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Should I make "Community Planet Pack"?


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When I made the thread What Celestial Body Would You Add Into KSP? it got a lot of response, so, I'm asking, should the community make a community made planet pack? It will have probably the same advantages and flaws as, for example Community Resource Pack. So what do you think.

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Well... first I would change the "I" to "we" in your title. :sticktongue:

Jokes aside, how would you go about doing this? A few people make a planet each and then send them to you to compile them might work. :)

Happy Flying


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21 hours ago, YargJay9991 said:

Well... first I would change the "I" to "we" in your title. :sticktongue:

Jokes aside, how would you go about doing this? A few people make a planet each and then send them to you to compile them might work. :)

Happy Flying


Also, that idea is perfectly fine with me. It was actually the idea I was having! :D

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23 hours ago, legoclone09 said:

That sounds like an awesome idea! Text shaped islands would be amazing, maybe a script that generates with random text to make planets that are made out of text but different each time you install the mod!

Well... I'm probably not gonna program most of it. it's "Community Planet Pack" for a reason.

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To be honest, this is a terrible idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for more people with talent adding interesting things to the game, however I think that its just a terrible concept and your comparison to CRP is a really weak one at best. CRP is a base guide, to help mods work together by providing cfgs so that resources can be unified into a single & effective utility for all modders to use, whereas this would be simply a free-for-all collaboration pack. The main reason why I object to this is for one simple thing: the skill level of people contributing to it. For example, if I was to contribute a planet to this, it would look SIGNIFICANTLY different to other people's creations. This is mainly due to the fact that we, as people, all have different visions of what would not only look good, but play good too. Some people's "fun" or "wacky" ideas (like " including a planet with text-shaped islands") would be absolute hell for others. What you'll end up with here is a mixed up pack containing planets that; might look significantly different from one another, might be riddled with numerous bugs (seeing as noone here has any real experience with PQS modification nor Kopernicus's numerous configurations) or simply falls into another pack that appears in the development forums and never goes anywhere.

I'm not here to rain on your parade though, and if you want to do something like this then why not simply collaborate with a few select people instead of opening it to everyone? As if it was to truly be a "Community Planet Pack" then surely someone with a lot more experience with Kopernicus would be leading it, and there should be clear rules on what is (and isnt) acceptable.

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3 hours ago, KillAshley said:

To be honest, this is a terrible idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for more people with talent adding interesting things to the game, however I think that its just a terrible concept and your comparison to CRP is a really weak one at best. CRP is a base guide, to help mods work together by providing cfgs so that resources can be unified into a single & effective utility for all modders to use, whereas this would be simply a free-for-all collaboration pack. The main reason why I object to this is for one simple thing: the skill level of people contributing to it. For example, if I was to contribute a planet to this, it would look SIGNIFICANTLY different to other people's creations. This is mainly due to the fact that we, as people, all have different visions of what would not only look good, but play good too. Some people's "fun" or "wacky" ideas (like " including a planet with text-shaped islands") would be absolute hell for others. What you'll end up with here is a mixed up pack containing planets that; might look significantly different from one another, might be riddled with numerous bugs (seeing as noone here has any real experience with PQS modification nor Kopernicus's numerous configurations) or simply falls into another pack that appears in the development forums and never goes anywhere.

I'm not here to rain on your parade though, and if you want to do something like this then why not simply collaborate with a few select people instead of opening it to everyone? As if it was to truly be a "Community Planet Pack" then surely someone with a lot more experience with Kopernicus would be leading it, and there should be clear rules on what is (and isnt) acceptable.

But I want to see the whole community to get involved. I think you are missing the point. I want everyone to just make at least one celestial body if they want to! Also, like with CRP, you don't need to have endless amounts of stuff whereas something like B9 Aerospace, you need everything to get the full potential. Also you could just delete the ones that are not in your interest and have the interesting stuff to yourself.

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2 minutes ago, ForumUser said:

But I want to see the whole community to get involved. I think you are missing the point. I want everyone to just make at least one celestial body if they want to! Also, like with CRP, you don't need to have endless amounts of stuff whereas something like B9 Aerospace, you need everything to get the full potential. Also you could just delete the ones that are not in your interest and have the interesting stuff to yourself.

i think you haven't understood what i said

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6 minutes ago, ForumUser said:

I think I have.

Not really, seeing as what you replied. You say you want to get the whole community in on the project. Thats cool, if you actually read what I wrote then you'd know that  I'm not discouraging it at all, however until you actually get people familiar with Kopernicus then you are opening yourself to all hosts of issues from general PQS issues plaguing the resulting pack, or persistant bugs in the cfgs that are easily avoidable. Also I still have no clue why you are so insistant on comparing this to CRP, as they are nothing alike. Like i said, CRP is a LIBRARY mod. It doesnt actually add ANYTHING. Its just a community library to ensure mods play well together. If you are trying to make a CRP for planet packs, then what are you suggesting? Designated/restricted orbital bands? user specific planetary designations?

What you are suggesting has nothing to do with CRP so i wish that you'd stop referring to it. A community project is a good idea, however as i said above (as you obviously haven't read it i'll quote it for you)

3 hours ago, KillAshley said:

As if it was to truly be a "Community Planet Pack" then surely someone with a lot more experience with Kopernicus would be leading it, and there should be clear rules on what is (and isnt) acceptable.

This is because creating a planet is simple and easy, however creating a planet that looks good, and is free of bugs is complicated and quite difficult (unless you want everyone to go down the path of direct SE exports, in which case thats even worse than bug riddled planets)


If you go back and re-read what I wrote previously you'll understand where I'm coming from, however simply saying "its a community project, send me planets and I'll release it" does nothing and will result in a pretty horrible experience all around.

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3 minutes ago, KillAshley said:

Not really, seeing as what you replied. You say you want to get the whole community in on the project. Thats cool, if you actually read what I wrote then you'd know that  I'm not discouraging it at all, however until you actually get people familiar with Kopernicus then you are opening yourself to all hosts of issues from general PQS issues plaguing the resulting pack, or persistant bugs in the cfgs that are easily avoidable. Also I still have no clue why you are so insistant on comparing this to CRP, as they are nothing alike. Like i said, CRP is a LIBRARY mod. It doesnt actually add ANYTHING. Its just a community library to ensure mods play well together. If you are trying to make a CRP for planet packs, then what are you suggesting? Designated/restricted orbital bands? user specific planetary designations?

What you are suggesting has nothing to do with CRP so i wish that you'd stop referring to it. A community project is a good idea, however as i said above (as you obviously haven't read it i'll quote it for you)

This is because creating a planet is simple and easy, however creating a planet that looks good, and is free of bugs is complicated and quite difficult (unless you want everyone to go down the path of direct SE exports, in which case thats even worse than bug riddled planets)


If you go back and re-read what I wrote previously you'll understand where I'm coming from, however simply saying "its a community project, send me planets and I'll release it" does nothing and will result in a pretty horrible experience all around.

Well I've re-read it and honestly I see your point clearly now. I want to make restrictions but, also want the community make fun/silly planets is well.

I'm a little bit stuck..

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