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Etherium: A Kerbal Space Program Story (Chapter 43: The Final Push, part two)


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Okay so I'm having to re-launch some ships for the story, because I'm about to continue actually writing (up to Chapter 34), and I decided to use the current launch as a teaser image for what is to come:



How will all this play out?  Tune in and read for yourself!  And the payload is currently burning up BRB

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It's MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY, and you know what that means...MONSTER TRUCKS AT THE CONVENTION CENTER.  </random>

Okay so no monster trucks...however we have a monster of a story to finish, so here's the big 20!



As Jeb pulled away from the station, he marveled at the small little ship.  Apparently, it was the first of a fleet of tiny VLDs, or Very Light Destroyers, comissioned by Wernher himself to combat the growing threat.  And this one just hapenned to be named the KSS Valentina, after his wife.  He figured that alone would make him love the thing, even if it was ugly as hell, he joked.

Suddenly, Gene came on the radio.  "Okay Jeb, we detect you are flying the Valentina.  Your mission:  You have two targets.  One is the inert bomber drone we mentioned.  The other, seems like a cache of alien weapons stashed in high orbit.  You are to destroy both of them, to prevent any harm befalling either KSC, or Kerbin itself.   I know you can do this, you are the best pilot I know.  Gene Out."

Jeb KNEW that this would send a message to the...whatever they were, so they must be ready at all costs.

Jeb then began the burn for the bomber drone.


As he sailed out towards the drone, Jeb turned the Valentina to look at Kerbin and the Mun.  He never tired of this view, the beautiful blue marble suspended against the blackness of space.  The home of all Kerbals...the home of KSC.  One that would be turned to dust if these things were allowed to continue their grand designs.  Jeb MUST stop this, or countless more Kerbals could suffer.

As he approached, he turned on his imager, and finally saw the drone.


There was the blue light again, and indeed it seemed to be waiting for something, perhaps for the signal to attack?  It would not have the chance to, as Jeb was going to destroy the thing.   He opened up with his 4 50-cal barrels as he closed in.


And succeeded in blowing the thing to smithereens.


Jeb couldn't rest however, because the cache of alien weapons also needed to be destroyed.  He just hoped it wouldn't be as defenseless as the bomber was...Unfortunately, that would not be the case.


As he neared his second target, ...something hacked into his radio and began speaking in the same monotonous drone as the two that confronted him on Kerbin, except this voice was lower pitched.


Jeb was confused.  How the hell did this...thing know his name?  And what was the "Etherium"?  He bumped up the magnification on his viewfinder, and saw...something that looked like what he had recovered, but apparently this one had guns on it.


"Jebediah Kerman to unknown ...thing, what is the Etherium?"


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So I realized I needed to set something up for later in the story...because what I have in mind wouldn't make sense if I were just to follow the story, so I'm going a bit out of sequence here to show you something vital.

Also, brand new centering, GO!


Far from the happenings around Kerbin, a tiny outpost existed on Dres, headed up by mission commander Sheffeld Kerman.


The team was about to commence their exploration of the crater they landed in for the day.  They had been exploring this crater for some weeks now, trying to find a strange signal emanating from it.  But it remained elusive, and they were about to give up hope of ever finding it.


Suddenly, Sheffeld spotted something on his radar.  It identified as "Unknown Debris".  Sheffeld radioed the outpost.

"Sheffeld to Dres Outpost, come in Dres Outpost"

"This is Linuki here, what did you find Cap'n?"

"I don't know...Stand by..."

Sheffeld started flying over to the strange radar signature, which then dissapeared.  Which was strange, and for a few minutes he thought the batteries in his suit gave out.


But he knew where it was, and continued approaching the strange object.  He overflew it once, to make sure the radar return wasn't an error, then approached it on foot.



It was unlike anything he'd ever seen before.  It looked like some kind of...probe, and seemed inactive.  But it also seemed like it was waiting for something...

"Linuki, I have my helmet cam trained on something.  You seeing this?"

"I am...What the Kerb is that thing?  it's definately not from Kerbin..."

"I'm not sure...but it seems inactive, whatever it is."


"I can move it, but rolling it all the way to the outpost will be painfully slow at best, and my EVA tanks are running low.   Returning to base."

"Roger, Cap'n.  Gene would want to hear about this..."


