitch messes it up and shows it all the time, so I removed it. This is the same hierarchy that worked before, I don't know why it just stops working for some reason. I should also note that when you take one of the models out and make it it's own part, it works fine.


I closed KSP with the "x" button, that's why the log ends abruptly.

output log

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Hey, not seeing anything wrong with the hierarchy, and there appears only good things regarding your part in the log,  so if the cfg is good   all should be good, have you got the config setup right? as that can make a world of difference especially a typo or two.

What I will say though is that developing a new part in a modded game is asking for major headaches, it seems that KK is throwing a fit, (but we all know that's half broken) and that will have knock on effects, and without a doubt wheels are one of the fussiest things there are to get right.

Do your self a favor and test your new bits in a clean game, just the mods you need to make the thing work, and lets see a log then and the wheel parts of your cfg

Fairly certain its either a knock on issue or a cfg one

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oh yes, I'm working in two projects at the same time haha :D and i just gave up on the KK project (a revamp of FASTCORP Roads) until 1.1 comes out or something.

Here's the config for the mesh switch tire, and here's a config for one of the models as stand-alone, which are essentially the same, i think overspeed value is different.


an output log, where in the editor I ctrl-z'd and the ISM wheels became unselectable. Only after the initial pickup and place do they work. The stand alone wheel does not have this issue.

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While i know what  InterstellarMeshSwitch does I've got no experience of it's use.  It's sorta self eliminating if the version that does not have that module works and the one with doesn't seems like the cause is obvious,  I'm sure that the mesh switcher was originally intended for less dynamic objects than a wheel., such a wings etc,

I see the are only 4 wheel types, not what I call an excessive parts load, perhaps it'd just be easier to ,make up the four sets until you can get help from someone more experienced with InterstellarMeshSwitch than i am {which wouldn't be difficult)

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after fooling around some more i found out that only the first model variation has this issue, and while the other variations were clickable, their wheel colliders did not function, even with "affectColliders" set to true. so i guess i simply cannot use Interstellar Mesh Switch on wheels, that sucks.

Anyway, there's actually gonna be around 20+ tires.... :sticktongue: and then they'll also have Kashcorp racing sized tires (although i'll use ModuleManager for those)... and i'm going to have a common texture folder for these parts to minimize texture impact. in total, the textures are 2mb and the meshes are average 200kb. The only thing that would be kind of annoying would be having 20+ wheels listed after TR-2L in your "Utilities" category. Thanks for your help :D

Edited by fast_de_la_speed
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