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Mythbuster's Finale Farewell

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As most of you know now, the Mythbusters have finally had they're series finale after 13 years of being on air. They have changed it's viewers forever, and I can for one, say that I will never ever, be the same. It is a show that made science awesome and easily understandable for everybody, while also entertaining and humorous. It is a show that will not be forgotten, and one I feel, that will forever be a fantastic snapshot of what the 2000-2010 decade was like. I would like to simply write a letter to them here, describing how it changed my life forever. In the posts below, please share how it impacted you.

Dear Mythbusters:

I have been watching your show since the beginning. I started watching at the age of 7 in 2003 and it became an addiction, an obsession which has no doubt shaped my world, if not my life forever. It has shown to me how amazingly wonderful the world of testing our thoughts can be, not to mention the pure power of science itself. The way you tackled science and how easily science can be explained in your various experiments. You have achieved more as special effects artists on your show than some scientists which achieve in their entire lifetimes. Once I started watching your show I had to keep watching since they're were funny and eventful through your course of wrecking, detonating, crushing (and a list of hundreds more), various objects in the name of science. I might even be able to say, that thanks to your show, you gave the initial setup for my mind and how to think through the world and ultimately have my mind setup for answering and conquering a scientific world around me. One of my best skills it to design various machines or to disassemble them, and I likely thank Mythbusters for this since on almost every episode you designed some machine to do some task. Not to mention you opened my eyes to so many aspects of the world, such as how well you designed the U2 episode. When it aired, I was a hardcore space fan, and in the midst of my love for it, however you managed to point out things that even I did not realize. You showed how few come to where you had been, and often I forget on almost every episode you set some new record or otherwise do something that few if not anyone has ever attempted. Not to mention, that when I realized my eyes were opened, it knew how many others you had also opened.

It is heart breaking to me to know you are going. I personally feel I had taken the show for granted for far too long, and although an avid fan, I was not nearly as committed to watching it as I should have been. It hurts to know that one of the greatest things from my childhood has been closed, something that I could come back to, whenever I felt like it to see something new, epic and hilarious. There is no doubt that a great many tears will be shed to your passing, however we must remember, it is not your end.

Each of the five will go you separate ways and seek even more successful careers in areas you desire more. Mythbusters has thankfully opened many pathways now for you than you ever could have had without it. The show has changed more lives than be counted, as well as affecting the lives of the crew themselves. Every single member of the entire Mythbusters team has led a significant achievement that none of them should ever forget. The impact this show has had will no doubt be felt and seen for decades, if not for a generation or more to come through the eyes it as opened.

Thank you for nearly 250 episodes of humor, science, entertainment, joy, and more. Every time I watch one, I feel happy in a way that is unique to itself. I will never forget the show, nor the impact on myself and others. I hope to see your future endeavors bode well for each of you. There is no way I could possibly thank you enough for bringing me through the rough, through the confusing and otherwise difficult times in my life. When I needed something to watch, there was always Mythbusters.

Thank you Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman, Grant Imahara, Tori Belleci, Keri Byron and everyone who has ever worked on the Mythbusters team.

Edited by ZooNamedGames
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I didn't watch it often, but it was a good show.  Pity to see it ending.

I'll just leave this here, it might be of interest to the average Mythbusters fan, and goes to show how broad their appeal is.


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For everything there is a time and all good things come to an end.


Back in the beginning it was an awesome show. All throughout of my College years I could count on Mythbusters being on. By about 2009-2011 it had it's stale. The recent seasons seemed to address that to some degree. My favorite episode by far was when Adam got to fly aboard a U-2. Watching the reunion show right now I feel a little sad that the series is over but hearing the tales of fans inspired by the show...even have their lives impacted by the show...the series will have a well deserved and profound legacy on this generation.

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I can't remember a time before Mythbusters. I think I would still have been interested in science if they hadn't been there, but I think their show played a role in my interest, and acted as a catalyst for it. Mythbusters has always been my favorite show, because nothing is quite as amusing as watching some of those absurd contraptions actually working. The show really showed us the true nature of science, the fact that any idea is valid and can be tested, and even the most ridiculous ideas may have some worth.

"The only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down!" -Adam Savage

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The best Mythbusters episodes where the early seasons. Exploding hot water heater; cell phones and gas tanks; ninja water shoes; lightning striking a golfer with metal cleats; ways to sober up when you're drunk.

Later on, the myths became increasingly stupid, and around the time of the "idioms" episode I realized they were running out of material. The day Tory, Grant, and Kari left the show/got dumped, that was the end for me.

Let us remember the good times. Adam Savage testing ninja water shoes and doing a faceplant into the swimming pool. "Drunk on a treadmill" also with faceplant followed by barrel roll into the backscreen. And of course Tory trying to jump a toy wagon on his bike, crashing hardcore and emerging without a scratch.


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I liked Mythbusters, but they often worked on "myths" that were not actually even remotely in question, or in fact set up the problem utterly wrong, then "busted" it. Shooting fish in a barrel, for example. They seemed unable to do the simple research to know that fish when caught in the age of sail were salted and packed into barrels. Their episode on splinters and cannon fire was similarly screwy. Tthere are hundreds of years of ships logs with after action reports demonstrating the large number of men wounded from splinters, yet they framed the question as being more lethal (and even then, they assumed acutely lethal, not perhaps considering that even a scratch could prove to be fatal in a filthy world without antibiotics ;) ).

Their network would have done well to properly pay Kari, Tory, and Grant and they likely would still be filming. 

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