Sheffeld intended to report to Gene about this odd encounter.  If only he knew that this was connected to the hapennings lately...

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A day early this time, because FISHING TRIP TOMORROW , heheh.  Just an establishing shot for this chapter, this one takes place entirely inside the science lab and is dialog-heavy.




Haydi liked to be alone sometimes.  She was currently by herself on Phoenix-Munhat - Jeb having gone on his mission, and Bob having gone on a rescue mission to rescue stranded Kerbals from when the KSS Munhat exploded.  She had the science lab to herself, and was currently working on the...drone that Jeb had brought back.  She was grateful for his doing so, but knew how dangerous this...thing was, even though she knew it didn't have any weapons.

Her mind turned to everything else that was going on.  This increasingly was looking like an interplanetary war between two opposing forces, and that usually is caused by one side that has resources the other wants - she would get answers for sure...what did these things want?  As she worked on the thing Jeb found, trying to find some way to bring it back to life...she found a loose connection.  Perhaps when Jeb was angrily bouncing around on it, he had just loosened it enough that it just short circuited, and if she...plugged it back in...and just as she hoped, the thing came back to life.


Haydi was suprised about how cold it sounded, even for advanced AI that could think for themselves. "We are in a station orbiting Kerbin, and you will give me answers, or else!  Who are you, and what do you want?"


"But why do you want to destroy us?"


"So, you do not like other beings invading your space huh?  WE HAVE A RIGHT TO LIVE."  Haydi was screaming at this point.  "IF YOU DON'T ACKNOWLEDGE THAT, I WILL PERMANENTLY TAKE YOU OFFLINE, IS THAT CLEAR?"


"Playtime over, huh?  We'll see about that."  Haydi rummaged around in a junk drawer for something to use as a weapon.  She found a length of strutting that was an almost perfect likeness to a sword.

"Now.  I will "terminate" YOU if you do not tell me what the hell is going on here!  And what is "Elysium"?


"And where is THAT?"


Haydi thought for a minute...KSS Munhat?  Duna?  Couldn't be Duna...whatever they use for propulsion to get around would NEVER work on Duna...but Ike...?  She also thought...maybe these Etheriums are organized like Kerbin ants, or bees...a hive mind?  There must be a queen then, right?  She noticed too, that apparently this thing was trying to contact something...

"Unit 0400, who is your queen?"


Haydi tried again.  ""Unit 0400, WHO, is your QUEEN?"


Haydi was MORE than upset at this point.  She tore some of the electrical conduits off of the wall of the science lab, and used them to threaten the drone.

"Tell me who your queen is, or 50,000 volts of power will FRY your filthy innards.  WHO IS YOUR QUEEN????"

"...SUPERUNIT 0000."

Subunit...unit...superunit...Sure sounded to Haydi like a hive mind alright.  She also had to smile - female "charm" worked every time.  Even on things considered unliving.  She would have to repair the wiring, but at least she got what she needed out of the horrible thing.


Haydi was startled.  How did it know her name?  But then...of course!  The hive mind!  "What is it, 400?"


Haydi looked shocked.  Apparently Jeb severed its link to the queen as well.  "I will not.  I will teach you about our kind.  After all, we're not alone anymore."

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It's MONDAY!!!  You know what that means, time to dive deeper into the story!  And oh, ran into a problem with setting scenes up...I got rid of the offending ship but it froze on load, s4o I'm gonna have to set that up ALLLL over again, oh well...



Jeb fought valiantly.  He destroyed the cache of weapons, but also his destroyer was heavily damaged as well from that drone.  At least they could rest easy knowing that both targets had been destroyed.  He wondered what Haydi had discovered, and if she got the probe he found operational again.  All he wanted to do now was to get home...

"Valentina to Gene, Reporting in.  er, that is 'VLD Valentina' to Gene."

"I copy ya Jeb, you don't sound like a girl to me..."

Jeb had to facepalm....Gene...always the same.  He wished he'd never change.

"Anyway Jeb, we see you've blown up both targets.  I have heard from Haydi, she says she made some headway with the drone, and...that you had inadvertently severed it's link to their queen!  Now it is independent and Haydi has been teaching it about Kerbals.  It seems to understand now...and wants to help!"

