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How To Get Into An Orbit ~ Tutorial

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Assuming you're not being sarcastic and you do actually think this is a useful tutorial, then, unfortunately, it really isn't.  It misses out far too many important details for beginners (the people that might need a tutorial to get to orbit) and makes no mention of good practice (e.g. designing a sensible rocket, following a sensible launch trajectory etc.)

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1. Ensure pointy end is up.
2. Light fuse.
3. Step back.
4. Step back more, you're still too close.
5. While the rocket ascends, you have a few minutes to apply first-aid to your burns. I told you that you were standing too close.
6. When you run out of atmosphere, turn right.
7. No, your other right.
8. No, I meant your military right!
9. Keep the rocket burning until your periapse lifts out of the atmosphere.
10. If you run out of fuel before this happens, take the 5-gallon jerry can, found behind your seat in the command pod, and walk back to KSC for more fuel.*

* Instructions for how to do this available separately, for a modest charge. ;)

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