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New Game Mode

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I was sitting down playing my new career mod save and I hated the fact that there are silly contracts such as test a decoupler in a sub orbital trajectory around the Mun and other silly contracts like test a jet engine on Minmus. So I just quit the career mode and went back to my sandbox mode save. When playing my career mode I was thinking about companies like SpaceX and agencies like NASA and ESA. Those are privately and government funded companies. So this brought me to a thought of having a gamemode where you can either get privately funded or government funded and not have silly contracts. For example, start a privately funded career mode and have contracts from other agencies around Kerbin like KASA that give you contracts to send their probes into deep space or land probes on the Mun. You would also have worry more about cost then science because you are being privately funded. However in government funded mode you would have to worry more about science and less about money since you are funded by the government.

I open this idea to the devs of KSP and anyone who would like to have these new game modes.

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On 2/16/2016 at 8:38 AM, CaptainTurbomuffin said:

Even more customization is needed. Be able to customize things like that, or the types of contracts you want to recieve. Like tourist contracts, or I'd personally like an 'orbiter' mode where you just have to deliver pre-made, non-editable cargo to various locations, but mostly  to LKO.


Yes that is what I mean, well for private companies anyways, this is just a suggestion may I say. However if someone were to actually make this happen it would be awesome.

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