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Some things today, March 14


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 Today is the second-most-accurate Pi Day ever (only surpassed by Pi Day in 1593), and it's ExoMars Day One, and it's my father's 50th birthday. Thought I'd let you all know. 

Edited by Findthepin1
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TODAY IS PI DAY!!! WOOO! I bet I'll have to endure constant hype from my English teacher about Pi Patel (the kid with the tiger) while I sit and draw circles. 

And now for the mandatory recitation of memorized digits: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781 yay!

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2 hours ago, Shpaget said:

Breaking news!!!

Numerology is not a thing and dates are arbitrary.

Of course, but as long as we acknowledge that the way we write numbers has no effect on anything that actually happens we can still have fun when cool numbers show up in our lives. Whenever I watch a sport game, I am constantly checking to see if a score is prime, because prime numbers are cool! It doesn't really matter, but it's still fun.

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