Jeb looked puzzled.  "How the hell did she do that?"

"Ehhhh...to tell you the truth, I don't know either.  She just said that she 'used her womanly charm'."

Well, that was Haydi alright, Jeb now knew why Haydi probably didn't have anyone yet...she probably had amazing prospects, but chased them all away with her temper.  Jeb supposed that was the price one paid for cheating on a spy...

Jeb continued. "Anyway, I have found that this thing can fly on one engine if I take it slow.  I will see you soon!  Jeb out."

"I KNEW I could count on you Jeb.  Our star pilot comes through again!"

Jeb tired of this "you're-the-best" talk, even if it WAS true.  But as much as he wanted to live a normal life, KSC WAS his life.  It would never BE "Normal".

Sighing, Jeb set co-ordinates for Phoenix Munhat station, and carefully limped the heavily damaged light destroyer home.



On the way back, he used a gravity assist from Mun as well.  Kerbin's bigger heavenly body.  Jeb had always wondered if it was made of green cheese, aged by aeons of time passing.  But then again...who MADE the cheese if so?


Jeb was overjoyed to see the big blue marble again; he didn't think he'd ever come back from the mission, and once his burn would complete he would have to meet up with Phoenix-Munhat.  Haydi was waiting for him there.


At last, the station came into view, and he called one of the small docking extenders.  While he was waiting for it to dock with the Valentina, a familliar voice came on the radio...


Ugh...what was Haydi up to in there while he was gone?

"Welcome back Jeb!  Bob is still out rescuing damsels in distress so I'm still here by meself, hehe."

"Haydi?  You're....bubblier than usual."

"That's because I've succeeded in making Four a valuable asset to our team!"

Jeb was confused.  Four?  "Uhhhh....Haydi, what did you call it?"

"Four!  It went by 'Unit 0400', but when I gave it a bit of my generous hospitality, it decided that 'Unit 0400' would be too hard for us to remember."


"Oh, and once you are docked, guess what?"

Jeb wondered what was coming next, and said nothing.

"We have to go back planetside to plan our hopefully final move.  We need to find out where this "Elysium" is.  Their queen is there, so if we destroy the queen, we destroy the whole colony."

Jeb thought for a minute..."Ahhh I getcha, these things are like insects...Rogue drones in a way."

"You got it, Jeb!  And hopefully Four here can be of assistance as well."


Jeb rolled his eyes.  "Haydi...just shut that thing up..."

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NEW STORY UPDATE, Special Thanks to Commander Zoom who found me some replacements for my font I used, and this one looks almost the same as the other one I used!  Thanks man!  Also, still need to re-set stuff up in KSP, and been busy lately so I couldn't find the time, but I WILL finish my story, crashes and such be darned!  Darnit!  Oh, and it's not Monday but I figured I would because Zoom helped me find something for my story, and I'm feeling grateful.  :)

(I hope y'all love cliffhangers...)



Jeb was glad to leave Phoenix-Munhat.  Planetside sounded like a really good thing to him at the moment, and perhaps he could spend some time at the old island airstrip again.  Probably with Haydi this time, so he could show her what KSC ORIGINALLY looked like.

There was one problem -

"Jeb, be advised that I never tested Jeb's Revenge for re-entry...I think we'll be fine though."

Jeb got very annoyed at this.  "WHAT?  You design amazing planes...but you didn't think about re-entry?  We'll be killed!"

"LAND-BASED ONLY, Jeb.  I just used my expertise and consulted with Wernher to build her."

If she worked with Wernher, I guess Jeb could let it slide.  "But if we end up as Kerbin soil......I will steal your nutrients so you'll never grow grass!"

Haydi facepalmed at this.  "Jeb...sometimes you can be soooooo wierd...Hey, just think positive alright?"

"Haydi, you REALLY don't care wether or not we end up as Kerbin Fried Kerbal, do you?"

From then, it was quiet until they undocked the Revenge.


Haydi watched carefully until there was no danger of impacting the station.  "The bird is away!"

Jeb sighed.  Finally.  He worried about what Haydi said about re-entry, but he input some deorbit coordinates.  They would have to land in the daytime, because Jeb's Revenge could not fly at night due to Kerbal Aviation Administration restrictions.


"Good thing I'm flying Haydi, because I know how to re-enter!"

