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Spore. Really not what I expected.

(Edit) Alright, it's not the worst game. I actually managed to derive some enjoyment out of the creature editor and space stage. But went in with expectations it didn't meet.

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I do play SOME other games (Portal, Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, Battlefield) but I only really play open world games. The more open, the better. I've clocked up over 1000 hours of game play on Fallout 3 (my HEAVILY modified version that increases re-playability 100000 times). Also love Just Cause 2, The GTA series (Ignoring the storyline and missions), KSP, Orbiter (heavily modified so I can build Lunar bases and stuff), Minecraft, Freelancer, Skyrim (got bored of the earlier games in TES series really quickly).

What I find entertaining for one MAYBE two play-throughs are some storyline games: CoD (first game only) Half-Life (actually played through each game a bunch of times), Battlefield: Bad Company, etc.

What I HATE are some of the games that claim to be open-world but all that means is that you can move backwards a little bit, or to the sides for a bit. The worst culprit: Crysis. I bought it after reading it was open world. Played it for 45 minutes, uninstalled it and looked for a way to get my money back. Also repetition games: Counter-Strike, CS clones.

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I'm a heavily open-world game fan myself... my favorite shooter of the moment is Battlefield 2 (hey, I suck at playing normally but if/when I get the Commander slot my team always wins.). I don't actually mind the CoD series, mainly because I only play it to shoot things without any expectation of a good story (which it doesn't have because EA).

Games I hate the most? XCOM. And it's not a "this game is horrible so I hate it" type hate - I have the new one pre-ordered - it's a "fuuuuuuuuu- this is hard!" type love/hate. The only games I actually hate are the cutesy games my little cousin brings over to play on my Xbox or pulls off of the Arcade, and those mostly because I end up having to beat them for her.

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I don't really play games I hate, so I don't get constantly reminded of how much I hate them, so I can't really think of any.

I generally hate games that come with excessive DRM to the point that it prevents your enjoyment of the game in some way. And ones that prevent reselling.

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Atmosphir- Absolutely loved it, then most the devs left and the game was ruined by new devs who took the game in an awful direction.

Wow, you played Atmosphir too? I'd never thought I'd run into someone from there, here. I left for a while, and came back once to see that it wasn't being developed anymore, which sucked a lot. Dave leaving just made it all fall apart.

As for games I don't like, I want to say CoD, but I've never played it. I don't plan on it either. I used to like ROBLOX, but I don't anymore. I think the last time I played it was when I was 11. It's just really too much of an immature game. I can't really think of any other games I don't like, except for sports games like FIFA and Madden.

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Burnout Paradise and Need for Speed Hot Pursuit. Can you hate a specific game engine more then a game? What type of physics engine doesn't allow for the cars to actually be able to do a real doughnut, driving in a large circle is not a freaking doughnut! Burnout is more forgivable for this since its an arcade racer but Need for Speed Hot Pursuit just kills me. It could have been so much more, but ended up feeling like a crippled Burnout clone with some stupid autolog/social media bull crap mixed in.

-end rant

Hoping that Forza Horizon doesn't suck, looks promising so far.

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There's several games I dislike the most.

Final fantasy series - no matter how many people say " this is the best series ever" I have to disagree I've played most of FF games and I could never really get into it, it was the battle system couldn't stand to play a game like Pokemon anymore.

CoD - I've played this series aswell but don't get me wrong I enjoy the WWII themed ones the same with Medal of Honour but when CoD started doing " it's that time of the year again" I just want to bash my dead on the table fact is that the main story part of the game is linear and then online mode geez " quik 1337 hackzorz 380 sniperz hedshot derp sir camp a lot"

I rest my case.

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