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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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When you start hallucinating/making odd references.

Just a few hours ago at a fight:

"**** you! I'll knock you down faster than deorbitijg a Jumbo with the Mainsail at Apogee!"

Right after this, I grabbed a water bottle, splashed it all over him, and started smacking him with it and punching him very, very hard.

"Death to the Kraken!"

Fight end, when he pulled out a sharp object, so I ran, slipped, fell, and awkwardly limped away in front of a small crowd at my school.

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  zpox357 said:
When you hold up your pen, and slowly dismantle it piece by piece, making subtle hissing and clunking noises.

(and then proceed to forget how it fits back together :blush:)


When you decide to do "just one more mission," then look at the clock and realize it's 7am (and you started at 7pm.)

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You know you play WAY too much when you want to, not only get a degree in astrophysics, which was already my plan, but now rocket science.

Good job, KSP. You changed my unimajor to a dual-major. in a few years, at least.

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  spink00 said:
You know you play WAY too much when you want to, not only get a degree in astrophysics, which was already my plan, but now rocket science.

Good job, KSP. You changed my unimajor to a dual-major. in a few years, at least.

Yeah, i wanted to be a pilot before this game. Now im gonna be an engineer.

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  LeonG17 said:
When you start going through withdrawal problems when you stop playing KSP for a while

I was going crazy during my summer vacation, until I bought some rockets at a firework shop on the way back. I told them they were "my precious" in the voice of that wierd looking guy from that one movie.

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When you wake up from a bad dream and say to yourself "oh, it was only an alpha build... It'll be patched soon." when the dream had nothing to do with KSP or software at all.

I write a bit of software. And yes, I once did think a dream was an alpha version of real life.

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When you step off a ride at Disneyland with your kids, "accidentally" check the forum and realise that 0.22 has been released, then you think "Aw man, I can't wait to go home so I can download it . . . "

(Not ENTIRELY a true story, but uncomfortably close! :) )

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... when your skin starts to turn green, and you start to shrink. Your head shrinks slower than the rest of you, and changes shape. You lose your nose, and your ears. Your eyes bulge and swell to twice their size... and a wormhole snatches you out of this universe itself. You have become one with the game.

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  vexx32 said:
... when your skin starts to turn green, and you start to shrink. Your head shrinks slower than the rest of you, and changes shape. You lose your nose, and your ears. Your eyes bulge and swell to twice their size... and a wormhole snatches you out of this universe itself. You have become one with the game.

...when you seriously consider picking the above scenario if it were offered as an actual choice. (Thought that also may be flight or procrastinate behavior from 'real' life)

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