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Parachute Testing


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  On 3/20/2016 at 5:55 AM, Saeed said:

If Someone purchased a parachute from certain vendor, then how we can test this parachute to ensure opening and required decent rate ??


I can't see how this relates to KSP at all but...

Honestly, I can't think of a way to test a parachute without having a living human being strapped to it in order to pull the cord.

Also, it won't deploy unless you are quite high up, so a "test jump" off the roof of your house or some other such nonsense is out of the question.

My advice would be to buy your parachutes from a company you have a LOT of faith in. Personally, I wouldn't ever jump out of a perfectly good plane, hell even if it's going down I'd rather try for a belly landing than throw myself out the window.

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  On 3/20/2016 at 12:29 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Honestly, I can't think of a way to test a parachute without having a living human being strapped to it in order to pull the cord.


As far as I know, all parachute (at least, parachutes meant for a human anyway) have an automatic fail-safe device which opens the chute at a pre-set altitude. Theoretically, you would land safely (ish) even if you jumped (fell?) unconscious, although it is definitely a last-resort (<100% success rate).

So you can just strap the parachute to a sack of potatoes (or whatevs) and chuck it out of a plane. The automatic device actually cuts something though to release the parachute, so that component may need replacing.




Ooh. Or, also, you could just chuck something out static-line style (essentially means the parachute ripcord is attached to the plane and is pulled immediately on exit). Should have been the first thing that came into my head really.

Edited by p1t1o
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Wind tunnels. [Booster rocket designs] This footage is of scientists testing experimental saturn V booster rocket parachutes, and this one [Command module designs] shows some footage of them testing models with the command module. The guy who uploaded the latter also uploaded some pretty cool documentaries about the Apollo program, including the rover and guidance system.714234main_333681main_D2009_0331_T0164.j

NASA testing the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) parachute.

EDIT: Sorry if this doesn't answer your question. If not, sticker,375x360.u5.png

Edited by Snikersnee
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