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Update 1.1 enters experimental testing


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3 hours ago, parameciumkid said:

I remain highly displeased that the new KSP will be made available to others before being made available to me despite paying full price, simply because I didn't buy it through Steam.
I know it's not what was intended, but it reeks in the same way as GameStop exclusive promotions.

I don't wanna hear about how I should just suck it up for two weeks and be rewarded with a less buggy version. I'm not one of those people who go around complaining that the game is ruined every time I find a tiny problem, who make woefully uninformative "bug reports," or who rage at SQUAD for bugs that aren't their fault. I want the new KSP as soon as possible, buggy or not!

3 hours ago, AlextheBodacious said:

Oh boy experimentals!

Oh... steam... :(

On one hand, I understand you guys displeasement. On the other hand, what would you do in their situation?

KasperVld explained the limations they have, and it's hardware.

The advantage of steam is a) Valve takes care of deployment, and server capabilities and b) only the differences between builds are transferred. If SQUAD were to do the releases, they would have to a) rent a *****ton of server capacity and b) you'd have to download the whole thing, about 1.1GB about once or twice per day, which amplifies problem a).

I'd rather have them spend money on development and testing instead of server farms so that a few people can play it 2 weeks sooner.

And the "GameStop exclusive promotions" is really unfair, because as you know yourself, YOU WILL GET THE FULL VERSION just fine.

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28 minutes ago, WWEdeadman said:

Can't wait for the pre-release to be available.

Me neither! I already created a cleaned up KSP folder so nothing goes wrong on the update \o/

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5 hours ago, parameciumkid said:

I remain highly displeased that the new KSP will be made available to others before being made available to me despite paying full price, simply because I didn't buy it through Steam.
I know it's not what was intended, but it reeks in the same way as GameStop exclusive promotions.

I don't wanna hear about how I should just suck it up for two weeks and be rewarded with a less buggy version. I'm not one of those people who go around complaining that the game is ruined every time I find a tiny problem, who make woefully uninformative "bug reports," or who rage at SQUAD for bugs that aren't their fault. I want the new KSP as soon as possible, buggy or not!

this i agree with 

Edited by BrutalRIP
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9 minutes ago, BrutalRIP said:

this i agree with 

Different forms of distribution have different cons and pros.


EDIT: People who bought it from store bought licence to use finished product, not access to any version of the game at any time. Steam offered beta testing experience for while now, so it was only matter of time when devs are going to use that feature.

Edited by Darnok
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15 minutes ago, Darnok said:

Different forms of distribution have different cons and pros.

i understand the pros and cons but can you understand i bought from the store after being led to believe by squad that i would get game updates and new features the same time as everyone else,Now squad are telling us if we dont want to wait we have to by from steam??WTF



On 3/3/2016 at 10:50 PM, Red Iron Crown said:
On 3/3/2016 at 10:24 PM, Kerbart said:

At no point in time did Squad mention in advance, let alone promise, a pre-release versions and then backtracked and said "Steam only."

That is literally exactly what has happened.

Up until version 1.0 all versions were pre-release, including the 0.90 "beta", and all were available through all outlets. The FAQ on the website and comments from Squad representatives said that Steam, store and all other outlets were treated equally with regard to having access to new versions, and labored to point out that Steam would not be getting new releases first. It is hard to see how this new policy can be seen as anything but backtracking on that.

People made decisions on where to buy the game based on what was told to them, there's a reason that point was addressed in the FAQ. I've gifted two copies of KSP to friends, and I bought them from the store because there was supposed to be no difference and it put more money in Squad's hands as opposed to buying on Steam and giving a portion to Valve. Now I look like an idiot for paying the same price for a store copy when a Steam copy includes early access at no additional cost.

People can get nitpicky about what constitutes a release, a prerelease, or a version; I don't really care about that as I'm not trying to put together a legal case and semantic games miss the point anyway. The simple fact remains that Steam users will be able to play the game with 1.1's features before users who bought

Edited by BrutalRIP
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13 minutes ago, BrutalRIP said:

i understand the pros and cons but can you understand i bought from the store after being led to believe by squad that i would get game updates and new features the same time as everyone else,Now squad are telling us if we dont want to wait we have to by from steam??WTF



And you are going to get updates and new features at same time, just not beta tests access :) 

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Wow, some people just are not willing to accept that the decision is based on logistics rather than malice.

Looking at the backlash from offering wider experimentals, as was requested in this very forum, it seems to follow a pattern

"But you are not offering them to ME! ME! ME! MEEEEE!"

will some of you please just grow up and stop complaining at literally every opportunity to show displeasure?

The release date for 1.1 now seems more firmly to be around four weeks away. It will, as always, be released on all platforms at the same time.

In the OP Kasper said that should they do this in the future, something I would endorse, they will work towards it being released on the store as well as steam, something I also endorse.

10 hours ago, KasperVld said:

If we repeat this process in the future we'll look into ways of making it available to everyone where possible

Why not be happy with that?

