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SAS ability per axis

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Simple suggestion that could make life a whole lot easier:

Allow SAS to be toggled on and off separately for pitch, yaw, and roll.

This would allow things like flying a plane with pitch trimmed for level flight, and yaw and roll controlled by SAS. Or doing a perfect gravity turn by unlocking yaw SAS and keeping pitch and roll stable. Or turning a shuttle without losing control by unlocking only roll.

Along with this, pressing a button to control a ship should only temporarily unlock SAS for that axis, rather than all of them like it does now.

These abilities can unlock in career mode with the appropriate level pilot or by using the RGU probe cores and the flight assist nosecone (since the abilities are mainly for lift rockets and planes, with little use in space, it makes sense for these modules to have it).

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Great ideas but it should be buried so new users are not intimidated by it.  In the same menu give us the ability to adjust the filter parameters so we can adjust SAS for bigger/smaller/over controlled/under controlled ships


Turning off SAS in one axis when 1 button is pressed is also a great suggestion

Edited by Nich
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