Haydi scoffed.  "Ahhhhh I don't wanna hear that backwards talk from you, young man!"


Jeb had to laugh.  Young man?  He was nearly 45 years old, and he's been around Kerbin a few times, to put it lightly.


"You know Haydi, this view...part of why I wanted to get into spaceflight was this view..."

"It is nice isn't it Jeb...?  I guess I've been way too busy to take it in before..."

Soon they were coming up on entry.  They strapped themselves in, and readied for the re-entry.


And soon after, they were streaking across the sky like a meteor.


"Interface!  Haydi, hang on!"

"Jeb!   I need to tell you something, I REALLY FEEL LIKE KERBIN FRIED KERBAL RIGHT NOW!"

"Finger-lickin' good?  Haw haw!"

"Very funny Jeb..."

But soon after...the breakup began, and poor Jeb finally lost his life in defense of Kerbin.  Or so it looked.

Haydi was pretty sure she was going to die, so she prayed so hard that these Etherium would be defeated, for Kerblord to hear her plea and save them all...and just as she was about to slam into Kerbin, she screamed...

(By the way, this story is "live" I.E. if I set up a scene, I play it out as if it was a real mission.  I only use HyperEdit for things that would take waaaaaaay too long otherwise, or to set scenes up.  so....yeah the Revenge DID have a RUD on this mission...lol)


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It's MONNNNDAY AGAINNNNNNNNN!  Lets continue the story shall we?


The rough, unplanned breakup of the Revenge did not make Jeb's cockpit explode however, and only quick thinking saved his life.  He shoved his personal parachute out of a crack in his cockpit, just before he was knocked unconscious by something slamming into it. 


When he came to, he was floating downward on his parachute, and he hurt all over.  Haydi's willingness to finish the mission above all else nearly cost them both their lives.  At least he could finish this, finish what she started...he hoped she would be alive.  He didn't feel that great; he had bruises everywhere, and a broken leg...


He got out, and immediately collapsed next to his cockpit.  He activated the emergency beacon beforehand though, so he would be found.  He just had to grin and bear the incredible pain he was in until the sun came up...


Finally, Kerbol started rising over the eastern hills, and his pain was lessened somewhat; he knew he would be alright from here.  Soon, Gene himself showed up in a transport plane, loaded Jeb into it and departed again for KSC.  On the way, he told Bill, who was also aboard, everything Haydi had told him about the Etherium...where Elysium might be...and then he got the news.  Haydi had perished in the crash, as well as Four...

Haydi...As stubborn as a mule that one, but she was gone...Jeb would miss her.  "I guess you are eating Kerbin Fried Kerbal after all..." Jeb joked...


A few hours later they were in a holding pattern at KSC, when Jeb turned his head to Bill.  "Bill...Finish this for me...as one KSC veteran to another, and as my friend...please..."

"Jeb...I will try.  I'm not as good a pilot as you though, but I will try my best...you have my word."

"Bill...you can fly, that's all that matters.  No need to be as good as me...I will be in KSC's infirmary, if you need me..."

Bill saluted to his old friend as they landed, and KSC medical personnel took him away.  He would need a year to recover but Bill knew, knowing Jeb?  He would defy the odds.

Later on in the twilight hours, a meeting was held in the VAB meeting room to determine just where this "Elysium" was.  The meeting revolved around a key piece of dialog between Haydi and Four, that the Elysium had identified the KSS Munhat at Duna, and followed it to Kerbin to destroy it.  but what did they call Elysium?   Leading theory suggested Ike, so that was where Bill would look first.

After the meeting, Gene kept Bill behind for a talk.

"Bill, remember, we must find where 'Elysium' is at all costs.  Bob already has rescued the stranded Kerbals in orbit and has returned to Kerbin already, so you do not need to worry yourself about being disturbed.  I'm sure your mind is heavy right now..."

Bill looked downward.  "I know how much Jeb wanted to finish this for Kerbin...because he had a personal beef with them; I don't.  I still agree Kerbin has to be saved, and I will do my duty.  but for me...it'll just feel like a hollow victory..."

Gene sighed.  "Don't think too much on it, Bill.  Just be ready for tomorrow, you launch to the station early."