You will get what you want, just not this time. There simply is not the hardware in place to do so. All the tantrums in the world will not change that. Of course negative backlash resulting from offering the community something they asked for may well reduce the willingness of Squad to do things we ask for in the future so no possible positive benefit and lots of negative possible outcomes.

Is that really what you want?

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2 hours ago, Kobymaru said:

The advantage of steam is a) Valve takes care of deployment, and server capabilities and b) only the differences between builds are transferred. If SQUAD were to do the releases, they would have to a) rent a *****ton of server capacity and b) you'd have to download the whole thing, about 1.1GB about once or twice per day, which amplifies problem a).

I'd rather have them spend money on development and testing instead of server farms so that a few people can play it 2 weeks sooner.

And the "GameStop exclusive promotions" is really unfair, because as you know yourself, YOU WILL GET THE FULL VERSION just fine.

I meant "Oh boy!" as in Experimentals? That means 1.1 is closer than ever! I might even be able to get it...

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9 minutes ago, John FX said:

Wow, some people just are not willing to accept that the decision is based on logistics rather than malice.

Looking at the backlash from offering wider experimentals, as was requested in this very forum, it seems to follow a pattern

"But you are not offering them to ME! ME! ME! MEEEEE!"

will some of you please just grow up and stop complaining at literally every opportunity to show displeasure?

The release date for 1.1 now seems more firmly to be around four weeks away. It will, as always, be released on all platforms at the same time.

In the OP Kasper said that should they do this in the future, something I would endorse, they will work towards it being released on the store as well as steam, something I also endorse.

Why not be happy with that?

You will get what you want, just not this time. There simply is not the hardware in place to do so. All the tantrums in the world will not change that. Of course negative backlash resulting from offering the community something they asked for may well reduce the willingness of Squad to do things we ask for in the future so no possible positive benefit and lots of negative possible outcomes.

Is that really what you want?

no but i will point you to an earlier post i made because i can see how my feelings are not clear..


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56 minutes ago, BrutalRIP said:

Now squad are telling us if we dont want to wait we have to by from steam??WTF



Oh boy we got us a ranter here! (knock it off before the mods come and give you what for)

First off they aren't saying that. You'll get the FULL version later, the BUGGY version is this one they're talking about. I just wish you could read some of the other posts before doing this. This is if you want to report all the bugs to squad. If you're gonna buy it through steam too I don't think KSP is for you.

The full KSP experience is playing the game, not crying about how you don't get to play it faster. It's not even play (You'd learn that the hard way), because

Experimentals are to report bugs, not so you can play earlier.

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7 minutes ago, BrutalRIP said:

no but i will point you to an earlier post i made because i can see how my feelings are not clear..


Well in all fairness I wasn`t replying to your post specifically, it was more the general posting from some users since the expanded experimentals were announced.

Glad to see yours was sarcasm although it`s hard to tell in print.

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22 minutes ago, BrutalRIP said:

no but i will point you to an earlier post i made because i can see how my feelings are not clear..


I'm sure the authors of a ton of YouTube comments would say that what they wrote should be followed by a "JK !!!".

But if you feel that Squad shouldn't alienate users (and for the record, I'm one of those non-steam users and I don't feel alienated), why write posts that merely validate that sort of feeling of alienation?

Trolling aside, if you know why this decision has been made (need to automate game file update process, several times a day, over two weeks for hundreds of users), is there anything else to be gained by overstating an irrational animosity, polarising an issue that doesn't need polarising?

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1 minute ago, nukeboyt said:

Wondering....  Are the members of the experimentals team allowed to share any goodies like pictures or videos, or are they prevented from doing so by a non-disclosure agreement?

Generally they are prevented by a NDA during a period of time (blackout period). Some of the YouTube personalities will make their videos during this time and post them once Squad lifts the blackout. That typically occurs a few days before release, although there have been times when critical bugs were discovered at the last minute and the release occurred a week or more after the blackout was lifted.

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1 minute ago, VirtualCLD said:

Generally they are prevented by a NDA during a period of time (blackout period). Some of the YouTube personalities will make their videos during this time and post them once Squad lifts the blackout. That typically occurs a few days before release, although there have been times when critical bugs were discovered at the last minute and the release occurred a week or more after the blackout was lifted.

That makes sense.    Hoping Scott, Danny, Bob and the gang are already at work...

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1 minute ago, nukeboyt said:

That makes sense.    Hoping Scott, Danny, Bob and the gang are already at work...

Not yet, but I know Bob has something special coming this Monday :)

As for the pre-release discussion, I'd suggest we keep that contained to the article, to avoid confusion caused by hopping back and forth between threads.

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[Edit: Pardon my posting in the wrong thread. I suppose I should put something in this space, though, so:

Yay, experimentals! Go forth, all ye testers, and squash all the bugs you can find!


Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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I've removed a series of posts after my last one. Please use this thread for discussing / asking questions about the experimentals. Discussing the pre-release branch situation both here and in the developer article would only achieve chaos and confusion.

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When you want to really bughunt in alpha/beta builds it should be seen as it's intended, it's not some sort of 'early access' like some might see it. I've been in enough closed betas to know that, when you take it seriously, it isn't playing, more some sort of work.

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