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Jool 4.5 with a stock SSTO


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56 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Great craft, and fantastic piloting! Really liked the tail-to-belly landings on vacuum worlds and drogues+main chute sequence in low-pressure atmosphere. Next time, oxidizer drop tanks for Tylo? :) 

But if it has a drop tank it's not an SSTO :P - You might maybe be able to do tylo if you did laythe then bop or pol, then back with a full oxidizer load. As I look at it on paper, it should work.

7 hours ago, SR said:

Why didn't you land on Tylo, you could have refuelled before returning to orbit

can you upload the .craft file.

Craft file's in the YouTube description. Jam an RTG in it - I forgot to bury one in the adapter collar and ended up with Val EVA-ing and spinning the panels to face the sun at one point.

Wait, no it's not - https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxi3ze8uxbol1xb/Duna%20Express%20-%20Mk2.craft?dl=0

Edited by Gojira1000
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15 hours ago, RA3236 said:

Assuming he lands with only nukes because of a lack of oxidiser, his TWR is less than 1.

Well, you can drain some of the fuel to make your ship lighter, land on a nice, flat area, and refuel. Then, you don't even have to ascend, you can gain a huge velocity just by driving with your nukes on full power, then detach from the ground once your TWR gets above 1 and complete the orbital burn.

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