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It's MONDAY again, and that means....NEW CHAPTER!  I've also been heeding Jim's advice about actually reading OTHER stories besides Emiko...you rock man :).  I may also do another mid-chapter if I feel like it.



The next morning dawned clear and bright over KSC, as Bill sat in the small capsule waiting for launch.  He had been mulling over this mission in his head, and ultimately decided he HAD to do this...for the injured Jeb...for poor Haydi...for everyone on Kerbin...

"Kerb I to Gene, come in.  This is Bill."

Gene came right back.  "Good morning Bill, hope you're up to this today!"

"I had time to think about it.  Jeb would want me to do this.  Haydi would as well.  I will do it......FOR JEB!  For Kerbin!"

Gene smiled.  "Doc got back to me by the way, Jeb should be all healed in around half a year.  My best flyboy will be healed in no time."

"Not sure how I feel about that, Gene...Do you have any idea how many one-seater 'experiments' I found since Jeb was active last?  He's gonna get hurt again...Anyway...control transferred to KSC Gene, anytime you are ready!"

"Gene to Kerb I, have a good flight!"


And like that, Bill blasted off into the morning sky.

A few minutes later, Bill was high over Kerbin.


And once the station came into sight, he recieved his first orders from Gene.


"Bill, this is Gene.  First order of business - That heavily damaged VLD is still up there, use the Deorbiter on the front of your ship to deorbit it.  We will not need that any longer."

"Roger, Gene!" 




"Deorbit underway!"


Once the de-orbit was finished, Gene told Bill to find that "KSS Jeb" in orbit.  It hasn't been seen since it participated in destroying the KSS Munhat, and he wanted it out of the picture so it could not cause any more casualties.


It was found in the same orbit as Phoenix-Munhat, and appeared not to have moved in some time.  The station's tether-cam view caught it, and even marked it with a red diamond, so it could be easy to track.

"Bill, Gene here.  If you get rid of the ex-Jeb, well the front half anyway...according to our sensors, the immediate threat to Kerbin will be eliminated.  Tread carefully, Bill!  Gene out."


"Thanks Gene.  Thank goodness this will be over...for now."

"Bill, it's not over until the fat Kerbal sings, we still need to destroy the source of this threat.  Wernher is in the lab now drafting up plans for a small battleship we could use to bring the fight to their home turf.  Just destroy Ex-jeb for now."

"Will do Gene, Bill out."

If 26 isn't showing, keep reloading, I am workin' on it!

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Chasing after a target was somewhat fun, Bill thought.  Thanks to the precise targetting, he did not have to do anything - he just pointed his craft - which he called the Meowing Lion - at it, and he just had to burn retrograde as he neared the craft and let the autopilot handle the rest.


Aside from ground communication equipment, he only had a tiny transmitter on board, but for what he was planning, he hoped it would be enough.  He theorized that it would have no radio shielding for ALL of it's frequencies...and if he hurried, he could reprogram the thing to deorbit itself in a way that would completely obliterate the craft.  During his approach, he worked on his program, and hoped to Kerblord the Jeb would not be occupied.


As Bill approached, he got his first real look at the craft.  He recognized immediately it was the front half of the Jeb, and assumed that the rear half was still orbiting Duna, having been taken over by the Etherium as well.  He loaded his program into his small ships computer, and then hit Transmit.


To his suprise, he got into the Ex-jeb's systems, and it now looked like the KSS Jeb he remembered.  He had full control over the Ex-jeb's systems, or so he thought.  Something had started to block his hacking attempt!


It was a battle of who could outlast whom at this point.  Bill trying to keep a hold on the Ex-jeb, whatever was attempting to deny him gaining control of it again.  Soon, it looked like he was getting the upper hand, when an eerie voice came over his radio...


it was a Etherium drone.  Bill wasn't sure that it could speak or not, but he knew now.

"And what if I don't?" Bill smugly asked.


Bill just about had enough of the drone.  "I am Bill the Engineer, and you've just been hacked!!  HAA HAA!"

Bill sent out a wide band of powerful radio noise to disrupt the drone at the controls, while he reconfigured the flight computer on board the Jeb to plunge into Kerbin's atmosphere.


And he watched with delight as his handiwork took effect.  He might not have been a great pilot, but with computers, he was a HELL of a programmer...



