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WW2 BAD-T 2 - BDA AI Dogfight Tournament [SEMIFINALS]


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You mean the crash? That's odd. I have noticed that I have to set a higher minimum alt since the latest BDA patch due to a lot more ground collisions, but I'm not sure of the cause. Does changing the altitude settings help?

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A bit - it doesn't help the randomly-going-mad issue that was the initiator of it; the craft in focus pulled some more violent stuff than I've ever seen it pull in actual combat. Even if the other one survives - it's not always both of them doing that - they're a couple of km apart after the end of it, which isn't much good if the leader is just going to bull-headedly rush a superior number of opponents. This is a new install with the right versions of everything, so I don't know why I get all the wierdness :P

I did try both radar, btw - nothing ever shows up.

Also - words fail me.


Edited by Van Disaster
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@tetrydis Min alt for that flight was ~350m - it's clearly above that during the initial merge when it's being pretty aggressive. I'd set min alt lower but the pilot doesn't have much sense of self preservation.

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@Van Disaster: lower your default altitude.  It always wants to climb back up to the default altitude and attack from there, but then it's too steep of an angle against a target that's below its default altitude and it decides to play it ultra-safe and pull out of the dive.  Your AI settings would most likely be better for a BnZer, not a turnfighter like you've got.  And it never gets to extend like it wants to because it's bleeding energy like it has a parachute on it in those turns.  If you're gonna insist on it being a turnfighter, set up the AI for it to stick to low altitude shenanigans and work on it to make sure that it is actually capable of quickly getting right-side up and damping yaw oscillations to avoid going into the ground.

Honestly, it looks like all your problems are just a case of designing for last war's AI.

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@ferram4: I had suspicions; I was trying to build a B&Z-er without drastically limiting pitch authority - killing pitch authority seems to really limit the ability to evade - but despite the g-limiter being set to 5 it still wanted to peg the meter & pull the wings off :S and you're probably right about designing for old AI to some extent.

Probably makes a better turn-fighter anyway.

Tetrydis: I doubt I'll be happy enough with anything to provide an entry unless you're short a craft to make up numbers, but let me know & I'll add something to the pot if you need it.

Edited by Van Disaster
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DF-43 Bad Company has been submitted ... good luck to all who entered into this competition, methinks you're gonna need it


Stats are as follows:

2x MG 131 13mm

2x ShVAK 20mm

2x B40-S "Falcon"

Total points= 146




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screenshot149.pngMy submission, a rather simplified down Do-335. Meets all the heavy fighter requirements. Flys decently well, but not quite exceptionally under Ai control, so probably doesn't really stand a chance...

(Although at least I got it to take down the dummy)

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Somewhat off-topic but it's planes and fighting :). I tested the limits to see what 4 50-60 part planes would do to the framecount to see if i could host a similiar jet-fighter contest...

And i think it would have to be 1 vs 1.




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8 hours ago, crashsolo36 said:

already gettin ready for the WW2 JEt fighter challenge:sticktongue:

Same, I already have a jet powered version of my Arcadia Mk XIII fighter, and I'm working on several designs based off of early jet aircraft like the Yak-15/17 'Feather' and the MiG-9 'Fargo' as well as the Horten Ho 229 - that one is rather challenging...yes, that's how we'll describe it - and the Heinkel He 162 'Salamander'/'Volksjäger', probably my favourite early jet


Oh, and it seems I have a thing for Jumo 004 powered aircraft :D

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But I didn't say next will be jets :P

The only problem with jets is that there is much less dogfighting and much more sniping, not as fun.


Well, amazing news, I just installed my new i7 4790k, and I can run 2x2 with 40 parts crafts + scatterer + CollisionFX + Destruction Effects + whatever else with over 30fps easy, near the KSC :D

*I also had a lot of stuff going on at the same time like music and some other things which may give extra 2 or 3 fps if turned off.

So, yeah, awesome stuff.

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