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MechJeb not Functioning properly


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Hey there,

I have a problem with the window tabs while playing with the latest MechJeb version (2.5.5). When I engaged autopilot in the ascent guidance tab everything was good until I pressed space bar to initiate the launch where suddenly all the information in the window disappears and it goes blank! Also executing nodes does not seem to work and I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. Is there something I am doing wrong or is this a techincal error?



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1 hour ago, sarbian said:

Hard to tell if you don't provide any log.

Sorry, I'll send you a screenshot before I launch the ship and afterwards with ascent guidance enabled. I used one of the stock ships here as an example.

Here are the photos before and after launch: http://imgur.com/a/EkgnX

Also, here is the log you were asking about: https://www.dropbox.com/s/205g2ib411xbovv/output_log.zip?dl=0

Hope this helps solving my issue. Thanks again.

Edited by pjjanas
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2 minutes ago, genericeventhandler said:

I've seen this before,

it's linked to the SOI information throwing Exceptions, I can't remember which one exactly.

Remove any that show Target SOI information or DV for capture.

Distance to Target and Closest approach work fine.

Sorry would you be able to give me a small walk-through on how to do this? I'm not very good with code as I never got into it. 

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1 minute ago, genericeventhandler said:

You haven't modified the window in anyway? ie added the problem stats to the window?

if thats the case then you are probably running out of power, add some batteries and some solar panels. The module version of mechjeb requires power to operate.

No I haven't modified the window in anyway. The ship has over 950 units of power which should be definitely enough.

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49 minutes ago, genericeventhandler said:

You haven't modified the window in anyway? ie added the problem stats to the window?

if thats the case then you are probably running out of power, add some batteries and some solar panels. The module version of mechjeb requires power to operate.

Sounds unlikely that he'd run out of power at launch (or with first stage engines running at all)

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2 minutes ago, sarbian said:

That the current KSP version is and that MechJeb 2.5.5 is built to run on this version only.

I am so sorry for wasting your time for some reason it wasn't showing me the option to update the game. I just backed up all my saves and now I am reinstalling the game. Hope this works and thanks... I didn't realise this myself. 

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