Meanwhile at KSC, Wernher was overseeing initial construction of the battleship.


He was instructing VAB crews how to construct the thing, because they had never constructed a ship like this in their lives.  But now, countless lives on Kerbin depended on normally peace-loving Kerbals to be ready to defend themselves at a moments notice.  And this ship would eliminate that threat.

But the downing of the KSS Ex-Jeb had an unforseen consequence - a drone unlike any other seen before started rolling soon after Kerbol set, programmed to respond to such a circumstance...


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  On 8/23/2016 at 1:10 AM, Just Jim said:

Oh man, I wish I had thought of that!  :D

Great set of chapters... Go hacker Bill!!!


I wanted to do two today because they go together really well.  I have to get going with the story on my hard drive, I've stalled out on it and I know what I want to happen, just need to do the things in KSP itself and take screenies as usual.

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Guess what?  it's MONDAY!!!!



The Etherium seemed to have all possible avenues covered, every single move anticipated, for this drone began rolling just a few minutes after the Ex-Jeb exploded.  And soon, the new drone was in the air, under darkening skies.


the Etherium stationed it on Kerbin a couple years ago, and shielded it with advanced cloaking technology.  They knew then what they would need to make Kerbin their own, but what they never counted on was the tenacity shown by these little green menaces.  If "Superunit 0003" could not get rid of KSC, they would lose the entire Kerbol system, they feared.

It had 6 targets - The radar center, R&D, the launch pad, administration, and two additional targets before suicide diving into the most important - the VAB.  Surely this would reverse the Etheriums fortunes as of late.  They needed Kerbin in the worst way...

And onward the Superunit flew, into the night...


Back at KSC, no indication of the ruin to come was detected by the radar system.  Gene had just gone to bed, and a recovering Jebediah was staring at the stars from his infirmary balcony.

"There's Minmus....Valentina...I'm so sad you got that mission extension...I miss you...and Haydi...You did not design the Revenge for entry and you paid the ultimate price...I respect you for trying to do what you did...you will be missed..."

As Jeb continued staring at the stars, a movement caught his eye.  A satellite?  It was low on the horizon and quite far away, so he couldn't tell.  He just shrugged it off.


Jeb started thinking about how he got his start at KSC, an eager young cadet just out of flight school.  Since then he proved his worth with being able to fly just about anything.  Even Gene's car once, which he wasn't happy about.  He just stared off into the blackness...and then the same movement caught his eye.  This time he stared intently at it, trying to figure out what it was.


It wasn't until it got even closer that Jebediah recognized...oh good Kerblord blue lights.  The Etherium!!  Jeb IMMEDIATELY woke up Gene.

"GENE, GENE, pick up damn you..."

"Kerbal Space Center, Eugen--"


"...Jeb, do that ONE MORE TIME....*click*"

It's true Jeb was on edge, and he phoned in at least 2 false alarms in an hour, but what if...


As it got closer...Jeb knew that this was NOT his overactive imagination.  This was real.  but what could he do?  He was in no condition to fly...KSC grounded him for the time being.  He was certain other pilots would be scrambled though...


But it wasn't until the first bomb hit that alarms could be heard throughout the KSC.  This one hit the R&D, these damn Etherium REALLY wanted to stop research.


And another hit took out the radar center!  By this time, KSC lower staff were rushing for the VAB, a fatal mistake.


This thing NEEDED to be stopped, but how?  It did not show up on radar for some reason, weapons systems wouldn't track it...


And the hits kept coming.  It was around this time, an eerie voice came through KSC radios.


Gene heard this, knew that Jeb was telling the truth, and hoped to HELL that mission control wasn't on the target list...but fortunately its last target was the launch pad, which wasn't destroyed.  It had actually tried to kamikaze into it.  But the rest of KSC was in shambles...


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I'm LAAAAATE but RL is getting a bit more hectic for me, and I haven't even touched KSP on my hard drive in a while.  so, when I get to the end of what I have on my drive, I'll do my best with the story.  In the meantime....ONWARD!!!!


Morning came, and the full devastation became evident.  the only buildings untouched were the hangar, mission control, and the Kerbonaut complex.  It was fortunate the drone did not target any buildings storing the battleship, and it could be launched from the runway...

