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wouldn't  it be cool to see a UFO or a alien on the ground but quickly disappears once and a while. Or maybe a few ruins of aliens a bit more often like a UFO trapped in ice or a alien space station orbiting Eeloo or Duna, something like that. Anyway, i think the aliens should be and abstract colour than a kerbals colour like purple or yellow. Maybe the aliens could be humans or something. I don't know i just wish there would be a bit more abstract events and objects when landing or flying.

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I shudder to think what would have happened had I posted this thread.... :):):):):)

I know one thing, I wouldn't have because I already knew the answer!

What about a HOSTILE Alien? (visions of a KSP version of the Gerry Anderson TV series UFO come to mind....)

But... it won;t ever happen unless the Squad devs get horribly drunk...... OK, where do I send the 10,000 dozen cans of New Zealand beer? :)

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No direct contact please.

BUT a cool idea struck my mind. What if there was a super rare contract that would state that there's an unknown object in space and it's on a reentry path somewhere on the planet. It also states when and where it would enter the atmosphere. Then you have to build a super fast jet and go encounter it. Once you get there you see a bright spot of light that you can't catch up to but performing a crew report in the 5km radius from it gives you sick amounts of rep, or something.

I'd love to see more easter eggs you can randomly encounter and somehow interact with instead of just looking at them.

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12 hours ago, kiwi1960 said:

But... it won;t ever happen unless the Squad devs get horribly drunk...... OK, where do I send the 10,000 dozen cans of New Zealand beer? :)

 Either squad have a very high tolerance level or Kiwi beer is a bit on the weak side.:D

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So maybe we wouldn't interact with them, but I'd be down for say a VERY, VERY random event (like 1 in 10,000) that a odd object with irregular blinking pulses comes into view, does a 90 degree insta-turn and vanishes

THAT would be really cool

With out sounding like too much of a crackpot, I've seen something in the sky I couldn't explain about a year ago while on vacation in Siesta Key, Florida. Was on the beach at 10pm with my little brother and suddenly a single, bright incandescent red light was suddenly in the sky, and we observed it moving and have irregular blinking pluses, getting dimmer and brighter, and it eventually started moving upwards like an exponential function, and we watched it literately disappear in the sky.

If anyone's interest is peeked, take a look at my report I sent to MUFON: http://www.ufostalker.com/ufostalker/UFO+Sighting+in+Siesta+Key+Florida+United+States+on+April+3rd+2015/64427

After I sent the report online, I looked other reports submitted on ufostalker in the area, and pretty much all of them in the area describe orbs of orange/red in the area. 2 of them described my sighting to the letter, around the same time of night and upon just looking at my report for the first time in many many months, I just saw I have a single comment on my sighting from 5 months ago from someone saying they saw the same exact thing, take a look at it from the link

Yep im that guy right now but I expletive you not, look up at the sky more often, and you'll see things that behave like no plane or satellite you've seen before. We spend so much time looking in front of us and too little time looking up.

/crackpot, I dont know why i've exposed my self like this I've kept this to my self most of the time since the event. I blame this thread

But yea I'd be down for a random event 

Edited by fireblade274
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2 hours ago, pandaman said:

 Either squad have a very high tolerance level or Kiwi beer is a bit on the weak side.:D

No beersies for you, Panda, I said Horribly drunk, have you ever seen a drunk Kiwi? :) We, as well as Aussies, are famous for it.

So, we have to aim for a worse kind of drunk than that... AND assuming... their tolerance for booze is high to begin with? Why?

Well, that is easy... they came up with the idea of funny looking Kerbals... only a drunk person could have done that....

OR... they saw a real live talking Panda on KSPTV... that is sure to drive anyone to drink! :)


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I concur with Kiwi - it's pretty hard to drink yourself cool on a 45 degree Celsius day over here (Aus).  On topic, I have read a thread where Nova had an idea for the monoliths and other anomalies to reveal another planet (Duna SSTV signal).  I think this would have made one of the best easter eggs in any game I'd ever played.  Imagine if the planet was occupied by the alien overseers of kerbal civilization...

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What if the aliens look like humans and have ships that abduct kerbals. You could have an advanced mission type where a kerbal is randomly put on the map on kerbal or another planet. There is a time limit. You have to use some unique item given with the mission to interfere with their beam and stop them from getting the kerbin in their ship. You must also stop the kerbal from falling too far and dying. Point are given for how well you do. Say if the kerbal is sucked up nothing. if he is not sucked up but dies you get minimal reward or even punishment. If you save him you get good payout. If you maybe scan the ship on top of it you get rewards and maybe an unlock of an item or heavy science and or extra other points. the scanner would also be part of the stuff given in the mission. Or the same item with another use.


This would give a mission type where you have to go to x location and maybe do something more interesting/complex.

The ships could be massive and fit earth scale in regards to power and resources because they are presumably from earth! >< Maybe one of them is a real scale decked out NASA shuttle or soviet vehicles. It would of course be decked out in advanced "alien" technology.


Is the UFO in ice how the kerbals go to kerbin or is it from, "aliens?"


Just had an odd thought. Maybe kerbals aren't, "aliens." Maybe they are mexicans/humans(as the speak spanish backwords) after a very long colonization trip from a future mexican NASA? Or a mission with nasa(as they obviously have US/russian tech. Or maybe international) for some random reason... Maybe the green is from odd food or croygentic feedings and the backwards talking is from a technical issue and they had to relearn language from backwards language studies.... and the size is from prolonged space travel issues of some bizzare sort. 8) flamingos to turn pink because of diet afterall.. Maybe there was a food source at one point that used high levels of chlorophyll.... Maybe the snack habit was the prepackaged food after waking up and getting cravings for sweets after all the chlorophyll liquid injected diet stuff and now snacks are their most prized possesion?! Or maybe after all was done only a messed up backwards spanish tape on language survived. >< And the whatever crew all had amnesia!

Would the gravity on kerbin change human form and make them smaller if they sat on the planet long enough(potentially in stasis and presumably in a near upright position?) after deep space travel or could gravity anomolies do it and still end up on kerbin purposefully or not? Or maybe after generations on kerbin they breed shorter because of environment...?! This is also assuming kerbal isn't a future earth with and simplifying the spaceships thing to simply cryogen stasis on earth... Then the same affect with endless generations of breeding and changes.

If nasa did edcuation stuff on a long term voyage would they use tape decks still over other things. would they last longer potentially or have some other benefit over cd's or raw date.. Maybe a lower tech backup system.

Maybe they were asleep in cylindrical tubes and the zero gravity made their heads conform to the tube shape in deep space. >< The rest of the body shrunk due to dietary/environmental reasons and genetics changes took place. Or were forces by machines for survival.... oO

I guess if it was international then one of the guys might have been Amish... Or there was info on Amish like stuff as Jebediah has such a name... Amish agricultural specialist in space!! Must have been some extreme conditions to get them on a space ship... ><

Edited by Arugela
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