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Lego parts

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FIrst off I love all the parts of Stock KSP and am NOT suggesting adding anything to stock.  If KSP is really based of lego part theory why doesn't Squad release more official part packs?  I love the asteroid mod but it would be nicer if the parts were themed with instructions or pics of the intended purposes of the parts.  You can then download the part packs, put together the models and play around with them.  Then take them apart and throw all the parts in your play bin.  I know the suggestion is not the best currently as the modding community already does this but definitely something to think about around the time of 2.0 or officially supporting mod part packs that align with Squads direction for KSP.

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I disagree too many parts can scare away new people.  I guess I really wish squad would support mod packs more or incorporate them into officially supported version with debugging and optimization.

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Ok.  So, if the current parts were split up into a number of 'packs' (eg. for different tech levels or purposes), in the form of folders, then players could 'open' the next pack once they got familiar with the first set of parts etc.

A twist...  If the folders can be accessed from the settings menu then it would be fairly easy to open and/or close the packs that they do or don't want to use in any particular save by using a simple check box system.

Not a bad idea,  it could be very good for setting up a save for younger players.

Although the science/career mode sort of does this by blocking access to parts until you progress this idea could work well for sandbox.


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1 hour ago, pandaman said:

A twist...  If the folders can be accessed from the settings menu then it would be fairly easy to open and/or close the packs that they do or don't want to use in any particular save by using a simple check box system.

A feature that would make this easier-- and also would be useful for people who like to run mods in general-- would be a way of choosing different mods per save-game.

Yes, you can kinda-sorta do that now by just copying your entire KSP folder and then having different combinations of mods in different KSP installations.  But personally I find that rather clunky.  Would love to have a way of configuring it per-save.

(The complexity there is that lots of mods get loaded when the game is spinning up, even before you get to the "load a saved game" menu, which is a nontrivial design problem to solve.  I suspect that's one of the main reasons we don't have a feature like that.)

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1 hour ago, Snark said:

A feature that would make this easier-- and also would be useful for people who like to run mods in general-- would be a way of choosing different mods per save-game.

Yes, you can kinda-sorta do that now by just copying your entire KSP folder and then having different combinations of mods in different KSP installations.  But personally I find that rather clunky.  Would love to have a way of configuring it per-save.

(The complexity there is that lots of mods get loaded when the game is spinning up, even before you get to the "load a saved game" menu, which is a nontrivial design problem to solve.  I suspect that's one of the main reasons we don't have a feature like that.)

Apparently you and me are the only ones who want this ;)

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