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craft switching in flight and autopilots.


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So i've been building ships with multiple stages: drop pods, escape pods, missiles, base deployment, etc, and have run into an issue...

i can't switch to the deployed/jetisoned section even though it has command modules, until both it and my current ship have landed. I need a mod that will allow me to switch between vessels in kerbin atmosphere and apply physics live to the previous section. Preferably with hot keys, but buttons can work too.

secondly, i've noticed than mods like TCA will stop working on a craft once that craft is no longer under your direct control; even if it's enabled and your settings remain unchanged. Is there a way to apply TCA settings to ALL operational vessels with thrusting engines, or on a vessel per-vessel basis and have it REMAIN operational? 
not specific to TCA necessarily, but any autopilot mods that can handle VTOL craft. 

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1) Not sure what your issue is here, I've switched between planes while flying in the atmosphere before (and/or debris after things go wrong...)
2) It requires the mod to be written slightly differently but its not hugely difficult to do post 0.90 or 1.0, I forget which (my own mod, Pilot Assistant, runs an instance per loaded vessel. Other mods have implemented as well (MJ probably, BahamutoD's Burn Together, etc.)). Implementing the change will be up to the mod author though unless you find someone to fork it

Edited by Crzyrndm
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7 hours ago, Rushligh said:

So i've been building ships with multiple stages: drop pods, escape pods, missiles, base deployment, etc, and have run into an issue...

i can't switch to the deployed/jetisoned section even though it has command modules, until both it and my current ship have landed. I need a mod that will allow me to switch between vessels in kerbin atmosphere and apply physics live to the previous section. Preferably with hot keys, but buttons can work too.

secondly, i've noticed than mods like TCA will stop working on a craft once that craft is no longer under your direct control; even if it's enabled and your settings remain unchanged. Is there a way to apply TCA settings to ALL operational vessels with thrusting engines, or on a vessel per-vessel basis and have it REMAIN operational? 
not specific to TCA necessarily, but any autopilot mods that can handle VTOL craft. 

1 hour ago, Crzyrndm said:

1) Not sure what your issue is here, I've switched between planes while flying in the atmosphere before (and/or debris after things go wrong...)
2) It requires the mod to be written slightly differently but its not hugely difficult to do post 0.90 or 1.0, I forget which (my own mod, Pilot Assistant, runs an instance per loaded vessel. Other mods have implemented as well (MJ probably, BahamutoD's Burn Together, etc.)). Implementing the change will be up to the mod author though unless you find someone to fork it

BD Armoury I think overrides the thing that stops you from switching vessels in flight. Not sure about physics "areas" per say but BD Armoury also allows you to extend the physics range.

Not sure about TCA sorry.

Happy Flying




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TCA still works on a vessel per vessel basis, but it runs off the SAS by actively sampling the orientation and correcting it (instead of calculating the correct thrust on a hypothetical basis like mechjeb). my problem is that when i switch away from a vessel with no computer core the SAS seems to stop working, and so my ship begins to list and drive toward the ground. working of figuring out way to counter this WITHOUT mechjeb.

When attempting to switch control i get an little yellow text saying something like "vessel switching not permitted in atmosphere" if forget the exact text.
Perhaps it is DBA that's blocking switching. ill try removing it temporarily.

Also, i've now got the problem that when i decouple my pod, it creates a second vessel that im not in command of. (this is what's supposed to happen, but i want to control the pod, not the rest of the ship) I've tried setting the pod cockpit as the root part, tried "control from here" during launch, not no avail. every time i jettison the pod my control remains centered on the vessel body.

Edited by Rushligh
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