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stock or mod parachutes


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Howdy all,

Back playing KSP after a 3 or more year absence and relearning everything again, old age doesn't help either.

I noticed that I do not have any parachutes for landing in my inventory and have been searching for 2 days now, but does anyone have or know of any of the mods that could supply me with landing parachutes?

Oh, the time flies when you are messing around in KSP.



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Welcome to the forums!

You should have parachutes available in stock, even if you're playing career and just started and haven't unlocked anything yet-- the Mk16 is available from the get-go. Parachutes are on the "utility" parts tab of the VAB.

If you still can't find them, could you post a screenshot showing the utility tab in the vehicle editor?

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I don't know about the missing stock chutes so a Screenshot would really help to identify the problem, and if you are not opposed to mods you could look at the Real Chutes Post. It adds realistic Chutes and realistic Chute behavior that makes using them much more fun and realistic. 

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10 hours ago, Stubby01 said:

Thanks for your reply. I do remember what the chutes look like and have looked multiple times with no luck. They are not there.

Could you post a screenshot of the not-thereness?  :)

If you've been away from KSP for three years or more, a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then.  Maybe you have a legitimate issue and your KSP installation is borked somehow... or maybe something about the way the UI has been rearranged is causing the chutes to not be where you're expecting them, so you're looking in the wrong place without realizing it.

A screenshot of "here's the place where I'm looking for the chutes and not seeing them" would settle the matter instantly:  someone familiar with modern-day KSP will be able to tell you at a glance whether "yes, you have a bug, it should be there" or "no, that's not the right place to look, you should be looking in this other place instead".


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