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[1.1.3] KSO (Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter) Legacy Packs & Development Updates


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  On 6/19/2016 at 10:53 PM, Bomoo said:

Be honest, did you just make that up? From what I'm aware of, and as Nazari pointed out, it's a chibi, kerbalized design based on a combination of the X-37B spaceplane and the American space shuttle.


Well.. if you've been part of the KSP forum since 2012, you have noticed that that during the old twitch streams, there was a small kerbal-like space shuttle toy lying around...

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not work for me... with the link in this tread i go to spacedock site, but when on spacedock i click on "download" it says "file not found on server"

if i try to download another mod on spacedock it work.. but if i try to download the KSO mods... it fails

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  On 6/20/2016 at 11:04 AM, MK3424 said:

Well.. if you've been part of the KSP forum since 2012, you have noticed that that during the old twitch streams, there was a small kerbal-like space shuttle toy lying around...


Regardless of what toys they had in a stream, it wasn't what the KSO was based on. Helldiver wasn't even into watching Squad streams at any point.

  On 6/20/2016 at 11:32 AM, Kerbinidiel said:

on spacedock the download link of all the mods not works... it says "file not found on the server"


Looks like spacedocks issue, it worked yesterday.

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  On 6/20/2016 at 11:04 AM, MK3424 said:

Well.. if you've been part of the KSP forum since 2012, you have noticed that that during the old twitch streams, there was a small kerbal-like space shuttle toy lying around...


Never been into all that twitch junk, but if you happen to have a screenshot handy...

Anyway, if you recall at the very early days of the KSO mod, Helldiver talked about his inspirations for the project, and at no time do I remember him mentioning the toy in squid's twitch broadcasts. What I do recall is, as I mentioned in my post, him saying he mostly looked at the X-37B and the NASA space shuttle as his inspirations.

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  On 6/20/2016 at 4:02 PM, Bomoo said:

Never been into all that twitch junk, but if you happen to have a screenshot handy...

Anyway, if you recall at the very early days of the KSO mod, Helldiver talked about his inspirations for the project, and at no time do I remember him mentioning the toy in squid's twitch broadcasts. What I do recall is, as I mentioned in my post, him saying he mostly looked at the X-37B and the NASA space shuttle as his inspirations.


Okay... my bad. But that doesn't change the fact this should be stock... it's pretty much stock-a-like, without being overpowered..

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  On 6/20/2016 at 4:23 PM, vardicd said:

Not sure why, but the KSO body shows up twice to be purchased in the tech tree, not sure if this has a functional issue for game play, but, there it is:



Just delete \GameData\KSO\cargoholdkso.cfg

there seems to be a duplicate in there, it'll leave only one after deleting this file.

Edited by ultraviolet150
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  On 6/20/2016 at 5:22 PM, ultraviolet150 said:

Just delete \GameData\KSO\cargoholdkso.cfg

there seems to be a duplicate in there, it'll leave only one after deleting this file.


There is indeed a duplicate cargohold config in the files. Ive compared them in Notepad++and they are identical. Please delete cargoholdkso.cfg as cghold.cfg is the one used by the version 4.4 craft files.

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These shuttles are way more squirrely than I recall. they seem to start oscillating and rolling pretty hard in the midflight to orbit height range, especially after the side boosters break away, and im not sure why. has anyone else seen this behavior? If not I can make a video of it later to show what I mean.

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  On 6/20/2016 at 7:43 PM, vardicd said:

These shuttles are way more squirrely than I recall. they seem to start oscillating and rolling pretty hard in the midflight to orbit height range, especially after the side boosters break away, and im not sure why. has anyone else seen this behavior? If not I can make a video of it later to show what I mean.


This was seen in testing. Unfortunately this likely has something to do with the severe shift in center of mass and the fact that the stock gimbal module is woefully inadequate when it comes to keeping ships stable. Believe it or not its way worse with the roll gimbals enabled (which is why I disabled roll gimbaling for the 4.4 shuttle craft files).


Also unfortunately, since KM_Gimbal is not being brought into 1.1, this is probably going to be the way it is for the forseeable future.

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  On 6/20/2016 at 7:43 PM, vardicd said:

These shuttles are way more squirrely than I recall. they seem to start oscillating and rolling pretty hard in the midflight to orbit height range, especially after the side boosters break away, and im not sure why. has anyone else seen this behavior? If not I can make a video of it later to show what I mean.


I would like to see videos from anyone using them. It seems fairly easy to get to orbit from what Ive seen. Do you have the new gimbal angle toggled on?

  On 6/20/2016 at 9:03 PM, Starslinger999 said:

I cant seem to get this pack working. Could i have the files for all 4 because it seems only the regular shuttle works when i install from the front page.

Also, is there a single file download that i could get? if so, can i has it plz?? 


Can you elaborate on what is not working? And no, its multiple packs now.

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  On 6/20/2016 at 9:04 PM, Nazari1382 said:

I would like to see videos from anyone using them. It seems fairly easy to get to orbit from what Ive seen. Do you have the new gimbal angle toggled on?


Oh I can get them to orbit, they just do a whole lot of wiggling around. The wing surfaces and engine gimbals don't seem to react fast enough and this leads to overcompensating which sets up major oscilations. Also, a quick, if low quality, video made with some of the mod parts:


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  On 6/20/2016 at 9:11 PM, vardicd said:

Oh I can get them to orbit, they just do a whole lot of wiggling around. The wing surfaces and engine gimbals don't seem to react fast enough and this leads to overcompensating which sets up major oscilations.


Can you post a complete shuttle launch video?

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