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New feature?


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Yeah - is there a way of turning these off? They bug the ever-living heck out of me. Little red marker at the top of the screen that refreshes when I change forum page - nice. Ugly black, eye distracting box - not nice.


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I dislike it because my working day is filled with people clamouring for attention through various means. The last thing I want, need or desire is more of the same on this forum. Especially in the form of a butt ugly, intrusive, pandering to the ADD generation.


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@KSKIt is very annoying, but I find most things about this forum software crap, not to sure what the forum maintenance entailed but we are still stuck with the same butt ugly format we got when it was implemented, a timeline on improvements would be nice but I suspect we will have the same format 2 years from now.

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Well for me it's neatly killed off the idea of following threads. Back to a short and very curated list rather than automatically following threads where I've posted. Oh - and who in the name of sanity thought a big black notification bar was a good idea on a supposedly mobile friendly forum?

I wouldn't say that this latest nonsense was the straw that broke the camel's back but the poor beast is looking distinctly shaky round the knees. If it wasn't for a handful of threads which I actively enjoy keeping up with, I'd be out of here

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@KSK, @Virtualgenius, If you go here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/notifications/options/

You can turn off notifications for "Someone 'likes' something I posted," which should turn that off.  You probably won't get the little red number above the bell though.

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On 2/12/2016 at 2:49 PM, KSK said:

Well for me it's neatly killed off the idea of following threads. Back to a short and very curated list rather than automatically following threads where I've posted.

I use the 'subscribe to threads' I post in thing, I turned off notifications for subscriptions and they went away. I keep tabs on my subscriptions with an activity feed.

* * *

I really like the notification that a thread has received a new reply when composing your own reply to it, I may never get ninja'd again.


Edit test.

Edited by Red Iron Crown
Test edit.
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Time to look at activity feeds then. It's annoying because I found notifications useful and the little red bell icon worked fine as a notification alert. Not quite in real time, which I guess is the advantage of the black box popup but good enough given that the red bell would update whenever I changed thread, or could be updated by a browser refresh.

The black box is just too intrusive for me though, so activity feeds it is. Meh.

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