Even so, Gene estimated the cost of Kerbal lives in the attack at 30% of the Kerbal workforce...Thankfully Jeb, Bill and Bob were still alive.  While the battleship was being prepped for launch, Bob went to see the extent of the damage.


R&D would need to be extensively rebuilt...


VAB too...but wait?   Bob picked up a ping on his radar and followed it.  And it lead directly to a piece of the drone wreckage!  Gene could use this...


Meanwhile, the battleship on its launcher was CAREFULLY moved out of the hangar, as the entire thing was nearly as tall as the hangar itself.  Readying it for launch was quite a bit of a tight squeeze in there, as the hangar wasn't designed with these things in mind.  

Most of the Kerbals on board were chosen from ones that were involved in all of this.


Just then, Gene was heard on all of their radios.  "My dear Kerbals...this ship.  This shining star is going to help us rid the system of the Etherium.  We have christened her earlier in a private ceremony, and we have named her the KSS Haydi.  May she be protected with whatever divine power we as Kerbals have."

Applause was heard in the various compartments on the ship, and then Gene spoke to the shipmates on the secure channel.

"I also have a somewhat unworthy mission...You are not on the runway because the KSC Groundskeeper "Flower" chose your launch site.  She says there are some very persistent weeds she is trying to get rid of at that location. I have no idea why she put the mission on the docket...but she is paying 200 Funds for completion of the mission.  At least we can put a segmented circle there...and you all can buy lunch.  It ain't my money..."

Trabelle spoke up.  "Okay!  We ready to go, everyone?"

They just nodded, They knew the gravity of what they were going to attempt to do...

They gave the OK to Gene, and soon after the KSS Haydi was headed into space.


Trabelle screamed into the radio.  "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.  Tell Flower she owes us 200!"

"Roger Haydi, will do!"

And soon the KSS Haydi was in orbit.


The Haydi could not go anywhere for a month and a half, as the radar center was rebuilt.  Also Jeb was feeling much better by the time it was almost complete, so he was allowed to drive, and inspect the building after completion.


"Jeb to Gene!"

"Gene answered the radio almost immediately.  "Go ahead Jeb!"

"Radar facility is complete!  It looks nearly identical to the old one, so does the rest of KSC!"


"That's because we have amazing construction workers at KSC.  They don't go to space, but they are just as important as say, YOU, Jeb!"

Jeb had to blush, but even so this was bordering on insane.

"Gene, I know you love me, but I'm married."

The next thing Jeb heard on the radio is fits of giggles from some girls in mission control.  Yep, Gene thought, that's the old Jeb alright...

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I wanted a romantic moment before all this kicked into high gear, soooooooo....FLASHBACK!


One fine morning, Jeb was tinkering away with his latest "invention", when he felt he needed to go talk to Gene about something important.  And so he left a pretty bewildered member of the VAB crew holding the tiny craft up by himself.

Jeb barged into Gene's office.  "Hey Gene!  I wanted to ask you something."

Gene spun around in an office chair.  "Yes, Jeb?"

"If I'm not being needed soon, can I go see Valentina?  Nownownowwaaaait, I know what you're gonna say, but Jebediah's Junkyard will pay for the mission."

Gene thought for a bit...it was no secret that Jeb and Valentina were a HUGE hit with each other, and Valentina was away heading up a base on Minmus, so they couldn't exactly SEE each other...Hell they were married!

"Jeb...as C.E.O. of KSC, you know I can't grant personal requests, however...as a good friend, I can.  Get outta here, Jebediah!  Be back in time for the Duna base mission!"

Jeb saw that huge smile on Gene's face, and smiled as well.  He liked Gene, as both a friend, and a boss.  This was the friend side of him.

Afterhours at the VAB, he started designing something to take him to Minmus.  It would have to be small enough just for him, and a small supply of fuel.  He also had to order a medium tank from Rockomax, which proved to be a chore...Rockomax had always stalled on their orders, they said "to make sure our customers get the absolute best", but Jeb wasn't so sure.  Something must be up with them, he thought.


It took a few hous, but he finished with his craft.  It was a huge drain on the Junkyard to the tune of 42 grand, but it was worth it, he thought.


And soon after that, he was on his way to Minmus.  He had to maintain radio silence since he wanted to surprise his wife with his arrival.

