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budget gaming build graphical enhancements


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Do you have a graphics card already or no?

The best budget gaming Graphics card I would suggest is:
GTX 950 for 1080P gaming Medium to low settings

GTX 970 for 1440P Medium settings

If you want to run at high/ultra settings on any game, 980 or 980 TI. Or you could go SLI with 780 TI's. They aren't 'budget' gaming, but if you want a great gaming experience plus fps, that's what you want to do.

I can't tell you anything about AMD cards as I'm a Nvidia fan boy, but the Fury and Nano both have excellent performance, matching the 980TI and sometimes giving a little more FPS in AMD supported games.  

Also, wrong section for this thread.

Edited by GoldForest
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Is this specifically for KSP?

Reason for asking: KSP is an outlier, and it is much much more affected by CPU speed than graphics cards. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the onboard GPU is not the bottleneck. KSP is also very much dependant on the sort of activity you're doing and what you're doing it with. Nobody gets smooth performance with a 500 part monster on the launch pad :)

Other games will definitely benefit from a proper GPU. The 950 or 970 suggested above will be good for most cases - just not really needed for KSP ^^;

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