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orbit with air fuel engines only

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Not possible. Sorry. You can get close, but you will always need a small rocket burn to circularize, since the circularization burn has to occur outside the atmosphere where jet engines don't work. And this isn't even counting with the changes made to jet engines in 1.0-air hogging is, in my experience anyway, significantly less possible.

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2 hours ago, Ericwi said:

make Kerbal orbit with Air breathing engines only. Can use the RAPIER engine, but only in air breathing mode.Does not have to have a pay load. Just get itself into orbit. 

maybe you mean monoprop manuver engines to circularization?

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This used to be possible in the pre-1.0 days using a techinque known as air-hogging. Air-hogging is gone.

In theory you could do this with a munar gravity assist to change your trajectory into an orbital one, but this requires you to go > 3km/sec at below 21km altitude. This means the most likely result of trying it is a burnup.

Unless of course you're willing to allow *no* engines to meat the challenge and I get out my ladder drive.

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Get to the highest possible orbit, and then with a KAS grappling hook grapple onto an orbiting srb that will accelerate you to into an orbit.

returning isn't part of the challenge right?

Edited by Markush100
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2 hours ago, endrush said:

As said before, the laws of physics will not allow this. HOWEVER, if getting out and pushing with EVA propellant is allowed, it might be possible.

You now owe us that challenge...Make it happen ! ^_^

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