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[1.2.2] Space Shuttle System new release 26.01.2017


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Game isn't recognizing SSME's as engines & plume is being shown in VAB, identical to what LMRaptor was experiencing...although I don't see any "ETC" folder! 


Also, why does the main fuel tank use real fuels? Does anyone have stock fuel configs for it? I don't play RSS, and the realfuel mod's stock configs is an absolute cluster****.

Edited by JJJacksonTyler
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3 hours ago, Nukeproof said:

Even in 1.1.2 the Cockpit + Cargo Bay are just a solid black colour?

I have same problem, but I know from what is happened, because I changed the Graphics settings (render quality and texture quality) to less.

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4 minutes ago, Nukeproof said:

Are you sure that is the issue?

From my side. yes

To see the texture of cockpit and cargo, I have this settings:

Render Quality: Beautiful

Texture Quality: Half Res

If I change the render and texture to less, I see the black one.

You can try it, to see if that is works for you.

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1 minute ago, Viruzzz said:

From my side. yes

To see the texture of cockpit and cargo, I have this settings:

Render Quality: Beautiful

Texture Quality: Half Res

If I change the render and texture to less, I see the black one.

You can try it, to see if that is works for you.

I will do thank you.

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So after monkeying with the settings for the crew cabin I was able to change the IVA from the Mk 1-2 pod to the Mk 3. It looks great in IVA except for one thing. The whole space clips outside of the craft. Does anyone know of a way to "move" the internal space to the correct position?

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Solved the issue of the engines/real fuels for now. Go into ET.CFG, and change LqdHydrogen and LqxOxygen to Liquidfuel and Oxidizer, respectively. Reverse the numbers (there is more oxidizer than fuel, which is reversed in normal KSP tanks). Fortunately, the 81.82 percent ratio is kept. However, once in-game, you will have to set the Hydrogen and Oxygen levels to 0 (as it holds all 4 now), but performance with that and STOCK shuttle engines is pretty nominal, I'd say. The stock engines are a bit smaller in size, and heavier - but they produce more thrust, so it's pretty balanced. Control is well. Not sure why nobody answered my question, as I did everything I was supposed to do (drag SHUTTLE_SYSTEM into GameData)?

So I assume either everyone here is playing with realfuels/real solar system (which would be crazy, because this mod is NOT advertised as such), or I'm tripping out of my mind. Either way, I fixed it. Sometimes, to get something done - you must do it yourself. 


Edited by JJJacksonTyler
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16 hours ago, JJJacksonTyler said:

Solved the issue of the engines/real fuels for now. Go into ET.CFG, and change LqdHydrogen and LqxOxygen to Liquidfuel and Oxidizer, respectively. Reverse the numbers (there is more oxidizer than fuel, which is reversed in normal KSP tanks). Fortunately, the 81.82 percent ratio is kept. However, once in-game, you will have to set the Hydrogen and Oxygen levels to 0 (as it holds all 4 now), but performance with that and STOCK shuttle engines is pretty nominal, I'd say. The stock engines are a bit smaller in size, and heavier - but they produce more thrust, so it's pretty balanced. Control is well. Not sure why nobody answered my question, as I did everything I was supposed to do (drag SHUTTLE_SYSTEM into GameData)?

So I assume either everyone here is playing with realfuels/real solar system (which would be crazy, because this mod is NOT advertised as such), or I'm tripping out of my mind. Either way, I fixed it. Sometimes, to get something done - you must do it yourself.


Why change it on Liquid fuel and Oxidizer? Who told you that it is connected to the RF .LqdHydrogen and LqxOxygen? This is Li(!)QdHydrogen and Li(!)QdOxygen, why Community ceases so strange compared to two years earlier ...



What are the problems with the engines? What do you say if I run it without any problems in space and can provide you with a photo that is working fine. I'm not responsible for your installed add-ons if he something interferes.

I do not be surprised if you have tried it in the PO / RF / RSS.

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Okay, I was wrong in believing it was the Realfuels' version, but my original point was only to state that it did NOT use stock fuels, which made it impossible to use at the time because I am having problem with the in-mod SSME's (plume visible in VAB, not recognized as engines) that is most likely the fault of another mod dependency. So all I did was change the ET to stock fuels and post the fix here, in the event anyone else was experiencing this problem.


The ET being stock fuels also makes it much more compatible with, oh - everything else. Some people want to experiment, you know? 


Also, no - I do not use PO/RF/RSS. I do have many other graphical and parts pack mods that I DO use, however. But instead of going on a witch-hunt, I'll just use stock engines. Shuttle works amazing as-is.


Edited by JJJacksonTyler
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17 hours ago, JJJacksonTyler said:

Okay, I was wrong in believing it was the Realfuels' version, but my original point was only to state that it did NOT use stock fuels, which made it impossible to use at the time because I am having problem with the in-mod SSME's (plume visible in VAB, not recognized as engines) that is most likely the fault of another mod dependency. So all I did was change the ET to stock fuels and post the fix here, in the event anyone else was experiencing this problem.


The ET being stock fuels also makes it much more compatible with, oh - everything else. Some people want to experiment, you know? 


Also, no - I do not use PO/RF/RSS. I do have many other graphical and parts pack mods that I DO use, however. But instead of going on a witch-hunt, I'll just use stock engines. Shuttle works amazing as-is.


View of the fuel is taken from the addon "Energia project" and possibly stock version will be more correct, although I'm waiting for RO cfg from MoNs Troo, if something goes wrong, I will try to make himself RO cfg, just take versions of SSP.

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@DECQ You have any idea as @Viruzzz technique did not fix the issue?

On 5/22/2016 at 10:05 PM, Viruzzz said:

From my side. yes

To see the texture of cockpit and cargo, I have this settings:

Render Quality: Beautiful

Texture Quality: Half Res

If I change the render and texture to less, I see the black one.

You can try it, to see if that is works for you.


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On 30.03.2016 at 3:49 AM, theaveragepxtseryu said:


Thanks for fixing the textures! Or maybe it's because I switched to OPEN-GL mode.

Perhaps this is the only recipe.

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Prompt me where the best place to store files, if Yandex some not working it must be replaced.

P.S. I tried the first version of the RO, uh, he flies terrible but not as bad as I imagined. :D

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22 minutes ago, awfulhumanbeing said:

Is there a plugin for RSS, @DECQ? Also, the main shuttle body turns black. Help!

>busy RO for Energia

Where to get it?


Still in development, now I'm busy three addons introduction of RO.
God, why it is black, it may be worthwhile to put a texture in the PNG format.

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