Meanwhile on Minmus, Valentina was scouting out the hills north of the base.  She had found something worth looking into, a rich vein of Ore, and wanted to ensure a consistent supply.


So she was taking readings constantly and verifying the density of this Ore, for a refinery.  She was so focused, she didn't notice a craft that had landed behind her.


And a little while later, Someone startled her!   "Boo!"


Valentina spun around, and as soon as she saw Jeb, she was shocked.  He wasn't due up here until after the Duna mission!

"Babe!  Why are you here?"


"Gene let me come up to see you before the Duna mission," Jeb mused.  "I was afraid that you might divorce me due to being away for so long."  At this, Jeb let out a hearty laugh.

"Jebediah Kerman, You know I would NEVER do that...I have never met a more handsome and sexy Gentlekerb in my life.  I love you."

"And I love you, Valentina.  Amazing that my whole world was at KSC and I didn't even notice you at first."

Val thought back on when they met.  Jeb had brushed her off many times, but that first flight in the same cockpit together changed everything.  Love at first sight, they say.  She would miss him while she was gone.

Jeb finally spoke after what seemed like ages. "Darling?"

"Yes my sweet?"

"Before I leave...can we?"

Val started giggling.  "Of course my love.  We'll use the Spacebus."


The Spacebus's sole purpose was to ferry the workers at the base from Kerbin orbit.  But that night, Val and Jeb rekindled their love for each other inside.  And Jeb had to right the thing in the morning as it had inadvertently tipped over.

"There!  The gravity is so low here, it weighs as much as my portable refrigerator.  No prob!"

"Jeb, my dear, I so wish you could stay...but we have out jobs to do, both of us..."

"Valentina, you will see me after the mission, no doubt about it!"


They used their tiny maneuvering thrusters to get back to Jeb's ship.


"Hey Val, I think she needs a name."

"Hmnnn...what about 'Love's Endeavour?'

Jeb thought this over for a bit...it DID ring a bell.  And he did forget chutes on it, but that was alright, he would rendesvous with someone in Kerbin LO.

"I need to get ready for Duna...you take care of yourself, I love you Valentina..."


"I love you, Jebediah..."


And as she watch Jebediah depart, she silently started to weep.


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You wanna see how Jeb works?  YOU WANNA SEE HOW JEBEDIAH KERMAN WORKS???  Look below.  lol  Oh, and I may have to re-write my story on my hard drive starting from Chapter 35, no spoilers but a certain mod does not work like I want it to, and I need something like it.  Jim, will be contacting you to see if you can set me up with a replacement.  Anywaaaaay....



Later that same day, Jeb was driving at breakneck speed through KSC.


He had finished about the 30th lap of a "race course" he had envisioned in his head, and had even radioed Gene to see if KASKAR (Kerbin Association of Stock Kar Auto Racers) could use the course he had dreamed up.  Of course, that was a resounding NO.  Still, since Jeb felt on the mend, he wondered...The car he was driving was a Kerbin Motors AC-2 Bolt, a car with large adjustable spoilers.  And he wondered...could he convince Gene that he was ready to fly again?  He wanted revenge against the Etherium for destroying the KSS Jeb, and most decisions come down to one crazy stunt...that is how KSC formed after all.

"Jeb to Gene.  You know me and planes right?"

"Gene here, Yes Jeb, I do."

"And you know I'm an aerodynamics expert right?"

Gene was getting suspicious.  "If you're going to do what I think you are..."

But Jeb had his mind set.  "Gene, just watch and be amazed."

Jeb readied in the field to the left of the crawlerway and prepared to impress Gene.  He fired up the Juno engine he had installed earler,  and took off down the grass.  He would need to jump the grade seperation on either side of the crawlerway, because the Bolt could not lift off traditionally.


And much to Genes suprise, that Bolt, a car that was NEVER, EVER designed to take to the skies, did so with Jeb at the helm.



Gene was so astonished that he called up Wernher to take a look, and even HE was flabbergasted.


As he came in for a landing, Gene wondered just WHAT to do.  Again, that was the same Jeb he knew, he was such an ace at everything concerning the wind and air...and at that moment he knew Jeb was ready.


Jeb didn't even reach the front door of Administration before Gene poked his head out and simply said "You're cleared, Jeb.  You're amazing..."

Jeb just smiled.

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