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Science Deployables, Experiments and Rebalancing

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In my experience, science starts out as quite the grind eventually, I'm told, eclipsing relevancy in career as you reach outer bodies. Additionally, but seemingly unrelated, I feel as though the science and actions that can be obtained and undertaken on an EVA are too limited.

I was reading up on the Apollo program not long ago and discovered the ALSEP. Why not have something analogous as a set of man portable experiments that can be done on EVA. The device i itself can only carry one of a given experimental package and can be done for a set amount of science. To compensate, reduce the science scaling on farther bodies, and perhaps have certain nodes require a particular experiment on a particular planet/biome to unlock (1 barometer and 1 spectro-variometer analysis from high atmosphere to unlock a high-altitude flight, etc.).

Additionally, allow for fitting of a particular type of experiment in the goo container/science Jr., which is selectable via a tweakable option in the VAB/SPH.

Edited by LorenLuke
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Yes. I agree. It's a way better idea than gathering science points. Also better experiments, which by 'better' I mean actual experiments where you have to click stuff and interact with it. Simple widgets (after clicking the 'run experiment' button) with buttons and levers would be great to have. Also with different outcomes. Add this, sprinkle it with that and bam! You just got something new even though you used this experiment in the same biome before!

Edited by Veeltch
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I agree that the science experience in the stock game could use some additional depth, though I expect we'll have to wait a while, given the other things that Squad has on its plate for this version and the next.

In the meantime, if you're willing to consider using a mod, I've heard very nice things about DMagic Orbital Science:


...haven't used it myself yet, but I understand that it has a wide variety of science stuff, including EVA-deployable items and some context-dependent stuff (including contracts that know about these instruments).

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