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help with docking using 2 ports

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so i built a tanker in orbit to store fuel and oxidizer to refuel rockets for long missions, it has 3 tanks that ive connected side by side with docking 2 ports on each tank as to add stability so it wouldent wobble about

the middle and left tanks have connected as i intended, both sets of docking ports have connected and arnt wobbling, the issue is with the middle and right tanks
the upper docking port is slightly misaligned and wont connect, ive tried undocking and redocking but i get the same issue
ive also tried rotating the right tank and docking with the other side of the tank and had the same issue, so its not just that port on the right tank.
the middle tank was made in symmetry mode so it shouldent be an issue with placement otherwise both tanks would have the issue 
ive even gotten it to where it looks like they are perfectly connected but they still arnt.

i would like to note that the left and right tanks are identical so it shouldent be anything wrong with the design otherwise the left tank would have had the same issue

Edited by tyler robotnik
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If they are in fact misaligned and won't connect fully then you may just have to redesign and build it again.  If they are all aligned properly but just won't dock, then you sometimes just have to undock the one that is docked and then it'll either dock both at the same time or you'll have to leave the nonreengage distance and try again

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I believe you also need to make sure all the docking ports (all four) are "ready" (I think; I don't know the status indicators off the top of my head) in the RMB.

Sometimes they glitch out. And if they do it's possible you need to change them by hand in the savefile.

Hell, how hard would it be to just edit the save file so they're connected properly to begin with?

Edited by pincushionman
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